MovieChat Forums > Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) Discussion > I didn't go because: sexuality

I didn't go because: sexuality

Sure it seems like a weak excuse, but I did not BOYCOTT this film... I was merely confused why a STAR WARS film had ANYTHING to do with sexuality. I'm sure it probably didn't but that was the final straw... their grab at viral headlines concerning the current trend of #MySexualityIsSomethingEveryoneNeedsToKnowAbout -ism. Fog that. Not supporting that life wasting endeavor. I just wanted to watch an action Star Wars movie. Ruined by Panny, tranny, omni, asexual, homo, lgbt, whatever, who gives a ship, leave it at home and STFU about it already.


I'm a fifty-something former fan. Just lost interest about 7-8 years ago, ya know? But, yeah....I completely hear what you're saying, and I agree with you 100%. Star Wars has enough politics and fighting for justice in it's own natural state; there's no need to pump it up a notch for the sake of being trendy or edgy or cool.



In the movie it was implied Lando Calrissian was supposedly in love with his robot. That was the only thing that related to anything panssexual


And it seemed more of a I Can't Imagine Life Without You than a sexual thing.




Yea and it's never made clear if he really is or if the droid is just delusional. It's such a non-issue to the movie that it would really be silly to avoid it because of that.


"it works"


Haha I thought that line was funny.


Yeah it was meant for humour - not so much to make a point from what I can tell.


That's too bad. It was barely a blip on the radar. You missed a great movie. Maybe you'll change your mind and see it.


It's a bad movie. FTFY


I liked it. What does FTFY mean?


Fixed That For You

You're alone therefore I'll call you Solo doesn't = great movie.


That's what I thought, but that doesn't make any sense. No one fixed anything for me.


.... it's not a good movie at all - but it isnt a terrible one either.

It's actually quite an uneventful film.


Well, I thought it was really good!


Thought it was really fun. I liked it as well Ziggy.




Another freak which didnt got that KK killed Star Wars with TLJ. So she could spit now in your face on a yearly base for all eternities :) ?


Not sure why you found it necessary to call me a freak, but I did, in fact, enjoy the movie. If you didn't like it, that's disappointing.

I think it's sad that you resorted to name calling and insults, but that's your prerogative.


Agreed. I liked it and the Lando-droid connection was barley a thing.




Agreed. I liked it and the Lando-droid connection was barley a thing.

I think people are just wondering wheat the whole point of the relationship was.


The best thing I can think of was to make the death more impactful. I still felt more when K-S20 died in R1.


That was an offhand comment that had no bearing on the actual movie.


I respect your decision but do find it strange how violence in movies is good but sexuality isn't.


that is an ENTIRELY different discussion for another day. :)


The heterosexuality of Luke, Han and Leia was irrelevant to the story of fighting the Empire, but it was front and center in the original trilogy. Didnt that bother you too?


didn't bother me at all since I am in the 97%. Why we cater films to fringe minorities is beyond me. Doesn't sound very profitable - and that is kinda important to keep films going. :D

REGARDLESS, it was pointless to bring up something that has NOTHING TO DO WHAT SO EVER to the plot in Solo.
I know it was just a comment.... it is sad what movies have had to become just to spark up a crowd.... they used to do that by having interesting STORIES. Crazy, I know!! :D


So just because someone is in a minority, they should "STFU" and leave their opinion and personality at home?

At what percentage would you allow someone else to be represented in a movie without you getting upset?


Anyone can voice their opinions on anything they want, anywhere, anytime. If you want to make MONEY, you appeal to the majority. Every Business 101 on planet Earth.

Plenty of minority niche movies already out there to cover the 3%. It's just stupid to tie it into a global blockbuster WHEN IT ISN'T EVEN ANY PART OF THE MOVIE PLOT WHAT SO EVER. In caps so it is shouting inside your head. :D

If it had SOMETHING to do with the plot direction, I would not have even posted. I can respect that. :)


Look I can BUY that in the Star Wars Universe perhaps human->Android relations aren't that crazy of an idea ... but that being said the film would have worked just fine without it.


