Out of respect for Cameron...

... I’ll wait for credible reviews (not mainstream reviews who will gush over this because of its eco-messaging) and if enough people rate it then I’ll consider going to see it, assuming it even gets a cinema release.

But I’m not excited about this. Cameron has made some of the best movies in modern cinema but Avatar was his worst, it was supposed to usher in 3D but that ultimately failed, and he’s since become something of an SJW and eco-maniac. I can’t forgive him for failing to release The Abyss and True Lies on Blu-Ray after all these years, and wasting his talent on sequels to Avatar is a sign of madness.


Following up on what was the highest grossing movie for YEARS is a sign of madness? LOL You don't understand anything about the movie business.

Avatar was a stunning technical achievement, and an absolute blast to watch in the theater. It's one of the very few times in my theater-going experience where the audience gave a movie a standing ovation as the credits rolled.

I know it's popular in certain circles to take digs at the movie, but those digs are kind of like termites trying to gnaw at granite. LOL The Avatar series will continue to make a fortune (each) in theatrical release (if we have any theaters left after this year) AND media sales.

BTW, movies are still being released in IMAX 3D, and still being sold in Bluray 3D. My 3D Avatar looks almost as good on my 3D at home as it did in the theater.


It was Cameron’s shittest film, even though it was popular at the time. People went to see it in droves to see Cameron blow Titanic’s box office out of the water with a sci-if spectacular that would revolutionise cinema with 3D.

The result? A very mediocre and tame Dances With Smurfs ‘adventure’ stuffed with eco-messaging, and a film whose most notable quality was how forgettable it was, making no lasting cultural impact whatsoever. The only reason people still talk about it is because Cameron occasionally pipes up with his three supposed sequels, which haven’t materialised in over a decade.

The 3D was somewhat impressive but that fad has long since died, with cinemagoers finding the glasses annoying, and 3D TVs and home media already a fossil.

There’s about as much enthusiasm for an Avatar sequel as there was for Joe Biden, let alone three. To think Cameron could have spent this time making genuinely brilliant films like Aliens, or giving his classics the proper treatment on HD and UHD. Tragic.


Very little about your comment is correct. The attempted facts are wrong, and the rest is only your opinion, and an opinion highly in the minority at that. 3D dead in the theater? You must live in a small town with no IMAX. It's alive and well in multiplexes. You should try peeking out from under your bed sometime before you make a dumb statement like that. Yeah, 3D TVs didn't dominate the market, but they sold enough that every release in 3D in a theater still puts out a 3D Blu-ray. (Hint: They don't do that unless they make a profit on that media).

Your questionable judgement is shown by calling Aliens "brilliant". LOL Sure, it was fun, but it's derivative of every "killed off one by one by the enemy" movie ever made. I'm not sure what in Aliens was your "lasting cultural impact". Was it the goo that dripped? Maybe it was the line "Leave her alone, you bitch!" Yeah, that will shake up a culture. Sheesh.

Oh, but you can point to one movie you think Avatar is like, so that's that. LOL If you've seen Dances with Wolves, you haven't seen Avatar. I've always considered that argument desperate. May I have your permission to enjoy "Last of the Dogmen" since I saw Dances first? Pretty please? :-/

"Supposed sequels"? Principle photography is in the can for 2 and 3, or can't you keep up with popular news?

Avatar bashers like you are irrelevant. The sequels are coming, and they'll sell millions of tickets and make tons of money. Go picket your local theater when they come out if you want, but be careful not to get trampled by the fans.


Are you drunk?


That's the response of a loser. LOL

In other words: I'm right, you're wrong. Case closed.


Go for it, Avatar fan 👍🏻


So you thought that was an insult. You are one deluded, twisted little twerp. ;-)


OK, kid 👍🏻


3d is dead bro, sorry.


Drooch is totally right about Cameron, Avatar & Aliens. Don’t really agree with the politics part, but right on.

