Kathleen Kennedy fired

I thought that would be a catchy thread title.
But seriously, you think Disney has considered this at any time?


Being the business machine that they are I am sure they've considered it.

I think Solo and then IX will be the tipping point for her and by then she'll be over 65 and can put her feet up anyway.

She's backed some great movies in the past and so perhaps the troubles these latest movies have been having are more Disney based than her own creation.


No, because the people who run Disney aren't like the idiots who post around here and understand that she is doing a great job for them.


Yeah if she was hired to turn Star Wars into a joke with 48% RT score, a 200M drop in box office, merchandise in the bargain bins and piss off the half of the fan base then she's doing a bang up job. Slow clap.

The star wars franchise is an open goal and KK is Diana Ross at the 94 world cup. If Solo and IX continue the slide she will be put out to pasture where she belongs.


Best reviewed science fiction film of 2017 and a huge box office success = she's doing exactly what she's been hired to do.

That's because Disney is run by intelligent adults, not knuckle-dragging, crazed lunatics such as yourself.


''Best reviewed science fiction film of 2017 and a huge box office success'' sure.. according to whom? Box office are financial numbers. If you look at the week-to-week drops, its huge. Which means people arent coming back to the movie and are telling their friends it sucked. It keeps dropping because people dont care anymore. Which means nothing for TLJ, but EVERYTHING for the movies following it.
If people lose interest in SW because they are pissed off at TLJ, they wont be coming in hordes for Solo or episode 9. You can trow me the total box office in my face all you want, but it doesnt matter. What matters is the week-to-week drops that indicate the hype has been killed and people generally dont care anymore. Pair that with the massive backlash (believe me, the backlash is huge, you can tell yourself all you want and live in the happiness bubbel, but its true) and Disney DOES have a huge problem. SW is only as big as its fans. It could suffer the same fate as the Star Trek movies. Where people just don't show up anymore.

If you piss off all the fans (or a huge part of the fans) you will kill SW. The hype is generated by its fans. People that go to conventions, talk about it and advertise it. The fanbase kept SW alive 40 years and counting. So yeah, it made loads of money. But that isnt the problem. Transformers also makes loads of money. But when people stop caring, that money will eventually drop and SW will not be the money maker it once was. We will see this in Solo en Episode 9. So you can call TLJ a succes all you want, but the future of SW has never been this fragile.


"''Best reviewed science fiction film of 2017 and a huge box office success'' sure.. according to whom?"

According to all objective measures, if you have a rational mind.

The movie was a hit, pure and simple. Numbers for the Avengers movies also dropped as time went on, but anyone with brains recognized that they were still successful.

Hate on it all you want, those of you who do so are just a tiny, impotent, unimportant minority whose out of touch views are amplified by your access to the Internet, which lets you whine loudly and do not much else of significance.

TLJ was a hit. The franchise is doing fine. If we lose a few fans over this movie, good riddance to them. They didn't deserve TLJ in the first place.


From the first sentence you said, I can see you didn't read A SINGLE thing I posted. Which is a shame because my argument is very solid. I couldn't really explain it better than this. I follow a Youtube channel called Screen Junkies. On there, they have a weekly show discussion Box Office. Every week they give me the numbers. Every week TLJ drops more and more, percentage wise. What does that mean?

It means people (fans) DON'T watch it 1000 times like previous SW movies. It also means they TELL EVERYONE they know, that they didn't like the movie. Like is said a billion times, TLJ IS FINANCIALLY SUCCESFULL. ITS MAKING HUGE MONEY! I am not debating that. But you are so thick-headed that you cannot see beyond your own opinion. Its totally fine if YOU liked this movie. I am not debating that. I am saying that even though TLJ MADE A FUCKLOAD OF MONEY, the decline in Box Office on a week-to-week base means that word of mouth is hurting the movie, and people don't come back to see it again. That means that the hype is being killed, and in such, FUTURE movies will suffer. Please learn to read...