If you want to make MONEY, you appeal to the majority. Every Business 101 on planet Earth.

If you want to make even more money, you appeal to everyone, majority and minority combined.

What you're talking about, though, is some in the "majority" boycotting something with even the TINIEST HINT of appealing to the "minority" (actually, not minority, because it's completely fictional implied robot-human sex, not like homosexuality or anything).

It's also literally BARELY even in the movie. It's basically one humorous, throwaway line from the robot, and that's it.

Basically you're saying that you refuse to see a movie unless it ONLY appeals to the majority, and ignores other people.

That's closed-minded bigotry, plain and simple.


you have no clue WHAT I am saying because you dont know me across the internet. welcome to life. you have YOUR perception of what you THINK I am saying, or slant. You are welcome to it.

I spelled it all out, plain and simple in my first post. I'm not telling anyone else to BOYCOTT anything, just what the final straw was for me. If I am influencing the entire internet, or the entire world with my words.... well, my my, I am so powerful! hahahahhaaha has thinking for ONESELF been bred out recently? I guess so. :)

I'm still free, as an individual, to decided what I choose to see or not see, based on whatever the heck I choose to think about anything. Those days are coming to an end with the idiot hive minded think tank of the internet global brain where everyone has to agree, but until I am dead, I don't have to participate in any of that moronic $#!t. :D

When you try to appeal to EVERYONE in a movie, you've created a boring, over saturated, watered down crap fest that ends up with 1% slivers of interest for everyone. Good luck with THAT diversity.


Glad to see someone else mention this - they keep acting like these people are large segments of the population when they are in the extreme minority.


yup. the REAL numbers speak the loudest about it, but are some how ignored. :D


Straight people are ignored? Wow, you are completely self-deluded.


hahahahaha nice try :)


Who are you referring to when you say "these people?" It's not an accusation, just an honest question.


Pansexuals, transexuals, etc. Even gay people are only about 5% of the population.


Well, rest assured. Other than two teeny, tiny moments, this movie has none of that in it. Blink, and you'll miss it. So, go and enjoy.

And, seriously, stop wasting your time getting so upset about inconsequential comments in one article. Life is too short.


Are you responding to someone else? Where am I "getting so upset about inconsequential comments in one article"?


The entire pansexual conversation is about a comment in an article, not about the movie.


A comment made by one of the writers of the movie concerning a relabeling of a legendary character. That is not "inconsequential", as the other poster said. What this has anything to do with my original comment is beyond me, as I didn't mention the article, or the comment, nor did I convey any anger. Hence my question to the other poster. Okay? Okay.


It is truly inconsequential, as it's a fictional character, and suggesting he's had sex with a robot is certainly not going to change his character in any way.

As for your original comment, are you implying that there is no reason to acknowledge "extreme" minorities in movies? Even when the acknowledgement is, itself, an extreme minority of the movie's running time?

Keep in mind that this movie didn't ACTUALLY acknowledge pansexuals, because humans don't have sex with robots (yet), which is what's mentioned in the movie.

I would then ask the same question I asked to the OP: At what percentage of the population does it become reasonable to acknowledge a group?


Go get into this shit with someone else, I'm not playing. I came here to make a single comment to a specific poster. So, fuck off and good day.


Aww, did you put your butt plug in backward?

Poor baby, I'm so sorry to force you to type when you're obviously sitting so very uncomfortably.


Thanks for the validation - that you are human trash that is best thrown away, not conversed with. It wasn't necessary however, your other posts here were more than enough. Ta-ta


Damn, that bruise on your ego is huge, and so purple.


You said, "they keep acting like these people are large segments of the population"

That is 100% saying that if someone is in the minority, they don't matter. Rather than resorting to insults (as you do below), you could try answering the question.

Are you saying that if you fall into a small percent you don't matter? And if that's the case, at what point does a person matter?

