MovieChat Forums > Fall (2022) Discussion > How does the worker change the lightbulb...

How does the worker change the lightbulb?

Anyone know?


I was thinking the same thing. And how do they even know when it needs to be replaced?


A single 60w incandescent bulb like you might find in a bedside lamp? Check. Screw fit? Check. I also noticed when they were climbing the tower there were no power cables or switch gear. Magic bulb? Check.


Wires could theoretically be inside the tower cylinder. Stupid design but at leat possible option.

also an incandescent bulb made to blink like that? you gona have to chance it every 2 or 3 months.



I found the answer.

There should be a ladder to the bulb. This worker is changing a tower bulb:


So the worker climbs the same ladder that the girls did. How did the worker not get trapped up there as they did?


There should be a ladder to the bulb in the movie. It's missing for dramatic effect. No worker in real life is going to shimmy up the pole.


Didn't the ladder fall off? I missed the first half of the movie, but I remember them saying the ladder fell. Also parts of the ladder are laying on the ground when they were throwing shoes 👞

Signed, million man.


That was the ladder below the platform which fell. There is supposed to be another ladder above the platform to the light bulb which is missing.


Oh right the skinny pole. My bad.

Signed, million man.


Yes there could have been another smaller ladder or something, but it also fell off. The whole thing was in bad condition.


I want to know who was changing the light bulb when the tower was in dangerous shape.


Probably nobody.


I don't think I'll watch the movie. Just viewing the video of your link made me feel pretty uneasy.


Funny how the movies portrays as "extreme" what some guys do for a living, using better technique and gear.


I consider that bad writing. It's similar to making characters stupid in horror movies.


Yeah, not to 2000 feet they dont. The tower in the movie isnt real.


The lack of ladder to reach the bulb was one of the biggest plot holes in this movie. It simply made no sense.


My dad was a DJ/announcer and engineer at a small AM station in California in the early 1950s. Being the latest hire, he got the job of climbing the tower ladder to change the light bulb. But that tower was only a couple of hundred feet tall. Fortunately, the bulb he put in outlasted his employment at that station, so he didn't have to do it again.


Do you know roughly how many stories high? And did the climb scare him?
It looks like fun as long as it's not too high.


Very carefully. 😉
