Leia will die - and the most affected character will be ...

rey of course, cause she has known her for a couple of days of course.

At least she will be able to reassure everyone that "it wasn't sadness nor pain. It was... peace and purpose."

Not sure if this will be before or after the 'I am your mother" reveal.


I don't think rey is related to the Skywalker family.


Subversion of expectations😉


I'm not sure there was a decision on this in say TFA, but it wouldn't surprise me.

The Han is the bad guys dad reveal was too tame.

If they go this route they will pretend that they intended this all along.

Luke would have known however. But then again he was actually Jake Skywalker who tried to kill his own nephew so who knows.


" The Han is the bad guys dad reveal was too tame."

What reveal? He was his dad. It was never a secret. Did you think it should have been?


OP is a misogynist and Star Wars troll who ignores inconvenient facts, like how Leia comforts Luke over Obi Wans death, a man he knew for about a day, WHILE LEIA GETS ZERO SYMPATHY FOR THE DEATHS OF HER FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND THE GENOCIDE OF THE CIVILIZATION SHE GREW UP WITHIN.


Right anyone who simply doesn’t like Rey’s character must be a mysogynist. And most people do agree that leia didn’t get enough sympathy for her entire family, deflecting to other arguments doesn’t help yours at all. Also a new hope is actually a good movie while the force awakens is one big pile of shit which is why people often overlook flaws that a new hope had


Oh was I talking to you, troll?


The OP is clearly bashing Rey over things he allows Luke to get away with.

That's for people like you who are too dim to read the OP or comprehend.

Also, I've come across the OP bashing Rey unfairly many times, so stick to your own battles, dullard.


Well in the OP he didn't say anything about Luke, this seems to be an anti-Rey thread which is a completely legitimate thread so I'd advise you to stay on topic and not make excuses. Rey is not unfairly bashed, she is a weak character.


Also I conceded that Leia didn't get any sympathy after her whole family was killed, you know what it still doesn't change the fact that Rey is a weak character/Mary Sue.


Luke is a Gary Stue then lol.


Leia says herself in the film "We don't have time for our sorrows".

She was a strong leader.


Hippo is the worst kind of troll. He allows the original Star Wars films to get away with the exact flaws he bashes the Disney films for.


The only equivalence is that which has been invented in your head, conveniently to suit your narrative no less.

You are a joke.


I'm the joke yet I bet my bank account your ass will be in the theater for episode 9.

What's funny is how you guys gladly overlook any sort of inconsistency in the other Star Wars films. It's why the Star Wars fan base is such a joke.

The prequels which I personally don't care for were bashed repeatedly. Now suddenly they are being hailed as good films. What happened? Will the same happen after a new wave of Star Wars films hits after these?


I'm still deciding to see it or not.

The thing is the hardcore fan will only see this movie ONCE. Not TWENTY times or more like the others.

There are PLENTY of nitpicks with the OT. There are several comedic parodies of them as well - some very popular. Not sure what you are trying to say here.

As far as prequels are concerned I didn't take to them much either. I saw Episode 1 a handful of times in the theatre but jar jar seriously dampered that film. The technology for the time was great and the pod-race was good too. Anakin not exactly behaving like a slave was weird, plus he enjoyed spinning as a good trick. I have only seen II & III once ever, and won't watch them again either - very disappointed.


It doesn't matter even if you see it once you are supporting it. The reason I quit going to see Transformers movies, Twilight films, or the Dcu films is because they are trash. Wonder Woman being the only exception.

You don't like the direction the series is going it's obvious. Therefore quit supporting it. Have patience and pirate it online once it comes out.

The point I'm making is why do people laugh at those jokes but when the Disney star wars films has flaws it's a cardinal sin. I just find that lame. The old star wars is allowed shortcomings where as these new films are not.


I'm certain di$ney's board table story group would prefer that I see it 20 times. There is merit in not seeing it at all via the popular boycott. Hence why I am undecided as yet.

People laugh at those OT jokes because they are nitpicks. There are no franchise destroying inconsistencies like that found in the DT; there is no equivalence. I know you want all issues with all films to be the same so you can continue to cling on to this point as the corner-stone of your defense, but it simply isn't true.


I don't care to listen to people's views and complaints when they keep on supporting stuff they dislike by paying to see it. If you make the decision not to see it I can respect the stance. You will though I know you can't resist seeing it.