Vran sounds like a super Pandora fan & big tech guy. I get that too but come on, man... Cameron has done 1 movie in the last 24 years because he’s so wrapped up with Avatar.

This Avatar sequel has to deliver way better than the first one, because the cgi spectacle will ware-off fast this time - so there better be a good & well written story in this film. Something the 1st was lacking considering Cameron’s past efforts.


But they no longer make 3D direct-view TVs. 3D was a huge dud in the home consumer marketplace.


They made an initial mistake with Active 3D. It was too expensive and a huge pain in the ass. Passive 3D delivered an acceptable experience for very little extra cost. We buy and watch 3D movies for ours all the time, and as I mentioned above, evidently enough people do to make it profitable to release these films in 3D Blu ray.


I think the movie gets way too much hate. I remember when people thought Titanic was the worst movie ever, all that shit. But I think he's wasted too much time for it to become a box office juggernaut like the first movie. It'd probably break even at least cuz people will be curious. It's not often we get a James Cameron movie anymore.


Sure, there were some haters when the film came out, they were mainly contrarian trolls trying to get attention by bashing the most successful film ever at the time, but Avatar’s real legacy is that it doesn’t have one and that ten years on it has had zero cultural impact, unlike Cameron’s good films.

The only reason it’s remembered is because Cameron occasionally pipes up about the sequels, but unlike Terminator and Aliens sequels (crap as almost all of them turn out to be) nobody is asking for more Space Smurfs, nobody cares.


Get over your "cultural impact" nonsense. And that is ALL it is. No mainstream film has an obligation to produce anything but entertainment. If you weren't entertained by Avatar, that's your personal problem. No one else has to have experienced your problem, it's yours. If you try to push it off on others, don't be surprised when someone calls you out on that nonsense.


Your irrational love for this very mediocre film which has been all but forgotten by culture, and lashing out at those who call it as it is, is fun to watch.


Once again, you can't comment on the facts, so you post nonsense. Congratulations. You're on the mental level of the Smurfs you love to mention. LOL


Enjoy your Smurfs, kiddo 👍🏻


Are you seriously trying to say that the Terminator movies & Aliens didn’t have a cultural impact?.. That’s ridiculous.

They did & Avatar has all but faded away. I get you’re a fan but that’s reality.


I suppose the "cultural impact" is that people like you are moved to write ridiculously silly things. LOL "Cultural impact" is when people start to reject bigotry or misogyny or include people with disabilities. It's not when fanbois drool over gratuitous violence. ;-)


It's hilarious how so many people come here to say they won't watch the movie and they're not excited for it. If that was really true you wouldn't be here writing 2 paragraph posts about the movie. You will watch the movie, guaranteed.


I ended up fast forwarding though much of the later dialog on Avatar. It was...bad. Just bad. It LOOKED, impressive, but the plot was beating a number of long dead horses, and the writing was stupid.

A military helicopter pilot angry that she has a military helicopter mission to fly? She didn't sign up for this shit? What did she sign up for?

And hey, did you know that we were shitty to the Indians?


And yet you'll still end up watching the sequel.


Perhaps. Not in the theater, that is for certain. Might wait till it hits one of my streaming services.

I've never "Sailed the high seas" but this might be the time to start so I could comment on it while it was still timely.


If you don't watch it in the theatres, you're REALLY just being contrarian. This is a movie that is *designed* to be a big-screen, technical extravaganza. People who say it's mediocre/bad but then claim they'll wait to see it on a small screen at home are the epitome of confused/ridiculous.


Have you seen it yet then?


BS. The only reason I’m saying how meh the concept of an Avatar sequel seems is because the original was hyped to all hell and became the highest grossing ever made. It is therefore remarkable that nobody cares about a sequel, let alone the three.


