MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Why didn't the writers kill off Leia whe...

Why didn't the writers kill off Leia when they had the chance?

IMO, for all that's worth, she should have made the sacrifice that the Laura Dern character did and kamikaze lightspeed into Snoke's flagship and go out with a bang, or just be killed when she got sucked into space.

But none of that happened.

So what are they going to do now?

Either Leia dies off screen and it's mentioned in the opening the opening crawl of the next film or it opens with her funeral. Lame and depressing note to start a film on.

Or they have a creepy CGI mannequin/waxwork of her for the next film. No thanks, it was bad enough in Rogue One.

Leia really deserved to have a good on screen death and go out with a bang, but it's hard to imagine how they might do anything decent with her now. Maybe they have enough out takes they can cobble something together with.


I think 9 should open with her funeral, and Kylo is secretly watching from afar.

After her death, there is no one left for him to be angry at, so he begins to change.


Then he goes into a soliloquy about how he sees the error of his ways and it breaks out into a full-blown "I wanna change" musical number with dancing porgs and Force Ghost Luke swinging his jug of green milk to the tune... Hey, it's anything goes from here.


Then Luke says that he has been always wanting to be a woman and that now he wants to be called Lucy and be a Transgender Ghost ^^


You're certainly not an excellent example of toxic masculinity, no siree!


Does "toxic femininity" exist? If you think not, then don't ever say "toxic masculinity" again.


I would let it lead into a civil war within the First Order. Hux and Kylo are already at odds with each other, and Hux was almost going to kill Kylo when he saw him on the ground in Snoke's room.


Does he change into a well written character?

(and does criticising a badly written male character make me a misandrist?)


(and does criticising a badly written male character make me a misandrist?)

Only if you're complaining constantly that it's wrong for him to learn a little bit faster than the equivalent female characters, and ignoring/dismissing the fact that there is no set standard or ultimate limitation in the first place.

I've never criticized someone for saying Rey was poorly written, that's a pure opinion.

But it's expected for you to completely ignore context to make the statement you did.


Oh and FYI, there's plenty of misandry in the world. I've criticized women for doing that. It's actually tougher to argue with women expressing misandry because they tend to feel fully justified in speaking that way, like it's payback.


Well at last we agree on something. There is plenty of misandry in the world... and the funny thing it's very often men who are the most guilty of that (just as women are entirely capable of misogyny).

But no, somehow I doubt that if Rey was Ray and everybody here still made the equally valid points about her/his absurd power growth (as people did about Anakin!) you'd claim misandry. You'd either be far more willing to accept the criticism (men are actually usually far happier criticising other men than women) or you'd fall back to the next line of defence that implies the people who disagree with you are morally inferior.


It was probably planned to have Leia as one of the main characters in the final episode (similarly to Han in TFA and Luke in TLJ). The movie was written and filmed with this in mind, but Carrie's death made those plans obsolete. They decided against reshooting the parts with Leia and instead left them as they were.


Not feminist like. The extreme feminist route would be she survives ep 9 while only the old white men died (Han, Luke). The other would be her dying in Ep 9 to just kill off all the iconic characters in general to make way for the younger generation. Still pisses me off how 4-6 amounted to nothing pretty much. All that fighting just to die the next episodes after. Maybe each episode just represents each of the iconic characters dying except chewie.


I agree with you. I thought during that scene where she is unconscious in space that that would be her death scene but then the movie gives us that dumb moment where she flies to the door. It would have been better if she just died for the cause right then.

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Obviously to keep the Luke/Leia reunion scene, and it was worth it.


They messed up. They didn't take into account people are gonna watch these movies over and over and over for all time.


just more surprised they let Luke's death stick


I suspect they've held back footage of her death for Part 9. They had the perfect opportunity to kill Leia in the Last Jedi and indeed that was one of the expectations we had knowing Carrie died last Christmas. But just like every other expectation we had that was ignored for some unknown reason.
