MovieChat Forums > Star Wars: Episode VIII - The Last Jedi (2017) Discussion > Which of the following scenes infuriated...

Which of the following scenes infuriated you the most?

- Poe's prank call to the First Order
- The Mary Poppins Scene
- Luke bitching and moaning the whole film
- Luke attempting to kill Kylo Ren in his sleep
- Luke's boob milking
- Rey having no backstory or explanation for her Mary Sue powers
- Admiral Holdo (sp?) not telling Poe her plan which results in a mutiny
- The Casino Planet
- Rose knocking Finn out of the way of the cannon which put both of their lives and the lives of everyone in the resistance in danger
- Snoke's death
- Captain Phasma's death
- Luke's death


Almost every scene with Rose, or Poe, or DJ, the milking, and Mary Poppins.


Correct me if I'm wrong but is Rose's philosophy pretty much that they are going to win the war with the power of love? Um sorry but I think blasters would work better.


Yes. You shouldn't fight what you hate, you should love what you don't hate and be nice and protect your loved ones by loving them.


Got it, I'm going to call the Department of Defense and tell them that they need to utilize that strategy against ISIS.


That's already been US foreign policy since the Monroe Doctrine, but you can pretend otherwise if you want.


None of them infuriated me but certainly a few gave rise to question marks in my head:

- Seemed odd and out of place - definitely seemed to be forced humour at least upon seeing the scene the first time

- Not excited by it exactly but it made sense in the context of who Leia is as a descendant of a notable Force user

- Made sense to me and it was amusing at times

- I saw it in the spirit it was depicted but I can see how it might be taken as being melodramatic. However, let's face it, Luke experienced the nightmare of clashing with Darth Vader of whom he knew the history, so Ben Solo's plummet into the Dark Side was a big red flag he wasn't expecting but knew how bad it could be and more so given the apparent intensity which which it was arising in Ben.

- Amusing and strange. It clearly disturbed and/or perplexed Rey.

- No, but Luke's ability was a partial misdirection until the Darth Vader connection was understood correctly. I bet at some point someone is going to reveal that the "Light" side of the Force is increasing to guide individuals to rebalance the Force, to correct the violence of the First Order.

- I just found Admiral Holdo generally annoying

- Amusing and worth it for the metaphorical picture it paints. Otherwise a not necessary scene.

- Not helpful, but then again the main characters are not supposed to die if they're the new heroes and leadership of the struggle. It makes sense for Rose to intervene because she can't conceive of losing another friend after her sister passed away while sacrificing her life in battle. We know Finn had a definite idea about taking out the cannon, however it did seem unlikely as a strategy as he could have been burnt up in the beam before even touching the weapon or destroying it.

- Awesome and well deserved. That said, we learnt very little about his purpose and his motivation - why the First Order, why his antagonism towards Luke, how did become attracted to the Dark Side, etc. This might well be developed


through Kylo Ren's struggle (Do Dark Side exponents have Force Ghosts? If so, Snoke may well return to harass Kylo).

- I never felt Captain Phasma was relevant to the story or as an interesting character, so her death was not that important or disappointing.

- Unlike many people I thought Luke's death was well played and elegant. As has been indicated by Hamill himself, it seems that it wasn't Luke's role ultimately to take charge or be the saviour. If he had been this would have overshadowed Rey who is meant to be the new Jedi style character and moral force aiding the Resistance. Luke was meant to fade into history after a last stand where he impressed on or reminded Kylo of who he was and his determination to be an ongoing force of reckoning in some form - no-one was getting rid of Luke not even his death would end him, his ethic would live on beyond his physical life or reality. If he can reach Kylo as a Force ghost he can also observe and influence him and by extension tackle the First Order on a spiritual level.


We know Finn had a definite idea about taking out the cannon, however it did seem unlikely as a strategy as he could have been burnt up in the beam before even touching the weapon or destroying it.

The worst thing about this, to me, is that it demonstrates that those little speeders seemed to have no weapons. Finn didn't even try shooting or anything.

Not one of those speeders fired a single shot, from what I recall. I can't conceive of what kind of "plan" there was to fly out toward those walkers with creaky old speeders that didn't seem to have any firepower whatsoever.

It's just so odd, as if it was slapped together just for a scene with Finn and Rose. Of course, then the walkers literally stand there while Finn drags her all the way back to the base, even after declaring to leave no survivors.

So odd.


You know that guys like you, braindead gloryhunters which defend even the most idiotic script decisions, are the reason why Disney could easily destroy Star Wars?


Yoda: "Braindead they are not, gloryhunters they could be. Discernment looks to the future while valuing the past. Disney movie studios know not the true value, but even so the Star Wars continue it will. It shall flourish very well...mmm...very well. What's that? Do not ask WHY! There is no WHY!

You do not believe - that is why you fail."



all plots and storylines that lead absolutely nowhere. In the old days you had to resolve your plotpoints in a satisfying manner. If you didn't the film or story would be deemed bad. No such thing anymore.


The way the 100% undid Luke's entire character-arc before killing him, much like they did with Han.

Tell me why he couldn't have gone to face Ren in person if he was just going to force-suicide anyway? The end result would have been exactly the same. Disgrace.


Snoke's death and the fact that they were still trying to peddle the idea that Kylo could still be redeemed, even after he had killed his own father. I didn't mind the Casino Planet though, primarily cause I thought it looked kinda cool.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see and if you have any thoughts or criticisms, i'd love to hear them. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here


Leia and Holdo deciding who was going to say “May the force be with you.” Also hated fovier riding. Liked the movie though even with its flaws.


As ackbarthehut says, all of them.



But especially Luke's boob milking. YUCK!

