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The far right's wet dream after Trump's conviction.

Extremists Fantasize of Violence After Trump Guilty Verdict

Far-right Trump backers say it’s time to “take matters into our own hands” after Trump’s conviction


Have Trumpies EVER conceded on something? Honest question.


Almost everyone in our country is too gutless to go beyond their fantasies and actually do all the killing that they dream about every night.


The far right doesn't even support trump anymore, normie. You mean "the right".


you mean moderate Republicans? They get ostracized for not supporting the supreme leader.


Beyond a pay wall. Who said what?


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Wrong the President in the movie is a Trump Stand In and by the end it's an Antifa Wet Dream.




Did everyone not understand what far right trumpists are by this point?

They will never take anything in their hands simply because they are pussies and cowards. It's been like 10 years of extreme wokeness and all they do is WHINE ON TWITTER. That's all they do. Because they are literal cowards and beta men.

That's why they stood on their knees and bowed to russians and accepted them as their new masters. Because they hope that putin will somehow kick wokeness for them from America. It's hilarious, really.

There could never be any uprising from those guys who live in moms basements and play video games. That's why those pink haired young women took America and turned it into woke place.

Take their golden boy Musk. What does he do to fight wokeness? He whines on twitter all day and retweets other beta trumpist bloggers. What was Trump doing while president? Whining on Twitter non stop.

Lefties will never allow Trump to usurp power like that president in movie. And reps are too cowardice to take it by force.


Except, Trump won and is leading in the polls again.

Except, that you hat Musk becasue he allows free speech, and you are terrified of people you disagree with being allowed to talk. Who's weak now?

Your side is the one trying to use positions of power and lies to stop the other side.

That's YOU people beign afraid and pussies. FYI.


He won and then for 4 years did nothing to stop extreme wokeness. He was just whining how mean they are.

Musk is not allowing free speech. He is allowing propaganda, lies and fake news. And he is doing what lefties were doing - bans accounts of anti-turmpists. While lying that there will be no permanent bans anymore. But when anyone attack trumpists for their lies - ban. I know a person who had 3 accounts banned. They were fine up until the moment they started laughing at trumpists. Musk is not free speech. He is the same as lefties. Bans those who do not agree with him. Dictator.

Again - Musk allowing trumpists to cry and whine on twitter didn't change anything in real world.

Because trumpists are pussies. That's why they surrendered to russians and became their little biches. Out of despair about own impotence and in hope russians will somehow end wokennes for them in USA. LOL.

If Trump would usurp power like in movie - trumpists would not fight for him. They will put their hands up and run to mommy.


They surrended to russians? In what delirious you live where that happened? Because as far as I remember the investigations didn't led to absolutely any connection, so it'S you the one spreading "misinformation" now.

And Trump Will win again this november, you Will be able to see with your own eyes how this time he ends wokeness for real :)


Did you live under the rock for the pas 2 years?

Do you not go to twitter? Do you not watch news?

Trumpists, their bloggers and Musk, Jones, Carlson etc kiss ass of russians on Twitter for 2 years and root for them to win against USA in russo-Ukraine war. Republican speaker Johnson was blocking weapons aid to Ukraine for 6 months on russian orders. Marjorie Taylor Green is named now #MoscowMarjorie for being russian bich on payrol.

Tucker Carlson even went to russia himself to personally kiss putin's ass and confirm his loyalty. Even went to freaking supermarket to gush about life in russia and how its better then USA or some shit.

russia controls and OWNS Trump and his minions. He could not end wokeness for first 4 years but will now? LOL. Sure Jen.

One person can't end wokeness. Everyone must participate. But like I said - trumpists are pussies and cowards. Again - you sit and wait for Trump to come and end it. Instead of doing something yourself.


Are the texans cowards also? Because It looks they are doing real things against the joe biden régimen right now, not just whining on twitter.

And you know why trumpists don't do violent things against wokeness? Because they are peaceful and follow democracy, not like the fascist leftists, Who only know to express themselves with violence.


You don't have to "do violent things against wokeness" to fight it. LOL. Wokeness took over USA peacefully. Because no one was opposing it. Republicans just quietly watched it spreading.

Nice try to try to hide republican cowardice.

