Do people like Princess

I find her incredibly annoying.I don't think it's the character so much as the terrible actress playing her.They finally got rid of Alpha now they bring in an even more annoying character.

I just realized where i know the actress from.She was on season 3 of the Lethal weapon tv series as a new cop.Even more annoying on that show.I really hope they kill her off soon.


That's the pattern with this show.


I watch every episode...who the hell is Princess???


Season 10 episode 14.the annoying crazy girl Eugene, Ezekiel and Yumiko come across in the city when their going to meet the new group.


Not seen enough episodes with her in yet to say.


I found her annoying from the first scene.


Hate the ghetto rat.


Lets hope she dies. I hate fill in characters.


Annoying. But then most of this show at this point is annoying.


Cant wait for her to die a horrible death




Annoying as hell, another wasted episode


I think she's SUPPOSED to be a little off-putting and obnoxious. Not every character you come across in a show called The Walking Dead is going to be likeable (nor should they). She will probably continue to be pretty out there...and then will end up doing something really heroic, and will win people over.

That's one of the challenges trying to translate a really out-there character from a graphic novel (who may play very well in print)...and bring them to life on-screen. (And if you are just bent on not liking her...blame the director, not the actress. She's playing it exactly the way she's being directed to.

I'm willing to give her more of a chance than a couple episodes. I like the occasional loopy character. You can't just have 100% moody, stoic would make for a very drab show. Besides, look at the way Eugene won everyone over! Everybody hated Eugene at first...but he gradually did some cool shit, in his loopy way, and turned into a great character.


I'm in total agreement with your point about the Directing and the responsibility of the Director.
While it is true a project may be saddled with a Producer's personal choice for an actor, I figure it's the Director's job to get the best performance from an Actor and the finished product is a reflection of the Director's vision and effort and not whether the Actor was appealing.

But I suppose there are instances when the Director simply has to do the best with what they have to use. They can't always simply find a better actor (budget and time constraints) or coax a better performance out of this person.
Still, it's easy to see an Actor and complain they are awful when it's the Director who has the control over the finished project.
In theory, at least.