Right... That is your opinion buddy. Luke and Leia being siblings was obviously not planned. Neither was Vader being Luke's father. People just overlook it because the twist was good. Just because the twist is good doesn't make an inconsistency go away.

Thing is there is no satisfying Star Wars fans. Whatever you do they will bitch. Where did I say I want all issues to be the same? Nice assumption. My exact point was flaws in that series get overlooked where as the slightest flaw in the Disney series does not. You remember when people bitched about Leia not hugging Chewie after force awakens came out? Yeah that had such a huge bearing on the plot right? That 15 seconds of film. A flaw like that in that original series wouldn't have been complained about.


Who said it went away?

Do you always counter imaginary arguments?

That must be a fantastically rewarding hobby.


Only thing imaginary here is the fact that you think your opinion is fact. Or that it holds more weight than someone else's.

You aren't the end all be all fountain of truth of what should be happening in a Star Wars film.


Yet another long-winded version of "I know you are so what am I?"

lol too funny :).


Nah that's just you brushing off things you know are true. So since Disney's ideas are so terrible why don't you share what you would have done with the story?


More like you constantly deflecting to other topics.

But i'll humor you. I would have done the sane thing and actually maintained internal consistency with the new trilogy. From what I can tell this is the single biggest gripe that fans have with the DT.

I would have done the same with the prequels for that matter.


If you do not like me deflecting address my points. Do you remember when people were honest to God bitching about Leia not hugging Chewie? I found that to be so hilarious that people are that lame.

Consistency is great but remember the original trilogy has inconsistencies as well.Want a small one? Why does Luke ask Han if he can reach his lightsaber when they are tied up in Return of the Jedi? Can't he use the force?

The prequels had far more problems than inconsistency. The acting for one was atrocious. It is why when people claim those to be better than these Disney films I chuckle. The performances in the Disney films are good. Nowhere in this new series is anyone nearly as bad as Natalie Portman or Hayden Christensen.


... so instead of you assessing points outlined in this thread, I should address your deflections away from those points instead? This sums up your character.

Chewy not being comforted over someone Leia hadn't even met before? LOL you can't be serious here. Basically have no argument against a glaring issue of internal consistency 101: brush it off and pretend it's not worth worrying about. Standard NPC programming.

That point is somewhat plausible since what is Luke going to do, ignite his lightsaber with the force a potentially kill someone by accident lol?

And the acting in the prequels is bad. So is Daisey Ridley's.

I'm blocking you because you are an actual moron.


No those were points I made and you ignored them. Nice attempt to veer off, sorry but with me that does not fly. I addressed your complaints therefore I expect the same in return.

That scene in which Leia hugs Chewie takes up 60 seconds of screen time at most. I seriously can't believe idiots like you have an issue with that. Man if only she hugged him that would have made the movie get 5 stars from me... Again you proved my exact point on how stupid and ignorant you stupid fans are. You watch things looking to tear it apart. I have no problem with that kind of scrutiny but I proved to you the same type of critical eye does not apply to the original trilogy.

So the lightsaber can't be used to cut down the net nah we have to kill everyone.. Sorry but that is a flaw. Since Return of the Jedi has that flaw it gets 0 stars and is a terrible film.

Your opinion I find Ridley's acting good.


I would have focused on having one👍 and in saying that...I mean it would have been logical to take the time necessary to craft an overarching narrative that would achieve a satisfying trilogy from beginning to end 👍 this was not the case!

Few remember that Michael Ardnt was the original writer for the new sequels. He lost that position due to having to tell KK that the story would take two years to give justice to the series. He was dismissed both literally and figuratively 👎

So my plan would have been to have one 👍


Don't mind Froggy.... He/she has major Trump Derangement Syndrome, and it appears they are now wandering out of their chamber of hate.


Lol you realise such words have zero meaning these days since they are overused by yourself.

Of course frog and their sock accounts come to the rescue of rey.

Rey was the one who told Leia, Luke's sister and FORCE USER how Luke passed, from the other side of the galaxy no less.

Don't recall Luke ever doing that.

Classic invented memories and NPC false equivalence compared to the OT.

rey is a shockingly poorly written character, but apparently is impervious to criticism due to their physical characteristics? What a laugh.


