MovieChat Forums > Perry Mason (2020) Discussion > So Drake is black and Della is gay

So Drake is black and Della is gay

Is this how the characters were originally depicted in the books or is it just more SJW influence attempting to appear progressive.Personally I would prefer more originality instead of hijacking other characters.


This show has nothing to do with Perry Mason. The producers just bought the rights to an iconic (i.e. marketable ) name and created a new show.


I don't have a problem with a black Drake, but in 1932 LA?

LA was a very racist town (still is actually) as Walter Mosley points out in his Easy Rollins novels.

Now that I think about - why not a series about black detective Easy Rollins?



Drake doesn't make any sense as black, in 1932 or in any year.

He's a very typical English character. Frantic, smart, efficient. He clearly has English origin, probably low class. I can't imagine him with German origin, or Polish, or Spanish... much less African.


YOU make no sense. What in the actual fuck are you blabbering on about?

Edit: Never mind, I read some of your other posts on MC. You still don't make sense.


Read the books.

Well, read, in general.


"Drake doesn't make any sense as black, in 1932 or in any year.

He's a very typical English character. Frantic, smart, efficient. He clearly has English origin"



Look at the user name. It's certainly clear what motivates them.






Ok, I see, you're just a troll.


Lige, attempt to not be disingenuous and figure out how to intellectually engage comments you don't like. You know exactly what the OP is talking about. Establish logical counterarguments supported by empirical proof. If you learn how to actually argue, you'll be surprised how much more seriously people will take you.


LA racist?
do you live there?


No surprising now. Almost every new show does this now. Shes not openly gay in the show is she???


What do you mean by openly? PDA on the street? Tattoo that says "I Eat Pussy"?
Or did they show her in a relationship with a woman??? < Was that the right amount of question marks?


I think everyone who eats pussy, male or female, should have a tattoo announcing it. Probably make it easier for women to decide who to get involved with.


Where all the other characters know about it, you moron. Back in 1932 people didnt advertise it. You moron....was that the right amount of morons??? Or should I add two more to match your 4 question marks you moron....well one more now....😂😂😂😂😂😂


Sounds silly. Raymond Burr was the one that was gay, not Perry Mason, not Della Street.


I've never read the source material of seen the original tv show, so having no attachment to those characters, I can't say I mind those changes. The one character that does bother me is the "sister". She's kinda annoying and not really interesting.

As far as I'm aware, this show is supposed to serve as a prequel/origin story to the character of Perry Mason.
Either way, the story itself is kinda odd and confusing... The developments/twists are interesting, I guess, but feel somehow convoluted more often than not.


Probably neither, but nothing about it seems unoriginal. The color of a character's skin or who they are attracted to is pretty meaningless unless the role is somehow specific to a person of a certain race or sexual preference.


No, the color of a character's skin is not meaningless.

The cultural background of a character is a key element of his personality. Erle Stanley Gardner's Perry Mason, for example, is a liberal lawyer in the west coast during the early XXth century. It wouldn't make sense to make him an Irish lawyer in London, for example, unless you rewrite the character. And it wouldn't make sense to make him black neither, because blacks had (and have) a different cultural background.


It might not be how the original show was but it works for this one. If you're that hung up over the obvious attempt at diverse representation then good luck enjoying most of what comes out these days.


I'm not missing Hollywood, to be honest. Anime is having a golden age. 😄


Any good recs? I hear Avatar is pretty good.


Buff... that's quite difficult to answer. Anime has grown a lot, there's a huge amount of productions and very different genres. I usually gravitate towards Slice of Life+Comedy, but that's me. I can give you a few options from different genres so you can check if you're into it.

The Flying Witch is pure Slice of Life. If you like it, probably you'll like the SoL (Slice of Life) genre.

SoL works great when mixed with other genres. The Eccentric Family AKA Uchouten Kazoku could be considered SoL+fantasy. It can be a nice starting point.

Usagi Drop is SoL+family drama. This is an beautiful show.

Toradora is a great example of romantic comedy. It has some of the most interesting and complex characters I've seen in a romcom (I'd love to see a good live action version). If you wanna look for LGBT romcoms, the subgenres are called Yaoi and Yuri.

Hinamatsuri is an wonderful comedy. The first 1-2 episodes can feel a bit alien, but after that it's simply brilliant.

Fairy Tail is a textbook battle shounen. This is the most typical Anime genre (Avatar belongs to it too), with the usual endless battles. I'm not much into this genre, and probably I'm not the best one to give a rec here.

If you wanna try a shounen with more drama, I'd recommend Attack on Titan

You wanna try scifi? give a try to Ergo Proxy

How about drama? March comes like a lion is a very good one:


Wow, thanks for the reply. Asked and answered! Appreciated.


You're welcome. If you like some genre, a good place to look for more is here, it's like iMDB for Anime.

The scores are a bit inflated, but you can trust them (mostly). In general, anything above 7.5 worths the watch.


The question you have to ask about any change is "does this affect the core elements of the work?"

If a show is set in Los Angeles, moving it to London doesn't matter unless something about Los Angeles is key to the work. For example, the film Chinatown is specifically about the drastic changes Los Angeles underwent in the '20s and '30s. Setting it in 1930 Chicago, or 1990 Los Angeles, would not work without major story revision. Pulp Fiction, on the other hand, works in any American city. It only happens to take place in Los Angeles.

The same goes for the skin color of an actor. Unless he specifically needs to be of a certain race or skin tone, it doesn't matter. Paul Drake's important traits are that he's a tall, handsome, tough, and successful private investigator. His racial ancestry is of no consequence.


Unless he specifically needs to be of a certain race or skin tone, it doesn't matter. Paul Drake's important traits are that he's a tall, handsome, tough, and successful private investigator. His racial ancestry is of no consequence.

Is that a joke??? Drake is very local character. It doesn't make any sense to give him a black background, or a Mexican background or any other woke diversity bs. Damn, it wouldn't even make sense to make him Quebecois or even giving him a white high-class background, like Della Street!

Background and culture matters.


What does that mean, a "local character?"


He doesn't like non-whites.


Why do you hate whites so much?


I like everyone, but you obviously don't.


I'm sorry, but if you want to be the one who decides what other people like or dislike, then accept that other people decide what you like or dislike.

You don't like the taste of your own medicine? well, too bad.

So again, why you do hate whites so much?


Do you have a link to where I stated I hate whites? If so, post it. If not, shut the fuck up, asshole.


Do you have a link to where I stated I hate whites? If so, post it. If not, shut the fuck up, asshole.

It seems that you don't like tasting your own medicine, who would have imagined! 😄


You have no link?


He posts a lot, grousing about black actors being cast in films. It makes one wonder.


I don't wonder.


It appears there was a plot-relative reason for making Della gay after all so your knee jerk reaction might have been premature.


What was the plot-relevant reason?


Della is friends w/ the assistant DA who is also covertly gay. Having that close connection prompted the DA to give Perry the bar exam answers to allow him to become Emily's lawyer. It was both a favor for a friend he trusts completely and a means to set up getting the DA's job.


I wouldn't call that a plot-relative reason, but okay.


I admit it's kind of a reach but it's better than if they'd revealed her orientation then it never came up again. Not that it would bother me I don't mind inclusivity. It's to be expected these days. I can see why people who watched it in the 60's might have an issue. Hopefully it wouldn't be show breaking for them.


A gay character is definitely more acceptable today than in the '60s. I think by 2020, for most people a gay character isn't a big deal, and doesn't need to be justified by some plot point. Plus, it adds an extra layer of storytelling potential to the show.
