I warned all of you about the SJW agenda of Star Wars back in 1999, but nobody listened to me

I remember back in 1999 when the Fecal Menace came out. It was practically an SJW identity politics propaganda piece, along with the other prequels:

-extreme pandering by including a Jamaican stand-in (Jar Jar Binks)
-Queen Amidala as a feminist symbol
-Mace Windu (confident black man) beating Palpatine (old frail weak white man) in a lightsaber duel
-Retroactively changing Boba Fett's ethnicity to Pacific Islander
-Obi Wan Kenobi's anti-smoking rant (because liberals hate Big TobaKKKo)

The prequels were a harbinger of things to come, of course. But way back then, when I pointed this out, the shill fanboys kept telling me to shut up and that I was not a true Star Wars fan for not accepting the vision of the "God" George Lucas.

And now, many years later, these blue-pilled Star Wars normie fans are complaining that Rey is a "Mary Sue" and don't like the characters of Finn and Rose Tico in the new trilogy. How come they rejected by attempts to redpill them back in the day, and now all of a sudden they see the light?

Well, I've evolved since then, and now I happen to like to have more feminism and diviersity in my pop culture. Especially when it pisses off the fanboys who seem to just go where the wind is blowing. Back then, it was decidedly not cool to hate on Star Wars and now they are on the bandwagon to bash the same movies.


Funnily enough, I had no problems with the Prequels, as I understood what Lucas was going for. I even found Binks tolerable. All this SJW crap didn't exist back then, the generation responsible were still toddlers in daycare.


Jar Jar Binks was the greatest character, ever.


Lucas agrees. I checked ebay, 714 results for Jar Jar Binks in Collectables!


I'm not a SJW by any means, but still I don't see the problem with the prequels (political, I mean, cinematographically they have a few ones).


Yeah I dislike the PC brainwashing, but ever thought that YOU might also be a problem, all that intolerance and right-wing frothing at the mouth?


There can never be enough intolerance and right wing frothing at the mouth. It's what keeps us all safe !


He's giving an opinion. I don't agree, but he has the right to argue his opinion, as much as you do. He is not 'the problem' because of it, and I don't see why arguing that the prequels included the seed of current wokeness should be considered 'intolerant'.


You don't need the trailing 'u' on your username.


Maybe it was a failure to see characters as individuals rather than templates to build other characters.

Leia is a strong character - but why create other Leia's in the sense of strong independent women? There are bound to be other strong/powerful/resilient women in the galaxy but there are not all the same and don't form a movement - they are individual responses to the cards they are dealt and do their own thing independently of others. Maybe they ally themselves with groups in a bid to achieve things, but it's not necessarily men versus women alliances.

Same deal with other original characters: Ben Kenobi is not Luke and Luke is not Yoda, and Yoda is not Ben, nor are they the same as the new Jedi introduced in the prequels, etc. And just because Han Solo is an interesting vagabond doesn't therefore entail you should create other vagabond characters just because they are successful and continue the themes that people loved in the original trilogy. I mean, why should you repeat yourself as a writer or producer in this way?


You warned us in 1999? On the non-existent Imdb boards? Or non-existent social media? Maybe AOL?


Did you not receive your informational floppy disk in the mail?


I used to post on alt.fan.starwars on Usenet, you Millenial whipper-snapper!


I was on Usenet and Internet in 1985, before you were born! I should check out the archives to see who was flaming.


I don’t believe you. You probably can’t even tell the difference between an ASR 33 and VT-100!


i was worried the hyped "same sex kiss" would just stand out badly and have no purpose.
in the end, it didnt bother me, didnt seem out of place


It was funny because they tried to force it in ... as if it matters in a galaxy far far away ...

What kind of dollars are they expected to get from that demographic for including that scene?


Nobody is listening to you now.


Yes, I remember you doing so back then as well.
