MovieChat Forums > Ellen Page (2013) Discussion > From now on THIS is the official page fo...

From now on THIS is the official page for Ellen Page (aka Elliot Page)

Yep seems perfect.


If she came out as a man 10 years earlier, her official page would still say Ellen. The world became collectively insane in the last 10 years.


Transgenderism is the biggest lie in the world today. We will look back at this time in shame.


The biggest lie is "the devil doesnt exist".

I think all these chaotic ideas and agendas are linked together by the forces of darkness, they either worship the devil or they are being used by the devil.

Why else would they push transgenderism so hard onto us like its normal? The alphabet people as well are being pushed onto the populous so much that polls indicate that common folks think 25% of people are gay when its really like 4%. And in the U.S. only 0.6% of the populous are transgender.

Its not normal behavior, its fringe.


It is a social contagion, it is trendy and cool to be part of the LGBT group so a lot of people do it to feel special.


Trendy and cool to a very small, very loud part of the populace.


Okay, I'm LGB ... gay ... really bisexual ... I prefer queer because I don't like the alphabet soup any more than you do. In fact, I probably despise it more than you because it hits home to me.

But most "LGB" people don't relate to this transgender nonsense any more than most heterosexuals. I do not feel it's part of my equal rights movement.

So you people have to be honest though. We've had a jack boot on our necks for centuries. Can you deny that? I've also seen where 20% of teenagers consider themselves homosexual or bisexual now. And though I'm Gen X, I believe it.

Queer people my age had to hide it. We wouldn't tell our families let alone pollsters. The 20% looks right to me because sexuality is more flexible than any of us will admit.

But bottom line, I ain't trying to feel special. I just like both men women and love either, yeah, I'll fuck either.

I think it's you hets who want to feel special. And don't lump me in with Ellen Page.


It would depend on the area you live in, but 1 out of every 5 people being gay is too high for the common concensus. Most areas, you wont be able to put 100 people in a room and find out 20 are gay. I dont know where you live but where Im at I do not see that number.

The polls of 2021 said 7.1% of U.S. Adults claim to be queer. With that number being on the rise since 2012. But the chart shows it aint up by that much. as you stated as well, younger people claim it more easily than older but the data shows its not that high overall.

Now thats 7.1% for America, one of the freest countries out there with regards to individuality. But if you take the entire world populous into account that percentage comes out to about 4%. Now that could be the cultures, and could be the fear of coming out, as to why that number is polled smaller. But still its low enough even in america where I would say its not common like its depicted in shows and movies these days.

You touch on a subject that I think people need to understand which is the LGBTQ is not really a community. Theres plenty of people who do not agree with the alphabeters as whole just because they are lumped in with them automatically.

Do you feel like its live and let live? Or do you see many queer people pushing there lifestyles out there in media form? Im curious your point of view since you claim being queer.

My point of view: There are shows with gay characters that I like, but theres many shows that seem to be just ticking a box on the diversity roster or actively pushing a gay agenda. I also dont like how they wanna talk to elementary kids about chooisng their sexual orientation and all these tiktok/youtube videos of teachers coming out to their class. Why would these kids need to know their personal sex life of the teacher or talk about sex ed way before they mature?

Im not lumping you in, but just giving my viewpoint.


Queer is an umbrella term (like the alphabet soup) and they keep adding more and more subcategories so of course the total number will then go up. I honestly think that at this point in the US and other western countries there is a heterosexual majority in the so called queer community.

Like whenever I see a high school or college aged girl with green or blue hair telling me her "preferred pronouns" it just reminds me of the same type of people back when I was their age and they were called goths and emos. They just want attention and to feel special for few years and then few years later end up married with kids like most people.

My homosexuality is not an identity I picked for myself and honestly I wish these people would back off and stop ruining everything that was accomplished with the early years gay rights movement.

It should be about having the same basic rights as everyone else and being left alone to live your life. Not shove it down the throats of people and being all authoritarian about it.




To clarify I'm not against adults mentioning or discussing sexuality or gender identity. But lecturing to young kids in school is a different story.

And the authoritarian part is like trans people demanding to be let into single sex spaces for the opposite sex and forcing people to use "correct" (really incorrect) pronouns.

And then of course there is the whole cancel culture where the current movement as a whole plays a large part.


Thats exactly the problem. How much do we have to participate in THEIR personal view of themselves? Why do they need our kids to emulate their views and behavior?

This is a free country, and live and let live is fine if I leave you alone and you leave me alone. All this doesnt feel like we are being left alone to live our lives how we see fit.


lol this reminds me of when that republican politician tried to pretend that he was a black gay guy :

Righties love to pretend that they are gay so they can trash gay people and say that it's okay because they are gay too!


My 20% was rounded up from memory. But this source says 1 in 6 of Gen Z adults are LGBT, or about 17%:

1 in 6 Gen Z Adults are LGBT

So lets say it is 1 in 6 for younger folks. I believe it's always been that number even in my age group over 50. Many of us didn't even acknowledge it to ourselves. I'm sure you've heard of people who marry the opposite sex and have children, and then years later realize they're gay or lesbian. I've personally known many.

So there would be many people who would have sex with the same sex, but wouldn't acknowledge even to themselves or identify as homosexual or bisexual. I'm sure you've heard of downlow?

So you say 1 in 6 is too high for the common consensus? But most bisexuals just conveniently forget that time with one friend, or they were in the navy and got drunk, blah blah blah. In my age group there were many who never even considered themselves bisexual yet had had sex with the same sex.

There is still such a stigma. I live in liberal Los Angeles. My niece's teenage son recently came out as gay. But he himself hid it for years. This is what galls me a bit when straight people say it's "trendy". It's still hard for youngsters to come out even now.

My point is that these differing numbers only confirm that our number has always been under represented. You say 4% in the world but 7% in the U.S. Obviously, if you live in Iran where they have the death penalty for homosexuality, fewer people are going be "gay". Lol.

And yes. I don't like Ellen and I don't like her claiming to represent me. And remember Ellen's ex girlfriend Anne Heche? She's with a man now. Lol. No, those people do not represent me.

So no, I don't like the "diversity roster" because they usually choose a stereotype to represent me. There is a core gay community, parts of town where we hang out, so that does exist.


I would be surprised if even 0.5% of people noted on a poll they were gay in a muslim dominated state, considering they still do stonings over there.

I learned a lot about gays from my cousin, who tried to kill himself a few years before he came out. Thats why I understand that its not always a choice. Bisexuals often hide their orientation depending on who they are with at the time. If they're with gay friends they'll be gay, but with straight friends they'll be straight. I talked about that in an older post.

The number is rising because there is less of a stigma being gay then there was decades ago, as a whole they are more accepted (in freer countries). Theres still the issue of young people being impressionable, and I would bet that many bisexuals ended up with a hetero partner later in life.

Thats probably why bisexuals are stigmatized by the gays because they make it look like a choice.


You're right. And bisexuals are the reason the numbers keep changing. It's very easy for them to hide that they also like the same sex. And most bisexuals end up marrying the opposite sex to have children and have a spouse for social reasons.


The fact that the rise of LGBT population is almost exclusively among the young is proof that people are actually becoming more LGBT as opposed to just admitting it.


No it's not. Your logic doesn't follow. It's proof that we have more freedom and choice over our sexuality and fewer people are suppressing their homosexuality and bisexuality. There's fewer people in the closet. We all know that's a fact.


And it has gotten 100 times worse just in the past 2 years.


I'm for it!




thank you