The only connection to his home planet that Luke had left you mean? A man who had answers to all his questions about his father that he wouldn't get to ask him? - at least not until much later.

How exactly was Luke meant to know what the exact situation was with Leia and Alderan and her family? Did you see them chit chat about it while trying to escape the Death Star?

She was being rescued when her prospects a the time were to wait and be put to death. You can imagine her joy at the very possibility - even if she had to do lots of the heavy lifting herself.

Leia herself states that she has no time for sorrows.

If you're going to assume that they must have talked about it then you can assume there was sympathy too.


Actually Luke knew Ben already.

In A New Hope when 3-PO mentioned "someone named Obi-wan Kenobi", Luke said "He could mean old Ben Kenobi" That establishes that Luke at least knew of Obi-Wan.

Then when Luke is awaken by Obi-Wan Luke does not say "Who are you?" but instead says "Ben Kenobi, am I glad to see you"

So it is evident that Luke did not just know the guy for a day.

Add to that the idea that Ben introduces Luke to an entire new world and that Luke felt Ben was going to train him in the ways of the force. Ben's death also took that future away from Luke.


LUKE: "Obi-Wan Kenobi? I wonder if he means old Ben Kenobi?"

Exactly. Yeah frog, Luke had no idea who he was. But of course frog cant admit such things because it doesnt fit their narrative.

It actually legitimises the ridiculousness that is rey because instead of defending the points people raise, they simply try to deflect to an example somewhere else - but that is always incorrect anyway.

It's like frog doesn't say rey is NOT a mary sue - because frog agrees that she is. Rather they try to just claim that Luke is one too - when he clearly is not.

Frog deflect? Got rekt.


I'm glad this was brought up.

Luke and "Old Ben" knew each other previously, even if Luke did not know he was a Jedi. And considering Obi-Wan was the only person willing to talk to Luke about the father he idolized, it makes sense he would mourn his death.


OP is a misogynist and Star Wars troll who ignores inconvenient facts, like how Leia comforts Luke over Obi Wans death, a man he knew for about a day, WHILE LEIA GETS ZERO SYMPATHY FOR THE DEATHS OF HER FAMILY AND FRIENDS AND THE GENOCIDE OF THE CIVILIZATION SHE GREW UP WITHIN.

For crying out loud Frog.... I guess I shouldn't bother trying to talk sense into as it's you obviously don't care so to anyone else reading I'll first say that Frog is fully able to be sensible, thoughtful and on point when she wants to but when it comes to the crappy Di$ney ST & MaRey Sue Frog has a tendency to go full troll, ignoring facts & willfully being dishonest.

For example despite being corrected again and again she repeatedly makes the easily debunked argument that Luke only knew Obi Wan for a day(of course to excuse the poor writing in TFA involving Rey being adored by people she just met)when it's heavily suggested in the film itself and outright stated in the EU that Luke had been familiar with Obi Wan throughout the years of Obi Wan watching over him. Frog however gives no sh!ts about facts or honesty when it comes the putrid writing in the ST & in particular when it involves her fantasy wank fodder MaRey Sue.

I'm not even being facetious btw. I've seen a some oddly placed lecherous commentary from Frog involving MaRey. Frog knows what i'm talking about. 😉


I have a feeling there may be enough unused material of Carrie Fisher filming for VII and VIII, that they may not even have to kill her off for IX, thus keeping an integral New Republic character alive for future books, games, CGI movies, etc.


i hope they have enough footage for a good storyline for Leia in EP IX.


Yep, that's really all that matters. As long as JJ can use the material to create a believable and a good story, it should work.


I think the worst possible approach is to try to shoehorn a story around whatever footage they have. So it’s pretty much guaranteed that they will do it.


That would mean they have to work the story around whatever footage they have which sounds like a recipe for disaster.


Sadly, the person it will affect most is Darth Emo. He's sure to do do something idiotic and dramatic.

I have zero interest in that prat's emotional life, I just want to see him humiliated and realize that he's been a worthless dipshit his whole life, and then I want him to die.


You are going to hate this movie then😉


That is always a possibility.

Hopefully they'll center it around Rey, who I like very much, and not the whiny prat in black.


You might only be half disappointed in that case👍


I fully accept that I can't have my way in all things Star Wars, unlike some people here!


He already got humiliated by rey though.


Not nearly enough!

And not in public.
