MovieChat Forums > Blade Runner 2049 (2017) Discussion > Sorry fanboi's: Flying Car Fizzles, BR 2...

Sorry fanboi's: Flying Car Fizzles, BR 2049 Flops at Box Office

1982 all over again:


that's US box office only, you forgot about Europe and china. this will make a profit. sorry hater. now go back to star wars.


The article says Europe is a dud. Did you even read it?


My Little Pony is going to beat BR! The Broney trolls were right.


It's not the kind of movie to open to a front-loaded weekend, which is all anyone expects these days. Slightly older audiences are more patient and are willing to wait before going to see it.


The first one bombed domestic and internationally.

This time it seems like it will bomb domestic, but will bring a lot of money internationally.

Like Warcraft and to a certain degree Mad Max Fury Road and Edge Of Tomorrow did.


Probably a dud like Alien: Covenant than Mad Max 4, Edge of Tomorrow.


At least we know why Hollywood has sold out to China to get their large budget based movies profits back. Hollywood has desensitized most of the people to just a few categories of movies that give loud noises and explosions or super heroes or the typical horror flick. Anything more intellectual, many won't really see imo or bring in the large profits is what I am saying in most cases.

Then comes China where that 1 billion popular hasn't been desensitized yet by Hollywood repetition since they're limited to 34 foreign films a year. Though the upside is we do get Asian films here as well from what I can see. I saw Chasing the Dragon and it was way better than American Made (both dealing with drugs).


yeah, as was noted, the original was a "flop" too...

I saw it at a large theatre, between 10-15 people left in the first hour and another half dozen left 20 minutes before the ending... this movie isn't for everyone, and that's fine by me!

This new one is far beyond what I expected... solid movie that does the original justice... Kudos to Dennis for keeping it real!

This is an unapologetically proper BladeRunner movie... Decidedly not mainstream hollywood.


The OP must be proud to be in the same category that jock boys and foul mouthed bimbos are in.


This doesn't shock me too much. Ridley needs to stop trying to breathe life into old material, it's just not working.

I'm trying to go for an engaging, funny youtube channel so, if you have the time, take a look. Hope you enjoy what you see. Thanks in advance. A review of the movie here-
