MovieChat Forums > Avengers: Endgame (2019) Discussion > So Infinity War basically means nothing ...

So Infinity War basically means nothing now---

This movie is ridiculous---putting time travel in here is basically giving them all a do-over and makes Infinity War seem like it didn't even matter in comparison. And it knows it's ridiculous cause this movie couldn't even present its plot without turning to making joke after joke about it. So much of this is terrible from Thor's ridiculous plotline to the redundancy and predictability of every scene. Huge disappointment.

Have a short review of this movie if anyone is interested. Enjoy! Review here -



Clearly you’re not with the critics on this one (usually you are). Well, sucks for your review does. :}


Your review sucks sorry. But everyone is entitled to their opinion. Sorry you didn’t like it. But the public has spoken. Most don’t agree with you. But it would be a boring place if everyone agreed I guess.


You have more grounds to complain when it comes to the jokes in the film but not so much in the time travel element. When you say Infinity War didn't matter what you really mean is the snap didn't matter which was the extreme end of Infinity War.

I would argue the snap mattered in the sense that it was a difficult thing to overcome. A lot of resources were required and some missteps were made to make things right. Then there was a whole new problem of dealing with an even more sinister plan from the villain that there was no coming back from had he won.

Plus Gamora Prime and Vision are still dead along now with others. Perhaps some will return in the new saga but they are permanent losses in the context of the MCU's Infinity Saga.


it still mattered... those who got snapped will now be 5 years younger than those who didn't


My thinking exactly Craig. Endgame is entertaining, yes. But also a letdown.


Do-over? You do realise that those outside the snap still died don't you? This was no do-over. Some events in Infinity War still have their ramifications.

Endgame didn't make Infinity War redundant either, it made Thanos even more determined to enforce his will, and had he succeeded, it would have been permanent with no chance to come back from.

Thor's plot line wasn't ridiculous either, you have to remember that Thor was the one that had he gone for Thanos' head, could have prevented the snap in the first place, but because he didn't, because he was more interested in mocking him.

Your hyperbole "huge disappointment" prevents me from bothering with your review, you're being deliberately contrarian for the sake of it, no clicks from me.



Also Doctor Strange looked into 12 million different futures in Infinity War and they lost in every single one of them except for this one. Pretty crazy odds stacked against them. Also the fallout from Infinity War is in the character moments as the characters deal with depression, grief, alcoholism, survivor's guilt and failure. Because of Infinity War the Avengers eventually become more determined than ever to do what it takes to win the day (Nat's self-sacrifice, Tony's self-sacrifice)

There's even a theory going around that Happy and Aunt May weren't snapped and have been dating for the last few years and that's why Peter is surprised about it in the Far From Home trailer. This is the furthest thing from a do-over they could have done and the movie is all the better for it.


I think Endgame retcon Infinity War.


And yet it doesn't.

Present day Gamora is still dead, as is Vision, the unsnap didn't retcon the 5 year difference either.


they will find a way to bring him back or rebuild him because the WandaVision show coming to Disney+.


"I get emails from a Racoon so nothing seems crazy anymore"

It's been ridiculous for a while now. As much as you may roll your eyes at quantum realm time travel pseudoscience stuff it paves the way for a fun and entertaining nostalgia trip through the MCU. It's not perfect but it's a wildly entertaining and emotional trip. Sure it's a little safe and predictable as well, but we all know if you subvert expectations too much you end up with something like The Last Jedi. A movie can only surprise you once anyway, I'd rather take all the great intimate character moments that I can rewatch and enjoy over a movie subverting my expectations for the sake of it.
