

It will appeal more to its target demographic, but I think it will have some crossover audience. You forget that Tyler Perry films have all made enormous amounts of money, so even if it didn't, it will still be a box office success, provided that it's a good film.


I am 100% certain Marvel, Superhero/Comic and action fans, of all colors, will flock to see this one. It’s perhaps going to appeal to black folks the most (even to those not particularly interested in Superhero movies), and that’s great. But only they will find this worth watching? Sure, if that’s what you believe (those white justice crybabies purveying their tired and captious “anti-pc” rants against this film might share that belief).

Sign - a lighter skin earthling


Well i'm white and i can't wait to see it.I don't much care about the ethnicity of a cast.I only care if a movie looks good.and this does.


I am white and I will watch it. There have been many black led films in the US and they have had large white audiences, not sure why this one, especially being a comic book movie would suddenly not have an audience. It may do well or it may fail but it would be a bit surprising if the audience that sees it during its theatrical run doesn't end up being mostly white in this country.


I higly doubt it.

Black Panther was incredibly well received when he debuted in Civil War, to the point that to many viewers both BP and Spiddey stole the movie.

The actor was rightfully praised for his job and nailed the part to a T.

Black Panther is also a counter-part [and a continuation] to the character of Iron Man. Tony is a douchey individual, while T'Chala acts with a stong sense of honor and duty. Both are geniouses and both rely on tech. But T'challa is bounded to the safety of his own people whereas Tony allows for not-that-reasonable policies to guide him [the treaty]

Wakanda was also heavily pointed at on AoU for being the only source of Vibranium.

Most fans see BP as the "real" Batman [or, if you prefer, the all-dressed-in-black and gadget heavy strategist before Batman was such]

It's going to make a great Box Office. And Being the last movie before IW will also boost it.


Real Batman? WTH? Batman debuted in 1939. Green Arrow came out in 1941. The Atom was 1940 (Ray Palmer was 1961). Iron Man came out in 1963. Black Panther debuted in 1966. Those are just the ones I could think of off the top of my head. BP isn't even the first knock-off billionaire, tech-heavy super hero.


Read carefully:

"[or, if you prefer, the all-dressed-in-black and gadget heavy strategist before Batman was such]"


And, again, read carefully -- BP came out in 1966. Batman's utility belt debuted in -- wait for it -- 1939. Gadget heavy strategist has been Batman's MO from the beginning.



Yeah, no. Sorry to disappoint you. This is Batman in 1939: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/MbatDEpziyg/maxresdefault.jpg not all dressed in black.

This is Black Panther:


Batman was more a detective with a penchant for little boys called "Dick":



So, literally the ONLY interesting or "new" thing about Black Panther is that his suit is all black? Instead of black and gray? Or even entirely different colors (like, I dunno, green or red/gold)?

That is the saddest defense of a character ever.

So, a half dozen infinitely more interesting characters, with different personalities and backstories, were strategists, detectives, acrobats, crimefighters, tech geniuses, playboys, and rich a full generation before Black Panther was created.

But his suit is ALL black. Not just part black. ALL. BLACK.


"So, literally the ONLY interesting or "new" thing about Black Panther is that his suit is all black? Instead of black and gray? Or even entirely different colors (like, I dunno, green or red/gold)?"

You mean, the way Batman never were black untill recently? Good show. Oh, and is Batman the KING of a country? Nope.

"That is the saddest defense of a character ever. "

better than going to bed with kids. :)

"So, a half dozen infinitely more interesting characters, with different personalities and backstories, were strategists, detectives, acrobats, crimefighters, tech geniuses, playboys, and rich a full generation before Black Panther was created. "

You mean, like Zorro before Batman? :)

"But his suit is ALL black. Not just part black. ALL. BLACK."

Correct. Sucks to be Batman. :)


We already know DC fans don't read well.


It's being released in what, January of February? Which is traditionally when the movie studios release all the worst movies, the ones with no hope of winning awards or making megabucks. Which probably means that "BP" isn't the best movie Marvel ever made, but if does mean that it will have absolutely no competition at the box office.

So yeah, if it's released during the post-holiday doldrums when there's nothing good to see at the movies, white people will go see it whether it's any good or not.


Yes and no with the month of release. That has changed over the last few years. They put the more uncertain films out that time of year,but Deadpool was a February release too. Also, there are 7 or 8 Marvel comic movie adaptations coming out in 2018. They might be different studios, but you still have to spread that out. I think BP will kill it at the box office because of little competition that time of year.


There's been plenty of good stuff that has come out in those months. Like Shutter Island, The Grey, The Book of Eli, The Last Stand, The Crazies, Cloverfield.


Hey, I correctly predicted that it'd be a great big hit!

Although I didn't correctly predict that it'd be really good. And BTW I took my white ass to see it with my elderly white aunt, and there were plenty of other white people in the theater.


Wow, a Marvel movie making money... What are the chances!
I salute your joy in little things :-)


Millennials and white liberals that NEVER interact with anyone darker than snow will go see it ONCE. Then of course they will pat themselves on the back non stop and prattle ceaselessly about how aaammmmmaaaazzzzzing it was and how brilliant the actors are and blah blah blah.


I'm pretty white and I plan on watching it. I liked the character in Civil War.


Haha...OD...love it!
