MovieChat Forums > So, George Floyd kinda deserved it (2020) Discussion > That's some title... and some synopsis.

That's some title... and some synopsis.

Is IMDb aware this is on their site?


I love it! Some liberal democrat will probably throw a hissy fit and demand it to be taken down, tearful outbursts, foaming at the mouth”think of the negros”


I love it! Some liberal democrat will probably throw a hissy fit and demand it to be taken down, tearful outbursts, foaming at the mouth”think of the negros”


I guess


haha. all he had to do was sit in the back seat like a normal human being.


Also it doesn't make sense. Even if the director thinks he was a drug addict, that doesn't give you the right to choke him out for several minutes. That's still, by all definitions, murder.

Also you don't get to justify killing a random person by retroactivly looking up their past.


He had enough fentanyl in his system to kill two people.


What does this have to do with the officer kneeling on his throat for 9 minutes? Do you think that's accept for an officer to do?


You dont think it's important to know he had enough fentanyl to kill two people? It wasn't aspirin, it was fentanyl.


Not when the topic is about crushing someone's throat for 9 minutes. No

Does this mean you can just kill someone "because they were drunk"?


His throat was not crushed, read the autopsy.

Yes you can kill someone if they are drunk.


Did you read the autopsy? Why are you defending crooked cops? Just say that one was bad and move on.


Yes I read the autopsy. His throat was not crushed.


You know?? The more I think about it, the more I'm inclined to believe Chauvin should've called for assistance to the other 2 officers standing close by doing nothing at the time and with 3 of them, could've assisted in getting him into the vehicle without any further harm, but too late now?? 🤔


In the full hour video, they had to coerce him to sit in the back of the car over and over, with him already wailing that he couldn't breathe, that he was claustrophobic, even though moments ago he was seated in another car, soon after begging the cops to lay him on the ground. That's from the effects of the fentanyl relaxing his diaphragm making it harder and harder to draw air in to his lungs, and the panic from the meth.

Watch the whole video, most of you for the first time, and draw your own conclusions.


If that's true then why is Chauvin sitting in prison for most of the rest his life if Floyd died from fentanyl? Floyd was a piece of shit but it wasn't up to Chauvin the execute him in the street.


Right there is what I call a Double Feel Good ending! A dead piece of crap and a corrupt cop off the streets. Win-Win.


So the court system always gets it right?


No, the court system doesn't always get it right. The fact that Chauvin was convicted is not by itself evidence that he did anything wrong.

What does present well as evidence is that damning video that shows Chauvin compressing Floyd's neck/chest into the ground until he stopped breathing, and then continued to do so for three minutes after no pulse was found.

That's why Chauvin is in prison.

Floyd was a piece of shit thug who should have listened and complied the first time - no one is arguing that. But none of that was deserving of being smothered to death.


My point was that just because the court system convicted him isn’t evidence by default that he is guilty.


Fair enough.


Makes perfect sense. Living a life of crime ends up 2 ways, dead, or in prison. He ended up getting killed. Was he wrongfully killed? Probably. It doesn’t change the fact that he put himself in that position by living that lifestyle. It was eventual.

The problem with people like you is that you want to remove all accountability from people because something bad happened to them. Sorry, but he played a role in his own death.