''if you have a rational mind.'' ''but anyone with brains'' ''tiny, impotent, unimportant minority whose out of touch views are amplified by your access to the Internet'' < These are just a few quotes I like. It shows how much of a angry person you are, resorting to name calling and offending people. Usually people who don't have any argument left result to those. But feel free to write an angry reply with more name calling, I'm sure it will strengthen your argument.


I've been blase about Star Wars for a while now, ever since TF(arce)A. I've never forgiven JarJar Abrams for ruining Star Trek, and now his stupid Mystery Box crap has infested Star Wars. Rogue One was the only decent Disney Star Wars that I liked.

As far as I'm concerned, the story of Star Wars has been told, and it was only ever about the Skywalker family anyway. The evil Empire is defeated, Luke becomes a Jedi Knight, and peace reigns. That's it, end of. I don't give a damn about what comes later, especially with all of the secondary characters in the spin-off TV series. Haven't seen a single one of those. Also, who remembers the Clone Wars movie?


"Every week they give me the numbers. Every week TLJ drops more and more, percentage wise. What does that mean?"



Great argument! you have totally convinced me now. Not.


You are free to believe whatever delusional, evidence free, adolescent fantasies you wish to believe. Meanwhile, Disney is printing money while you pretend the franchise is in trouble.


Is it so hard for you to just read a few sentences ? I mean, it takes about 1 minute.
You call me delusional but you refuse to respond with arguments against what I said. How is the franchise not in trouble then? Because TLJ made alot of money? Weigh that against all the backlash and diminishing box office returns on a week-to-week basis. What matters more? Just like Transformers, it will eventually die if the fans don't care about it anymore. TLJ is a financial succes, but thats about it. Solo will drop more and episode 9 will drop even further. I'm sorry if you have have stock in Disney, but be hard to accept this. Disney puts their faith in you. They do want you to go around and promote their shit, so you are doing a fantastic job.


"Solo will drop more and episode 9 will drop even further. "

Yep. And they will still be making the company money--lots of money. Again, feel free to indulge in your pathetic delusions that there is trouble afoot. Those of us with brains know better.


Lots of money? They didn't purchase Lucasfilm for 4 Billion dollars to earn lots of money. They bought it to make HUGE FUCKING MONEY. There are also reports of toys not being bought as much as before. So people lose interest in the movies and in the merchandise. Thats a HUGE problem eventually. If you compare the hype of SW and the fan enthusiasm from before TFA and after TFA and during Rogue One, with the hype now, its almost half of the hype it used to be. It will impact the financial succes of the Star Wars brand. Disney also paid money to EA to make them Star Wars games. Guess what? They also disappoint. If every Star Wars product is failing, how the hell can you not see they are going to be in trouble eventually?


You are basing all of this on one movie that made tons of money. That is simply not rational, even if in the end these baseless predictions come true.


No not really. You have TFA and RO to compare it to. And all the other movies that ever came out. All the Star Wars movies + all the other blockbuster movies. The Box Office is not just The Last Jedi. You can actually compare movies with each other. *SHOCKING*


None of this matters. You people can whine all you want, but in the end, if the SW films stop making over a billion each time and "just" make Marvel money, they will be successful and turn a profit.


Nobody here is 'whining'. Stop being a baby. You are behaving like a little special snowflake. Can't have a normal ration conversation without resorting to name calling and offending. I'm actually quite done talking to you. Enjoy your life.


oh look, another fake frog account XD


I think this person works for Disney, haha. How much do they pay?

And yeah, of course we all know there has never been a crappy film that has made a ton of money.

Like any Star Wars film would ever bomb. I could film a video of a cat eating food for 2 hours and put Star Wars name on it, and it would make $600 million.

Money isn't everything. The Last Jedi was an entertaining movie, but it definitely shit all over the mythology, and ruined a classic character. Disney ruined the series for me. They had a chance, but they completely dropped the ball. I have no desire to see episode 9.

Yeah, I know you don't care. The best part is, I don't care that you don't care.


"Hi, I'm MagneticMonopole and you're an idiot."

That's all you're gonna get from this one.


Too eloquent


Yep, Solo bombed as most intelligent observers predicted


Let me break it down for you - real simple. Businesses don't just judge things by how much money they bring in, they judge them by how much they bring in compared to how much they think they *should* bring in.

