MovieChat Forums > Arrival (2016) Discussion > Hollywood and the military just nuke eve...

Hollywood and the military just nuke everything obsession.

I swear is anyone getting a little tired of all Hollywood movies portraying the US. Military as a lets nuke it bc we don't understand it stereotype. Its like every single movie anymore. Such a cop out.(xmen first class great example) How many times in history has the US military nuked something bc it didn't understand it? Why are all military officials arrogant egotistical maniacs who just want to blow everything up and its the artsy intellectual academia that is always trying to stop it? WHATEVER give me a break this movie was a 5 at best. Boring plot, horribly slow pacing, stereotype military stand in charecters. How on earth does this get an 8.1.


The military has only nuked something once in history (in two doses), but a lot of thought went into the decision, and it was done because they actually did understand it very well and knew that nuking was the only way to stop it. The result was many killed in the short term, but many more saved in the long term.


Do you realise that it was innocent civilians who were nuked?the US is the mother of terrorism. And the irony is that the US have the nerve to preach,and accuse Iran of trying to obtain Nukes,while the fucking US is the only side that used them against civilians!!
Fuck the US


There were no innocent civilians in Japan then. They gave that up when they bombed Pearl Harbor. Also, all Japanese citizens would have defended the islands to the death. The conservative death toll for the invasion of Japan was 1.25 million.

We are trying to (and will) prevent Iran from gaining nukes. It's one of those things we can't un-invent, (like VX gas, when they were trying to create a pesticide) but we can stop from getting into the hands of raving lunatic religious zealots.

The best thing is we don't really have to: no one else wants the Muslim filth of Iran to get them either.

As to the US military wanting to nuke everything in every Hollywood movie, that's just a Liberal attitude. First off: the military cannot authorize the use of thermonuclear devices- that's a political decision. But Hollywood (and the Liberals) don't want anyone to know that: they want a bunch of scared sheeple, sucking at the Liberal tit, dependent upon them for safety, security, and society.

The saddest thing is that there are a whole lot of Americans that want to be that very thing.



[–] joegerardi (373) 6 years ago
There were no innocent civilians in Japan then.

Surely you know that civilians, Americans and others, were interned for the duration of WWII in Japan? What were they guilty of?


What does that have to do with civilians in Japan?

For the Nisei interned during the war, you can than the Liberals' uber-god, FDR. He even knew it was unconstitutional (and hence, illegal) but did it anyway.



You claimed that there were "no innocent civilians in Japan". Everyone else knows this is false statement, why don't you?

The reason my claim has something to do with civilians in Japan, is that there were civilians of many nationalities in Japan during WWII. Duh?

What do these words mean? "you can than the Liberals' uber-god, FDR"


What civilians were in Japan that weren't Japanese? they were terribly xenophobic, and any that weren't allies (and hence enemies of the Western Alliance) were indeed prisoners of war. It was believed that they would have been killed when the US invaded. They weren't civilians- US prisoners of war were soldiers- not civilians

And sorry about the other- typing faster than I was thinking. Should have been "you can blame the Liberals' uber-god, FDR..."



Here is some information on civilian internees of the Japanese during WWII. Why are you do resistant to learning any history of WWII? Does it really interfere with your narrative that much?


More innocent civilians died in UK firebombing Dresden than in the nuking of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. You do realize that convventional bombing on pretty much every major european city was worse than the nukes, right?


The Germans started carpet bombing...


The Germans started carpet bombing...


You just compared two different personalities, the artsy academia who think things out before acting, often times to a disadvantage, and the brash military aggressive minded outspoken jocks who act on emotion that attracts females who are also emotional and respond better to men who act on their emotions as opposed to using logic and reason to solve problems.


Thank you!

I was really getting into this movie and then, about 1/3rd of the way in, you have the soldier talking to his scared wife who exemplifies the "typical" American, blue-collar reactionary (as Hollywood believes us to be) and portrays the university intellectuals and scientists as the only really smart people who can deal with the situation.

Hollywood can go F itself!

I also take deep offense to the targeting of "Pentecostals" who kill themselves. I know some Pentecostals and though I don't subscribe to their interpretation of Christianity, I do know that they wouldn't set their church on fire and commit mass suicide in anticipation of the second coming of Christ. Anyone who has a modicum of knowledge about who Pentecostals are, would know how they view suicide and that they wouldn't do such a thing. It's complete bullshit!

And just WHY are all other people on Earth always shown as rioting and freaking out over contact with alien civilizations? That's simply absurd in 2017 when nearly EVERY country on the planet in plugged into the WWW. We have knowledge everywhere and nearly everyone that possesses a PC, mobile phone, television, I-Pad or Blue Tooth device can tap into said knowledge at anytime and nearly anywhere. So I call BS on that portrayal of humanity's reaction and response. It's just another way to make mankind out to be mindless sheep and I'm sick of it.

Oh and one last thing, INTERSTELLAR was far and away SUPERIOR to this movie.

Is ARRIVAL a bad movie? No. It's just a good movie, albeit a flawed one.
Could the story of ARRIVAL have been told better? Of course. It should have been.
Did they stereotyping of the average American seem insulting? A resounding YES!

In the end, ARRIVAL was an opportunity for an incredible Sci-Fi classic, that was turned into an average, "watch it once" type of movie.


Watching this now, and thought the exact same thing.


When all you've got is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail...


I was going to say that.

Because that's how Hollywood screenwriters think...
