Jeremy Jahns' Review

He didn't like it


I'm not surprised. I'm just glad this trilogy is over and I can forget it ever happened.


Me too!


I'm generally down with this guy's take on things. Even the light saber duels were boring? Yikes. I hoped it'd at least have good action scenes.


Dude, if you saw the previous movies of the trilogy, you should know by now how dull the lightsaber battles have become. They're fighting like they're just regular swords swing by amateurs. Back in the olden days of Jedi sabership, they're acrobatic style fights.

Back then they had skills which incorporated their jedi skills, not noobs battling each other pointing hands at each other.


I guess I foolishly let myself think that since everybody is "powered up" now, it would be better. But of course it won't. It'll be the same crap we've had in the last two movies.


It’s sad that they can make one wish for “less” lightsaber duels, but that was exactly what was going through my mind... “Again?”


I don't care if they fuck or not, just save the galaxy.

Well said.


I'm eagerly awaiting Chris Stuckmann's review of it, although I'm sure he'll go full shill mode on it and praise it to the hilt like he did Last Jedi.


Question is it possible for someone to just like Last Jedi? I think you are too closed minded for anyone else to have a view opposite to yours and it be accepted. You are seriously one of the biggest jokes on these boards.


Look who's talking.


I find it funny how now you are not calling critics shills. So they are shills when they do not share your view huh? If they share your view they are no longer shills correct?


Because they are NOT shills this time, they are probably fed up of Disney threatening them. Why else such a drop on RT compared to TLJ?

And no, no-one in their right mind can "like" TLJ, it was an unfathomable mess full of illogical moments. Even the critics that praised it (like Chris Stuckmann) didn't like the casino planet.


No you are saying that because now they are saying what you want to hear. Had they given this a positive review you would have called them shills. Tell me if Disney pays critics did they forget to mail off the check for live action remakes of Aladdin, Lion King, Dumbo and Maleficient? What happened there? You say all this without even having seen the film. Which proves your view is not credible because it is slanted.

Yes people can you closed minded buffoon. He did not like an element of the film, overall though he liked the film. So because someone does not like an element of a film they have to dislike the whole thing? Get this through your skull a movie does not have to get your stamp of approval for others to think it is good. You like the prequels the consensus is bad on Phantom Menace buddy. However I unlike you can see hey some people enjoy that film and nothing is wrong with that. I do not say no one can enjoy it because I do not. Seriously grow up man child.


They would NEVER have given it a positive review, the decimation of the legacy of Star Wars is obvious and that's why many people are angry. I expect to get angry today when I see it myself, and it'll take all of my willpower to not just walk out as many have done.

The live-action Disney remakes are UNNECESSARY, even though I don't care much for their hand-drawn originals.

Stuckmann must've got a lot of criticism from people who saw the film based on his recommendation and were disappointed if not angry. In later joint reviews with other critics that gave spoilers, he changed his tune, as I recall.

"Get this through your skull a movie does not have to get your stamp of approval for others to think it is good."
Don't be such a moaner, everyone thinks like I do. And I don't care if you don't.

"You like the prequels the consensus is bad on Phantom Menace buddy."
I own the Prequels as part of the OT because it was the Complete Saga Blu-ray I bought years ago. It is there for completion's sake, and to complete the story, not just because "I like them". What do you suggest I do, chuck out the Prequels and just have half the set? It cost me almost £70! Are you retarded?


Which showcases you are going in with a slanted view. This proves you are not worth listening to. I put no credibility in your opinion.

They are unnecessary but you are side stepping my point. This pokes a hole in your notion in saying Disney pays the critics. All of those live action remakes I listed got poor reception. Answer my question. Did Disney forget to mail off the check for those films since you claim they pay critics?

Stuckmann gave his review of the film, a lot of people disagreed. So now since people do not agree with his view of the film, he has to change it to cater to the majority? Interesting view there pal.

Everyone implies every single person on earth. I obviously contradict that statement since I loved Last Jedi. So no incorrect.