Star Wars is a cash cow, which is why they paid $4 Billion for it.

Now the sales are down $200M lower than projected, the merchandise isn't shifting, China ignored it and millions of previously loyal customers hate the product. Then we have the constant reshoots, the directors/writers being hired and fired, the lack of ANY promo material for SOLO despite it being due in just a few months, and the admission that there is no plan, not even an attempt to have an overarching story that makes these films make sense to each other.

It is actually quite impressive just how much KK is fucking up Star Wars.

But hey - the blogosphere tells us to like it and I read an article on 'Salon' about how everyone complaining is a rapist so everything is just fine, no problem!

I'm sure you'll be just ecstatic when IX comes out and it's a plot free mess of explosions and lens flair, but some of us hope for something with a little more quality.


You nailed it. But you are wasting your time. 'MagneticMonopole' is just out to call people names and not respond with arguments and conversation. He is just out to defend TLJ. Just wait untill he responds with ''you are just a angry neckbeard hahaha good riddance that you don't like it and stay away haha'' like he responded to my reply.
For him, we are just angry butthurt fanboys who didn't 'get' TLJ and its impressive progressive themes.


You're right of course but I hope that people reading these posts can see what kind of person blindly defends these films and how there may be a correlation between that and being... how can I put it? Being a complete monopole.


is being a 'monopole' a thing now? hahaha, I can get behind that.


Your response is the epitome of the entire TLJ debate. Detractors of the movie write long detailed responses, and supporters such as yourself write curt content-free insults such as "knuckle-dragging crazed lunatics". Makes it really clear who put thought into their statements. Also makes me wonder if you are associated with the studio and are "butthurt", as people such as yourself like to say.


Well put. There's something beautifully ironic with the 'you don't like what I like so you must be stupid' crowd considering how stupid that line of thinking is.

I blame fluorine in the water.


We have a saying in the Netherlands. We call it 'talking to the couches'.
Because a couch is a inanimate object. It feels like talking to an inanimate object because the 'couch', in this case people like MagneticMonopole, is not listening to you.


Ha, I like that. Will bear that in mind...


200M? It's down 700M from TFA.


Sorry, wasn't clear - 200M down on expectations. They didn't expect it to make as much as TFA but not down this much....

But you make a good point.

A 700M drop does not indicate a successful product.


You're being far too generous Jack...the current disparity is 756+ million. This week will most likely see half million dollar daily earnings world wide...it will finish with no better than a $740 million dollar difference from TFA. No matter what side of the fence one leans...A1.35 billion dollar underperformance is not a huge success...more like a mild disappointment.


I think the director drama concerned them and the TLJ fan backlash along with its considerable box office drop vs TFA definitely has their attention. But I agree with Realityβ€” it will take two underperforming films to get her out.


I agree. It will take alot more to get her out. But its not impossible.


Episode IX is really going to suffer from the one-two punch of TLJ and Solo. I think we are looking at < 700M total for IX, aka Justice League territory.

Unless anyone here trusts KK and her gender studies department (sorry, I mean "Story Group") at Lucasfilm to not ruin two well-loved characters who have always been unapologetic male scoundrels. Anyone? Anyone? Bueller?


Her Storygroup is a joke. It really is. They cannot make a compelling story if their life depended on it. Just look at the other media. Star Wars Battlefront 2. Started out amazing, with the point of view from the Empire (something fans have been dying for). They even went as far as to promote it like it was going to be this awesome thing from the Empires perspective. Then, 2 missions into the game, the protagonist changes sides and joins the Rebellion. Pissed off all the fans in a major way.
They handled Rogue One pretty well (even though the SJW stuff still shines through in a few scenes) but thats about it. TFA was horrible story wise. The characters were awesome though and some storylines in TFA should have been enough to be expanded on in sequels so it was by no means a failure.

