Blame Lucas

He was the one who sold his legacy to Disney.


Disney was very good until the Woke Church spread in the company. Damn, they did a very good job in the Marvel franchise. Nobody could predict such decline.


I grew up in Orlando, Disney was going Woke! as early as the late 70's.

Disney Gay Day is listed as having started in '91, but I remember them 'informally' starting in the early 80's from talk around town.


Anyone could with the people attached to make these movies.

Woke Disney.


So if you sell me your car and I crash it - you are to blame!? Cool!


If your car is very dear to you, you wouldn't sell it.


Also, it's kind of like selling it to someone who has only ever been a passenger, and never driven a car themselves (Kathleen Kennedy). Can't really blame Lucas entirely though, he thought by being a passenger of great drivers for so long that KK wouldn't just careen immediately into a tree when taking the wheel herself.


That is no answer to my question.
Also now you are dragging emotions into this, which is completely irrelevant.

Again, if you sell me your car and I crash it - are you liable for the crash?

I guess this is obvious enough to not require an answer, we all know the answer.
Just leave silly emotions out of this.


Would you sell something that you love? Would you sell your kids? Perhaps Lucas just didn't love his child anymore.


Evading the question!


No, you're just too obtuse to get it.


No, you are.

He sold it. Period. Doesn't matter what someone else would have done with it.

Once he sold it he is no longer responsible. Is it that hard?

And comparing it with his child? Really???


Not that I agree with the OP, but Lucas himself has directly said the SW films are his "kids":

And right before that, compared it to a painful breakup/divorce:


the amount of flame he got for his prequels, for sure he was done with the franchise. so blame the "fans".
now we got what they deserved.

Blame the manbabies


No, just retire it.
It should have ended in 83', definately in 2005.
No other films should have been made.


I blame the prequel haters, thats why he sold it.
