Could the Coronavirus have saved this film?

What if question here folks:-

If the Coronavirus had been just a wee bit quicker and taken out cinema going just 3/4 months earlier, Disney would have pulled this until Christmas 2020.

With an extra year of potentially further reshoots / post-production could this film have been saved?


No, JJ lazy writing would not change


Eh.... they probably couldn't have done any reshoots because film productions are shutting down all over. So i'm still not sure they could have fixed anything.

Best thing this movie could have done is leaked a workprint, suffered the outrage, and rewritten and reshot the entire thing.


Good idea!
Then they could leak the rewrite ...
do that half a dozen times just to prove the fans will *never* be satisfied


Nope. They already reshot 50% of the film before release anyways. It probably cost Disney tens of millions of dollars on top of the already $250 million dollar budget.

Delaying the film would only further add to costs. No way they could recuperate their budget back with these scenarios.


no, I don't think so.


Right now Disney is probably just thankful they got it out when they did (not delayed it to summer or Xmas 2020)


i agreed. I think Disney is happy that they this movie out before the Virus happen.


Nope. They probably thought what they had was good enough to begin with. They probably thought "Everybody's going to love this."


they were right. everybody did love the movie. lol


"They probably thought "Everybody's going to love this.""

Or more likely "everybody's going to see it anyway..."


No, they were probably arrogant enough to think they'd put together a masterpiece.


Only it killed the executives and production staff before they started writing the script.


happy birthday


If you mean from an artistic standpoint, then no, this extra time would not have "saved" this movie, and I put that in quotes because it depends on your opinion of it. First, as others have said, there is no production going on right now for anything. So there wouldn't be a way for them to do reshoots or test screenings. And second, who knows if they would have wanted to make any more changes, even if they could make them.

As far as box office goes, if it had been bumped back a year, that could have been a disaster for it. First, we don't even know for sure if or how many theaters will be open in December. And they might not allow them to be filled to capacity. And second, even if the whole country and world is back to fully open by that point, a large percentage of people might not be as willing to sit in a dark crowded theater yet. And with the vast improvements in streaming services, many people might prefer to just wait for it to become available for them to watch at home.

The way it worked out might have been the best case scenario for Disney, and while they may have hoped for more from the final box office, they are still happy with it. They cleared the $1 Billion mark, and were profitable. How much they were profitable is unclear, despite what some fanboys on the internet claim to "know". But in the short term, it just needed to be profitable. And I'm sure its made a ton more with people paying to stream it, while we're on lock d