But Rian Johnson took a shit on that with TLJ and the Storygroup allowed and encouraged it. So now we have no story left for episode 9.
And Solo? Well what kind of fcking story would they come up with there? It sounds like a by the numbers story that just exists to tell all the stuff we already know. Kessel run, how he meets Chewy, how he wins the Falcon. By the numbers story that NOBODY asked for. This movie will be even more analysed and people do really expect something amazing to justify the existence of this movie. Because if it sucked, it not only just plain sucked, it also wasted a movie opportunity to actually get a fcking awesome movie (like an Obi Wan standalone). Wasted money to make something people don't care about. And extra damage will be that the character of Han Solo is shat on because its not Harrison Ford anymore.

In short: TLJ en Solo are what could potentially kill Star Wars hype. Something I never thought would be able to happen.


I liked Rogue One as well. I often wonder what the original version looked like.


Same. I don't mind not knowing it though. The movie is fine the way it is at the moment. I do have a feeling the original version would be darker and for my taste better. But thats Storygroup and Kennedy meddling. Like they have done the whole time. Middling with Solo, episode 9. They have 0 vision as to how these movies and stories should go. They can't even make a trilogy that is well crafted with a clear vision. They just make it up as they go. They made TFA without ANY idea what would happen after it. Could you imagine something like that with lets say, Lord of the Rings? Sure, A New Hope was also created without any clear vision for the future. But that was the first movie in the 6 movie saga. As soon as they started ESB, Lucas started creating his universe. You can even see the Prequels tell a compelling full story. Clear vision behind it.


If Solo can do close to a billion (assuming it didn't cost too much) and win back some disgruntled fans then the next Episode could open huge again...

Don't discount the loyalty and wishful thinking of StarWars fans...


Doesn't cost too much? You do know they shot 90% of the movie when they fired the director? They then had to hire a new director and shoot the whole movie all over again. Adding in so much money to the budget. So I won't count on that. To win back disgruntled fans they would have to make the best movie ever. Seriously. Not just because of the TLJ backlash, but because nobody was waiting or asking for a Han Solo movie. So they have to prove themselves so much more than some other SW movie. They even need to prove themselves more than an episodic movie. Because if it isnt amazing. Then why did they make it? Since nobody wanted it anyway. They could have spend those resources for a much better movie. Like I said, for instance, an Obi Wan standalone movie. People have been asking for that for years!


I don't know how the break down their budget... i assume a lot of it is CGI and effects...

They just need a passable movie to get the fans on board... Star Wars fans have been complaining about star wars movies for decades, yet all it took was a bit of JJ Abrams worksmanship to get almost everyone back onboard and in seats...

Don't worry... They can easily churn out a movie every year or two so they'll give you your Obi Wan movie (beware what you ask for πŸ˜‰)...


I live for the Obi Wan movie. I know the risks involved with this regime at Lucasfilm. But I also know how to fan-edit. If they release a Obi Wan movie that contains amazing stuff but also horrible scenes, I will just edit those out. I love Star Wars way to much to let Lucasfilm ruin it for me, I'll take matters in to my own hands :)
I just want more Star Wars! But not Solo, or TLJ. I have given up hope for the Sequel Trilogy, but that doesnt mean there will never be amazing Star Wars movies anymore. from the 1000 movies they are going to make, surely 1 or 2 or 3 should be amazing. I loved Rogue One, so there's that. The rest I might be able to salvage myself with editing. Or just give up on them completely. Whatever works for me. I'll create my own canon.


I agree. Plus Ron Howard has made some outstanding films over the years, so anything is possible.


Don't underestimate the spiteful nature of tens of millions of vengeful nerdsπŸ˜‰


Kathleen Kennedy fired? I'd skip a dozen Christmases for that to happen! πŸŽ„πŸŽ…πŸŽ„


Hmmm, as long as the billions keep flowing in, she'll stay on. Money talks. If the Star Wars movies do poorly, then they'll replace.


Give it time. Its going to be exciting to see how Solo turns out.


No. They don't fire women merely for their sexism or because they do their jobs badly.


Ahhhh. And I was just about to break out the champagne.



Me 2 when I first saw the post. But its an interesting conversation though.


shes a woman, they cant fire her.
