first episode. spoiler

was very good.


But *spoiler* if Travis turns out to be alive, that'd be stupid. I'm very surprised, since they just killed Chris, and I'm a little bummed, since I found Travis one of the more tolerable characters, but like that guy told Alicia, no one could survive that fall. That's not even taking into account his major injuries beforehand, and that even if he somehow miraculously survived, he'd need hardcore immediate medical attention that realistically would not be available.


i know. i can't believe that was travis's send off. i thought chris's was bad but this was much worse. i realize he has movies now but he deserved better and so did the fans.


Do we know that Chris is actually dead though? We only have the word of the 2 assholes that they killed him. If the inter-cut scenes had been a depiction of what they said happened, rather than what actually did happen, like perhaps we ran away from them, then we may still see him in the future.

They could have been lying to him. They are the type of assholes that would.


To be fair, this was the second episode not first. It was a total surprise they killed him off. There was no indication Travis was going to be knocked off in the first ep.


It was a realistic death in that kind of situation.

However, he's probably still alive.


the more i think about his death, the more i like his send off. we don't always get to say goodbye to our loved ones. at least alicia was with him.


I was surprised because it was just as he was coming to a realization. After his experience with the bros and Chris it seems like he was finally starting to settle in to the reality of his new world.

I agree, there's no way to live through that. The injury was fatal and he knew it, that's why he dumped himself.

Also, the fall was certainly fatal.

Finally, [spoiler]the Executive Producer confirmed it on Talking Dead. So, yeah, he's gone. [/spoiler]


The EP confirming it is probably the one that least matters to me, they'll say anything for a misdirect.


So happy, yes!!! It's as though the TIIC FINALLY LISTENED TO FANS!


The thing Mercedes Mason did on Talking Dead hinted that Ofelia or whatever group she is with may have shot the helicopter. We're definitely going to find out who shot him.


Ofelia is at the same camp, Charlie Udder rescued her from the desert in EP 14 of last season


Ofelia is coming back in the next episode.


I can't tell if the show is getting better, or if I'm just getting acclimated to its shittiness.

Sick though it was, it was interesting how they were trying to learn more about how the zombies and the disease functioned. I wonder if they will explain more as this season goes forward.

I don't know what they were doing with Strand other than giving him some work to earn his paycheck... there seems like better ways to explain why he would leave and the mother would die. That whole scene where he claimed to be a doctor made no sense to me, he could have just let them in and they would've been happy. Also I don't know how those ropes would have keep them out anyway.

Kim Dickens acting was shit. Her facial expressions over Travis' death made her look more like she was trying to fart than experiencing any profound loss. I've seen her do decent work before, but for some reason in this show it just isn't good and she's the show's center. Would've been better to keep Cliff Curtis instead although I guess for some crazy reason he decided to choose Avatar over this show.

The good brother seems like a good addition... I've said before that what the show lacks are any competent heroes to root for... maybe he will fix that part.

If the bad son is a deranged or evil genius... why would he be dumb enough to hand Nick a loaded gun?

The father's character just feels like Wayne had a secret family and survived the apocalypse.


i liked both episodes. i have no complaints. i hope they keep it up.


I know I sounded negative, but clearly I'm rooting for the show to succeed if I've watched two full seasons already. It started out very well... only to fall back into some of its bad habits. I'd be happy if it managed to get up to the quality of the original shows weaker seasons. (although still better than TWD's last season)


a lot better than twd season 7. i'm hoping they get it back on track for season 8.


yep, me too! It wasn't so much that it was bad to watch as that they accomplished nothing for an entire year.


The good brother seems like a good addition... I've said before that what the show lacks are any competent heroes to root for... maybe he will fix that part.

we can only hope.


"I can't tell if the show is getting better, or if I'm just getting acclimated to its shittiness."
I definitely didn't notice as many outrageously preposterous moments as before, but that may be just because not a whole lot happened.

"Sick though it was, it was interesting how they were trying to learn more about how the zombies and the disease functioned. I wonder if they will explain more as this season goes forward."
Kind of reminded me of Milton during the Governor arc.

"That whole scene where he claimed to be a doctor made no sense to me, he could have just let them in and they would've been happy."
Yeah, why even bother with the lie? Just "hey, I'll let you in if you don't kill them."

"Also I don't know how those ropes would have keep them out anyway."
Another one of those minor annoyances that could be easily overlooked, but when added together with others become a distraction from the show. This large gathering of survivors didn't have a knife to cut the rope? Really? Could have easily been a chain with a padlock, but whatever.

"Her facial expressions over Travis' death made her look more like she was trying to fart than experiencing any profound loss."
Nothing new here.

"The good brother seems like a good addition... I've said before that what the show lacks are any competent heroes to root for..."
I thought maybe they could give it a twist and make him the most evil of all in the end. But his relatively heroic actions after the helicopter crash make him seem sincere.

"If the bad son is a deranged or evil genius why would he be dumb enough to hand Nick a loaded gun?"
That whole scene was an eye roller. Once Nick pointed the gun, they should have opened fire. These are survivors ready to defend their compound, but they didn't, because drama.


lol... it's sad during the summer break how we all will settle for a show based on a lower ratio of preposterous moments.

Normally when you have an action/adventure/horror genre type show... you have heroic characters surrounded by a few cowards or subversive characters to keep things interesting... maybe some comic relief as well. What made FTWD unusual is that nobody really fit the bill of a competent, intelligent, honorable character (the equivalent of Rick, Glenn, Daryl, Carol, Maggie)... I'm guessing they were supposed to be Maddie and Travis but they were dragged down by their own baggage into making constantly bad decisions so what we ended up watching was a frustrating clusterfuck where a group of incompetents with no redeeming qualities were wandering into progressively worse situations. This probably made things (unintentionally) more realistic... but not much fun to watch. I liked what I saw of the good brother and his partner who sadly died almost immediately... I'm hoping he can somehow counterbalance some of the dysfunction in the group although he'll probably end up dead by the end of the season.


They show Travis surviving all of that mayhem in the base, just to off him super early in the second episode. I gotta say, that was unexpected--and it actually felt realistic.


Oh I was so delighted!! He is one of THEE most terrible "actors" I have ever seen, and so ugly!! Honestly. he ruined the show, so glad he is gone gone gone!!