Both quite valid questions based on your comments.


per usual internet misconstruction of conversation, NO ONE said minorities don't matter. NO ONE. Make up whatever you want inside your own head, but leave it there instead of making something out of NOTHING. NOTHING.

Meanwhile.... to quote you:
You said, "they keep acting like these people are large segments of the population"
That is 100% saying that if someone is in the minority, they don't matter.

How? Is English your primary language? IF not, I understand your lack of understanding the sentence. If it is, I could easily shred every word of what you are trying to twist and claim. Really.... WTF... HOW do you make THAT big of a leap in misunderstanding that statement?? I really don't know how that is even possible. Read, and understand EACH WORD in the statement, put it all together to see how way wrong you were apparently reading it. My god.

Here's is my analogical example:

"The sky is green"
um, yeah, that is like saying birds have anvils tied to their beaks.

What? WTF really
This is literally the dumbest thing I have read today.

...."internet"... it figures :D


Well, first, I wasn't quoting you. But since you asked, I was simply trying to point out that even if a topic or conversation only applies to a small percent of the population, that doesn't mean having it be a part of a movie is a direct insult on the majority of the population. Just because the percent of homosexuals may be small (probably closer to 10% than 3%, but still small) doesn't mean those topics can't be addressed in movies.

I probably should have included a larger portion of the original text: "they keep acting like these people are large segments of the population when they are in the extreme minority." My point was, why does that matter? If the argument is that it's only a small percent of people and therefore shouldn't be included in a movie, that is saying that the minority don't matter.

To quote you: "Ruined by Panny, tranny, omni, asexual, homo, lgbt, whatever, who gives a ship, leave it at home and STFU about it already."

As several of us have mentioned, the part of the movie you were addressing is so tiny, it really barely even noticeable. But you don't seem to care about facts!

Just go see the movie, already! You might be surprised at how much you like it.


"As several of us have mentioned, the part of the movie you were addressing is so tiny, it really barely even noticeable. But you don't seem to care about facts!"

And it's also about robot-human sex, not about any of the things he's whining about, not about any of the people he's telling to STFU.

But again, he doesn't care about facts, because he obviously created this topic to provoke people.




wrong. I expressed EXACTLY what I was talking about in the OP :)


I'll take the bait. You created this whole "What percentage" scenario yourself. No one was saying those in a minority don't deserve recognition (although why it's necessary in the first place is a better question). The complaint is how that recognition is being forced into a story and onto a pre-existing character that had already shown his sexual interests (Attempting to romance Princess Leia). And why it's necessary to the story.

Bowing to minorities and taking characters that had existing traits and changing them to suit a small minority of people is no different than taking a character who is a minority race and making them white. Why is it not ok one way but fine the other?

I haven't seen the film, I do not know the context of the scene. But it's obvious how this has become prevalent in modern film and TV and I do find it funny how every group, even majorities, now have to be represented in nearly everything released for public consumption. And not only how unrealistic that expectation is but how absurd it is to expect over 50% of our cinema to cater to less than 3% of the population.

Entertainment was much more entertaining when it was tactful and subjects of this nature were left mostly to the viewers interpretation/imagination and the story was the most important part of the film. Now movies get reviewed and panned for not being inclusive enough regardless of how bad or great they are. It's bad enough the majority of movies now suffer from writing with the mentality of 12 year olds and the elegance once shown on screen is now just a brainless expose of "This will be cool, who cares if it makes any sense".

Now add the lack of escapism that was once possible; The desire to immerse yourself into another world to get a break from the real world. Which now is nearly impossible when almost every movie must contain a social and/or political commentary. Otherwise people from all sides complain that you haven't taken a side so deserve to be vilified.


and onto a pre-existing character that had already shown his sexual interests (Attempting to romance Princess Leia). And why it's necessary to the story.

Pansexuals are attracted to the opposite sex as much as they are anything else...

Anyway, Lando in this movie is only suggested to have had a physical relationship with a ("female") droid. That's pansexuality in Star Wars, not in the real world. Maybe he likes Twi'lek girls too.

