MovieChat Forums > Captain Marvel (2019) Discussion > Brie Larson confirms Captain Marvel will...

Brie Larson confirms Captain Marvel will be an activist movie about diversity, inclusivity and feminism

Brie Larson was inverviewed by Sana Amanat, comic writer that wrote for Captain Marvel and created Kamala Khan AKA Ms.Marvel (the first muslim superhero in Marvel). She confirms the movie will be activist about disversity, inclusivity and feminism


Oh the horror. Spare me the reactionary bellyaching unless Brie Larson jumps out of the screen and cuts you guys' nuts off.


That's what Ghostbusters did a couple of years ago. They shot the bad guy in the dick.

Racism is okay when progressives do it!


leftists are the only "racists" they use POC for their politcal tools to get what they want. if POC wander off the liberal plantation they will surface their hatred for them right away.


That "battle" has long been won. Who are they fooling? Cries for "diversity" these days fall into a few crass categories: (a) to win political points, (b) as an excuse to demonize white men, (c) attention seeking and social status ascension, (d) to seize power from those not perceived to be in "their camp", and (e) as subterfuge for their own sketchy behavior (hello Jussie Smollett).


Why is it white only countries that propagates freedom etc. are the ones demanding diversity from minorities? You don't really see it anywhere else.


The West is what holds back globalization. The globalists hate this, so we must go.


Kamala Khan beheaded all the non-believers of her faith and saves the world by ending all non-believers and establish a caliphate Islamic state in the world, the end. jk. If it is about all that was stated, they sure didn't show it in the trailers when I saw it. Guess we'll see once I go see it to be true or not.


Spare me the SJW feminist BS just make the movie and shut up.




You people are hilarious the way you actively look for things to complain about. Its like you are trying to talk yourself out of seeing something you know damn well you're going to see.


SJW's just don't get it.It's not the cast diversity or strong female leads that bothers anyone.It their cheesy obnoxious vomit inducing SJW writing.I want to hear quality dialogue.Not preachy sermons about about inclusivity and girl power.It's a dam movie not a feminism seminar.


It their cheesy obnoxious vomit inducing SJW writing. I want to hear quality dialogue. Not preachy sermons about inclusivity and girl power. It's a damn movie not a feminism seminar.
And all of this written dialog along with the Feminist seminar is in the movie?

Can't wait to not see that.


why do these superhero actors always champion for evil?