I laugh at you for buying that trash blu ray set in the first place. Yeah the same one where Lucas made Vader yell no before throwing the emperor off the edge. Also added obvious cgi in a film which was obvious did not have any at the time it was made. Yeah that fits in seamlessly...

I did not buy that set and that is because it is a trash set. Although Star Wars is trash in general.


"Although Star Wars is trash in general."
And with that, MovieFanatic505 totally nullified all of the points he was trying to make. If only he'd put that at the start, it would've saved some time.

And many people think like I do, stop picking on just me, pick on them as well. Or don't you have the guts?


As expected you side stepped all my points where I proved you wrong. Actually no you are wrong. The Force Awakens beats all of the prequels in data according to the majority. So you are in the minority in thinking the prequels were better than TFA.


At least the Prequels tried new stuff, rather than rehashing the New Hope story which was already told brilliantly in the original Star Wars movie, and making it poorer in TFA.

"I laugh at you for buying that trash blu ray set in the first place. Yeah the same one where Lucas made Vader yell no before throwing the emperor off the edge. Also added obvious cgi in a film which was obvious did not have any at the time it was made. Yeah that fits in seamlessly...

I did not buy that set and that is because it is a trash set."

I wanted Star Wars on Blu-ray, and this was the only one available at the time. Yes, I didn't like some changes, like R2 encased in rock, Jabba's front door being far too big, a Dug in the palace, and others, like Vader's new "no", but that's Lucas' tinkering for you, he just stuck them on the new format. At least this set is long before Disney got their filthy mitts on it.


The prequels tried nothing new that was good. Yeah the midoclorians were so great... It does not matter the majority thinks TFA is better than any of the prequels. Suck on it.

Yeah joke is on you I am not buying that trash set it is trash. Just like your opinion on films.


I can see you're never going to be swayed, and nor will I, so why should we bother with discussion? You've clearly made up your mind.


Same reason you come here to be validated. You think the majority agrees that the prequels are better than the Disney films and it is not the case. Rogue One and TFA beat out any of the prequels in terms of reception.


Personal preference. I just don't like TFA nor Solo nor TLJ, and am undecided on TROS.


I find it funny that you get so upset at the reception of TFA and Rogue One. You are so insecure you need to be validated. Look at the data for those and suck on it.


I like Rogue One.


Did Disney pay for the reception for that film then?


Actually stuckman backtracked on his review after backlash. I think he originally gaved it an A- and after backlash changed his grade to a B- arguing that he had only seen the movie once.
I could be mistaken though.
After that one I can't take his reviews seriously anymore. In my case his credibility went out the window.
Jeremy jahns on the other hand panned the last Jedi all the way.


Stuckmann gave ROS a negative review in his non-spoiler review but then said people shouldn´t blame Disney or people involved in making the new trilogy. He goes on to say, people should go out and see the movie even though he called it average. He seems like a full on shill now.


Stuckmann backtracked on his non-spoiler review after watching it a 2nd time and gave it a C-.


He is undecided right now. He wants to see it again. His final verdict will come sometime during the weekend when he does a spoiler review.


"I felt nothing. Just felt like another sci-fi movie..." Pretty much what Disney does once they got super duper rich. When you keep pumping out so much that they just overlap or get to the point where you're desensitized to the same content.

And the comments...:
-What's surprising to me is how the comment section remains so spoiler-free still. I remember back when TFA was about to be released, we had spoilers all over the internet. Now even the trolls don't care lol

-Fans: “Last Jedi is the worst Star Wars ever!”
Abrams: “Hold my lens flare.”

-The Force Awakens: Destroy Han
The Last Jedi: Destroy Luke
The Rise of Skywalker: Destroy Anakin

-Vader: Turned to the Dark Side Redeems himself by saving loved one. Dies
Kylo: Turns to the dark side. Redeems himself by saving his love one. Dies.

Literally retelling the exact same story, but for a different purpose.


He is usually has this childlike glee when talking about Star Wars. It almost looks like this movie broke his soul