Also, I believe their relationship actually becomes an element of the plot, like she cares so much for him that she decides to help when it could be dangerous for her.


As I said I can't comment on the scene in question. I will probably like that relationship depending on how it's portrayed in the movie based on everything I have heard. Mostly I was pointing out how the "What percentage" question had nothing to do with anything and how both sides are killing cinema because of their agendas, on top of poor plot/storytelling and overbearing FX. For me it's the latter that's the biggest problem. The other just gets irritating, especially when it's done tactlessly and doesn't feel blended but crammed in blatantly to appease and grease the squeaky wheels. When a vision takes the back seat to an agenda, the agenda will be what most people want to talk about and no one will care what the vision was anymore. We are seeing the result of that now with SW.

I forgot to comment on the whole pansexual thing. Pansexuallity has nothing to do with this. That is a term someone mentioned that is being thrown around but doesn't fit the scenario. Robosexual is sex with robots, or you might get away with objectophilia; the attraction to objects. Pansexual means you can be attracted to any other biological sexuallity, for instance; straight, trans male or female, gay, etc. Essentially it is being bisexual to the extreme. Nothing I have heard about the Lando scenes makes him even remotely pansexual.


What do you mean by the 97%? And what, exactly, do you think the 3% represent? I'm just not sure where you are going with that comment.

This movie isn't catering to anything. There was one random comment about Lando, and too many people freaked out. There was one, very small moment in the movie when Lando morns the death of his droid. I think the comments against it are ignorant and ridiculous.


if you dont understand the 3% and 97%, there is nothing here to discuss at all.


Well, I teach math at a university, so I very much understand percents. That wasn't my question.

Why do you think the 3% don't matter? I'm assuming you mean the 3% of the population (that number is incorrect, by the way) that is homosexual. But that wouldn't be including the very large percent of heterosexuals that support them. That also wouldn't include the very large percent of enlightened people in the world that are capable of enjoying a movie without worrying about such trivial nonsense.

But, if it really bothers you that much, just don't see the movie. Your loss.


again, still, no one has SAID or implied 3% doesn't matter. Just your post brings it up.

to put it simply - kinda like I said in my quoted post below - us 97% are tired of hearing about it. WE DONT CARE WHO IS GAY. MENTIONING it does not need to happen. That is like if we 97%ers walked around all day long telling people, "Oh hey.... I'm strait!" Would you get tired of hearing about it? WE are tired of hearing about it. NOT JUDGING, simply don't care, don't need to be told constantly. Yes, please, dear god and I AM speaking for the 97% who are too polite to say what they truly feel.... STFU about it. WE DONT CARE! Boink whomever, or whatever you want, and dont tell anyone about it. WE DO, and WE DONT tell everyone about it.
Learn proper social manners.

all this relates to....

who gives a SHIP about Landu's sexual preference?? Why is it even commented on OUTSIDE the movie? This whole issue should never have existed in the first place.


Han & Leia kissed in Empire and in Jedi. Anakin and Padme got married and conceived twins. How is that not bringing it up? One person mentions something briefly in an article, and that's just too much. Barely anything was said in the movie, and absolutely nothing was shown or even implied.

You might not have meant to say non-heterosexuals don't matter, but the teeny, tiny thing you complained about says otherwise.


That's called "appealing to the majority / relateable". That's how the real world operates whether we like it or not, or WISH it was different. It's not, and never will be. Others not understanding that truth is not my problem, nor responsibility. :)


Or, you could just say, "Eh, not my cup of tea," and move on with your life. Why the need to come here and complain? Why say bad things about a movie you've never seen?


The only sexuality depicted in Solo was your garden variety heterosexuality. You've been conned by people reading their own agenda into things.




I know. My point was, they used some silly statements as viral marketing. How about marketing the stuff that is actually IN the movie?? SELL me on the cool stuff, not some outside junk that has nothing to do with the film... like SEXUALITY in a STAR WARS film? REALLY? (I know there was no sex, but the statement discussed a non existant background to a character)
