MovieChat Forums > Oppenheimer (2023) Discussion > That sex scene was the dumbest writing e...

That sex scene was the dumbest writing ever

That scene was worse than a student film. It's a parody that even 4chan wouldn't imagine:

FLORENCE interrupts riding OPPENHEIMER and goes over to his bookshelf.

Oh! Look at this book. It's a Hindu text. You've read this?

Yes, it's Sanskrit.

Read it.

I am become death, destroyer of--oh!


Read it!

I am become death, destroyer of worrrllds!

Dumbest shit I've ever seen.


Yes, it was nothing special.


I think Florence Pugh did it to have a shot of oscar, but she was not old or connected enough apparently to be nominated.

Emily Blunt was hardly in the movie except the final scene, so that was a surprise.


Emily Blunt was straight out bad in this movie. Forget it.


I'm surprised it garnered an Oscar nomination. Her performance wasn't anything special and nor was the writing for her character. Murphy and RDJ were the only ones who warranted nominations from this film.


Emily Blunt has been close to an Oscar nomination in the past, so they used this "Oscar bait" role as an excuse to nominate her and apologize.

But she was terrible.


I cant wait to see pughs birthing hips...


I think that is just Nolan's way of saying Jean Tatlock had mental problems, and Oppenheimer was just too horny to worry about it.


You're wrong! The dumbest scene is "Love is the one thing that transcends time and space."


Well, that is Interstellar, not this movie.

This movie is many things, but it is not about love.


I'm reply to "the dumbest writing ever." There are no way it can surpass Interstellar.


Nolan hasn't done anything good since Inception.

TENET was F-tier


For me his last good movie is The Dark Knight, Inception is very boring for me and I watch twice.

First time I watch it in theater think it's boring, but people always said how much they love the movie, after many years I gave the movie second chance... it's still boring.

The Matrix is way better than Inception.


its not the only dumb moment in the movie.

what about the JFK refrence. that was so corny it felt like nolan going full deadpool and saying to the audiance. "plz react"


The scene had no purpose. Getting up right in the middle of sex, neither is perplexed whatsoever. And of course she’s schooled in all of the authors on his shelf, because she’s the modern day empowered female genius in 1930 whatever.

Nolan is Schizophrenic. The editing is annoying. It doesn’t tell the story well at all.

Imagine taking a subject as interesting as this and completely fumbling it. And he did fumble it.

This is a movie I was highly interested in and wanted to like, but it’s not something I’ll ever watch again. Like interstellar.


dont forgot garbage dunkerk.


Her father was prominent philologist So she would definitely familiar with a library containing books of which some may well have been Sanskrit.

That doesn't mean the scene isn't crap. But your outrage about her having knowledge you believe she shouldn't realistically have is just simply ill-informed.


Especially because she's one of the ugliest supposedly pretty actresses out there. Her nudes just turned me off.


That whole sex scene was out of place and unnecessary. I think they just wanted an R-rating, so they decided to unleash some boobs
