MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > They released the trailer online a few m...

They released the trailer online a few minutes ago.

I gotta say that it looks awesome. Even Rob Patz looks good.


Unfortunately, everyone said the same thing about BatFleck in 2016.


Zack Snyder's hands aren't anywhere near this though.


Yeah, I have a bit more faith in Matt Reeves going by his other work. I liked Cloverfield, and the Planet of the Apes films were decent enough, although I was left disappointed by WFTPOTA after the strong reviews. Haven't seen Let Me In.

The potential is there.


Let Me In is surprisingly good.


I forgot he did that, I much prefer the Swedish adaption though. He seems to make above average films but not great films, I just noticed I rated all his films 7/10 over at IMDb. Matt Reeves = Mr Dependable.


He's a "he can do the job" guy.


Not a bad thing to be in Hollywood!


Frankly outside of the Apes movie that he only directed two off. I can't say hes that great. Cloverfield was overrated Monster/Found Footage with uninteresting and boring characters..


Frankly it just looks like Emo-Man more than Batman. Patterson is too damn skinny to play the part and he even say he didn't work out for it. Frankly im looking forward to this movie less than i did before. I very much doubt this is going to top either Batman Begins or Dark Knight.


I'm not a fan of his look, but the trailer still looks good.


He looks fine in the suit. It's easy to bulk up an actor with a costume. And much of the stunt work will be done by stunt people anyway.

Its the same as when Keaton was first announced for Batman...many thought he was too small, not muscly enough etc. But they forget that he is an ordinary person with no powers. In his Bruce Wayne persona he is supposed to look normal. It would be ridiculous if he looked like He Man or had huge muscles.

Finally...this is a younger Batman. He is supposed to look young. It's based on the Batman Year Two era from the comics.


The long hair looks weird. And I don't know why he was wearing white makeup at the end. Or it least it looked that way.


He is younger...why would long hair be strange? And there was clearly no white makeup at the end.


Long hair in a cowl doesn't seem practical.


Its not THAT long, and easily able to be slicked back under a cowl.


I have a feeling his hair is going to be cut at the end of the movie.


Now this is more like it , none of that Zack Snyder crap , this looks really good


I really don't like Zack Snyder at all. He made an above average "Man of Steel", a mediocre "Batman v Superman", and an above average "Justice League". Then there's Sucker Punch.


I can't even get through bvs till the end , awful movie


I saw it BvS but all 3 movies I mentioned feel like the exact same movie.


I don't like Snyder take. But im not looking forward to this either. Ill just stick to the nolan movies. Even the ones i don't care for.


It looks great


Who the hell are you supposed to be?


Everyone is loving the line right after.




I knew once they selected Matt Reeves as the director it was in good hands. His planet of the apes films are fantastic. Not to mention Pattinson is a really talented actor, watch Good time and lighthouse for evidence of that. The casting has been very inspired and great also.


I love his Planet of the Apes films. I don't love R. Patz, or should I say R. Batz, but he's been okay in some stuff.


Iā€™m definitely digging it!


Looks okay. Gives me a circa 1994, 'The Crow' vibe. Not necessarily a bad thing.


I really like the goth look to this one.