I would classify myself as an "Avatar hater". I agree with many of your takes on the film, but not all of them. I do think it had a very bland story with bland and underwritten characters, zero standout performances

I do believe that he was not at all interested in originality when it came to a storytelling POV. The story is very similar to Dances With Wolves, Pocahontas, and Ferngully. You can boil this down to a basic premise or trope: imperialist character unintentionally develops bond with natives and joins them in their struggle

Here you have the "skeleton" or pre-made structure of a story. I have to believe that Cameron's main preoccupations when making this film were primarily technical, not creative. The creative aspects of Avatar which Cameron seemed to be genuinely interested in seem to be mainly those centered on world-building: creating a new "planet" (or moon, w/e), new humanoid, sentient alien species, new sci-fi premises ("avatars" and "unobtanium")

By "new", here, I do not mean to say that his ideas are very original. They're really not, but they are HIS own takes on Sci-Fi/Fantasy tropes. They are "new" in the sense that they are his own Intellectual Property, even if its all derivative. Aside from world-building, I think Cameron basically just wanted to fuck around with new filmmaking, blockbuster technology

I think attributing his career trajectory to changes in his personal ethics is silly. His films have always reflected his penchant for simplistic moralizing. Terminator is just good guys trying to prevent apocalypse vs. emotionless killer robot. Aliens is just good guys trying to prevent alien "apocalypse" vs. ruthless corporation bent on profits over people. Titanic is just good guys trying to let love prevail vs. the time-period's forces of class rigidity

T2 is the only film of his which I would say ever showed any appreciable moral complexity, but even in that film, it raises interesting questions but doesn't provide concrete answers


Actually it makes perfect sense to see how Cameron’s personal ethics infect his films, and I strongly suspect he has withheld True Lies and The Abyss from Blu-ray because they don’t gel with his new woke ideology.


IF he has a woke ideology, I don't think it is "new" at all. The themes present in Avatar are present in pretty much all of his films. They are all "David vs. Goliath".

The resistance of humans against, not only the machines (and Skynet), but also against the greed and hubris of mankind as exemplified in Cyberdyne, which created the system for the U.S. government's Department of Defense. One can easily see an undercurrent of anti-imperialist thought running through such a story. In T2, Schwarzenegger sacrifices himself in the end to ensure that the last-remaining microchip cannot be harvested by Cyberdyne as a financial security measure against the apocalypse. Tell me that this isn't a cynical view of mankind, that a machine has learned to feel and to love, but must kill itself because humans absolutely can't be trusted to not bring about their own apocalypse

In Aliens you find a similar contempt for imperialism. You could argue that this is just a continuation of Ridley Scott's original film's ideas, but Cameron hammers down the point and dumbs it down. In Alien, the corporation was an ominous presence with secret motives. Their only agent within the film was an android who creepily found "beauty" in the nature of this alien organism.

In Cameron's Aliens it's just a matter of simple economics. You have the weasily human corporate shill who only sees the organism as a chance for his own career advancement. He makes it clear that this corporation will expend not just one space crew, but an entire colony of people in order to protect its profit motive

In Titanic, the "SJW themes" are as plain as it gets. Jack and Rose belong to different socioeconomic strata. It's absurd how far members of the "first class" are willing to go to keep Jack and Rose apart. A movie based on a true-life disaster has a scene where a rich guy goes Terminator and tries to kill Jack and Rose with a pistol

His current ideology is far from new


Those are all films he has been happy to restore and re-release, he has not allowed True Lies and The Abyss to have blu-ray releases because they breach his new woke ideology.


Who gives a shit about Blu-Ray? It's not a "new" ideology. He's always been essentially the same person. I don't know how many times I can explain the same thing without dumbing things down to a level that a Blu-Ray collector can understand



I and other film lovers care deeply about owning our favourite films on blu-ray, which offers the highest audio-visual quality (I of course include 4K blu-ray in this), you wouldn’t understand.

Oh don’t confuse your all-caps mindless apologetics for Wokism as an ‘explanation’, we know what your evil ideology is all about and you’re not fooling anyone.
