If you respect George Lucas and Original Trilogy - Boycott this.

Disney Star Wars is bad fan fiction.


I am not boycotting this...I just hate what Disney has done to Star Wars and have no interest in seeing anymore. TLJ was it for me.
These aren't even SW to me.
They bought the "name" but SW ended in 2005 for me.


ps - even though I haven't seen it and won't see it I would have to completely give up the internet to not have heard that the emperor is still alive.
That has got to be the DUMBEST thing I have heard. That is idiotic and inexcusably lazy. Vader throws him down shaft into the core, entire Death Star blows up....let's just undo ROTJ even more and just bring him back 35 years later.

Horrendously awful.


They should just say Han is alive, too. Stab him, fall from a high platform and blown-up.




I am, but my dad and brother are so desperate for sci-fi entertainment they insist on going and wasting a ton of money on overpriced tickets. I figure, it's not enough for me to tell them it's dog crap, so I'll just let them ruin their evening on their own.


Families should be together on the holidays.

Stay strong sister, just watch The Star Wars Holiday Special before you go, then it won't hurt so much.


Bb..b..b.bbbbut I have no own opinions and like what everybody else likes in popular mainstream culture.


Bb..b..b.bbbbut I have no own opinions and boycott movies because it’s the cool thing to do.


I actually enjoy watching this franchise fall flat on its stupid face, I predicted back in 2012 that this would be a horrible idea.


If I like the OT, why would I even respect Lucas? He freaking destroyed it.


this ^


The Rise of Skywalker Destroys George Lucas' Star Wars | Spoiler Review


The Rise of Skywalker is a mess of epic proportions. Hidden behind the vale of quick edits, hyperkinetic shots, and effects is a deconstruction of the mythos. An attempted course correction in the third film of a trilogy is never advisable. on the surface it may look like some corrections were made, but on second look, it only cements the damage done by Rian Johnson's dumpster fire. The only thing we can do from here is pretend the Disney Trilogy never existed. Disney has turned modern mythology into a bad soap opera.