That Florida governor was actually like the only one republican that did something in real world to fight it. And then trumpists voted for loser Trump on primaries.


Well it's easy to take over when the people Who push the woke agenda control all the media. In fact the wokeness has taken over the media, but no the reality of most anericans.

And texans are fighting for keeping the border closed. Can you tell me what other non violent things can be done to fight wokeness that "cowards" republicans aren't doing?


Now it's media at fault.

DeSantis showed what can be done. Republicans have absolute power in many states and can vote and forbid anything. But don't do anything.

Republicans are not even capable to go to protests. When lefties do that every time they want something. So while crazy pink haired lefty women were taking over everything - republican pussy men were whining on Internet and ignoring woke movies "to show them, those studios". And then pissing themselves from happiness when some woke movie flopped. And were like: "We did it, dudes. We are so brave and strong". LOL.

At the same time pinky hairs kept taking over the world.


Haha if republicans where so cowards you wouldn't be so afraid of them and Trump. You like desantis because he was a bitch of the establishment.

And yes, It looks wokeness and trans are taking the world because media say so, but that isn't reality.


Yes. Now it's media at fault. And not beta trumpists.

Go and cry on twitter. Maybe that will end wokeness. And ignore some woke movie. That will definitely end it. LOL.

I honestly don't understand it. Trump was at power for 4 years. At some point he had congress and senate. And he did NOTHING to fight wokeness. Zero. Occasionally he whined about them on twitter as if he is some twitter blogger instead of president.

Even Nicky Haley has more balls and courage then Trump. he is such a beta little man. No wonder putin and china leader rule him.


Yes, he is so weak that aaaalll the establishment is doing all in their hand to prevent him to be president again (and they can't, btw). You are wrong because if he was so "beta" and"coward" they wouldn't
ca re about him winning again.


Nobody wants to have crazy and traitor at the office. He can still do damage.


Oh so he isn't such a coward pussy, right? I mean, he can do things, so you are contradicting yourself. If he was such a "coward" there wouldn't be any problem with him winning again, but he is really a danger to the corrupt establishment, and you are wrong about everything you said.


1. it's a stretch for Americans to address cultural issues with government power. But, we are working on it.

2. If Musk's support of Free Speech wasn't important and good, you wouldn't be attacking him.

3. Your shit talk about Russia is you being a pussy.

4. The movie is a movie. A dumb movie. It shows what idiot hollywood lefties think of the world.


Sure Jen


Ok buddy, you've attacked us for supporting Trump.

So, I'm kind of curious, what do you think we SHOULD be doing?

I mean, you clearly hate us. So, you certainly don't WANT us on your side, do you?


I don't like extreme wokeness. It's crazy. And I don't like that trumpists surrendered to russia.

Both of your parties and people are crazy and brought USA to what it is now. You all allowed it. Lefties went crazy. And righties were such pussies and cowards that they let crazies to take over everything. And then surrendered to American enemy and now run around internet and kiss feet of their russian masters. Its insane.

Some lefties are crazy. But at least they are not traitors like trumpists.


Yeah, i got where you are coming from.

My question is, what do you think we SHOULD be doing?


They are traitors letting the border opened and allowing an invasión, aren't they?


rolling stone - is that the 'ivermectin kills millions' magazine?


you still hang up on that covid shit? get over it already. geez...


another covidian, I see
welcome to moviechat!


Rolling Stone's journalistic scandals in the recent past have destroyed the credibility it once had.

No "peaceful protests" (AKA riots' lotting, vandalism, violence, etc.) have occurred since the conviction.

The fantasy of right-wing violence is the fantasy of the extreme left-wingers. This film was written, produced, and directed by liberals as their fantasy.


Yes, it's called projection. Leftists have done one by one all the things they said the far right would do ( election fraud, violence, looting in the streets...). In fact I think It Will be california Who Will try to separate from USA when Trump wins again.


Malcolm X under stood liberals


RS is Literally just citing quotes. you're shooting the messenger.


RS scandals include printing false quotes. RS likes to tell its readers (or skimmers) what they want to believe.


I wouldn't expect a Trump supporter to care about facts.


I didn't realize you were a Trump supporter. You don't care about facts, just want you want to believe.


"I know you are but what am I?" 😂
