A bad Canadian comedy

This is getting picked up by CBS in the USA. Also has a 8.1 rating. I don't get it.


I watched a couple of episodes and found it completely unfunny. Never watched it again.


Wasn’t too bad until the compulsory gay theme was introduced. Turned me off.


Thats funny as an entire theme in the show is that there is no homophobia at all.....

Gay people exist in real life so they should be represented appropriately and this show did it very well.


Aww, did you have to see a gay character?


That's because it's a great show.

That's precisely the thing - you don't get it.


I am Canadian and I do get it but don't like it.


I found this one of the better Canadian shows overall....up there with Kim's Convenience and Little Mosque on the Prairie.

Support Canadian talent!


I stopped watching after the first episode. Too bad because it has a great cast.


It has a very subtle type of humor that not everyone is into and that is okay.


Well you’re a leafs fan so you wouldn’t know good comedy


some leafs fan like it.


Watched about 20 minutes. Not funny. Next


CBS is picking it up after the show has already run its course? Now that Modern Family and The Big Bang Theory are off the air, there are no great comedies left on any of the networks, and this is a desperate attempt to try and fill that void. To be honest, now that there are so many online entertainment options available, I think the era of the iconic sitcom (e.g. Seinfeld, Friends, BBT) is over.


The big bang theory sucks


I was late to the party but I think it was a pretty good show actually. I got a few laughs. Sweet finale too.

Overall I’d give the few seasons I saw a solid 7/10
