MovieChat Forums > Barbie (2023) Discussion > Is everyone going mad?

Is everyone going mad?

Really, joke aside, have the movie world really went mad?

The Oscars and Golden Globes used to give the awards to some of the best performances and movies that changed the world forever.
Now we have this movie that is about to blow them away and win a lot of awards.
Forget the agenda, forget everything. Are we really going mad?

Is everything about race/gender now?




We? No.
Leftists? Yes.

For a long time now.


Don't care about the politics, it should not be a factor in cinema.

But what is happening with this movie is beyond reason.


But maybe then you should care about politics, because the left is completely in control of Hollywood and streaming services for years now and it shows in the lackluster ideological propaganda content they push out despite 99% of it bombing as crazy. It's not about profit anymore for companies like Disney, it's about indoctrinating the next generation which will pay off later.


For it not being about profit anymore this movie gave the studios a whole Hell of a lot of profit!


Yes, but accidentally. It wasn't advertised as what it truly was, people were expecting a silly Barbie movie, instead they got 90 minutes of unfiltered misandry and a crash course in leftist double standards.

All the other movies and shows that made it obvious what they are, were punished accordingly.


It was a comedy. I can’t believe how many insecure guys were offended by this movie. How sad that you don’t have a sense of humor.


It wasn't a comedy. It was misandry in disguise with serious, unironic political messaging. If you can't see that, maybe don't lecture others about an alleged lack of humor.




>Don't care about the politics, it should not be a factor in cinema.

Boy do i have news for you. It always was.

Take a loot at one of the most lauded movies of all time - Forest Gump. Then take a look at this movies view of vietnam war.


Welcome to 2024 Dude.. The Oscars and Golden Globes have morphed into Awards for Best Identity Politics.. Where's Ricky Gervais when you need him for the Golden Globes??


Movie is over-rated. It was a fun film, but not worth Oscar nominees except for costume and cinematography for its set designs. Maybe a few songs, too.

Overall, 2023 movies were very weak. But, there were quality TV series.


Ignore them. They only exist with an audience.


Gwyneth Paltrow, yes actual Gwyneth Paltrow, won an Oscar 25 years ago.

All bets have been off re the Oscars being some sort of calibrator of performance for a long, long time.


I truly think the world has gone mad . I don’t know when it happened but I look up and suddenly race and gender matter more than anything else. It kills me to say this but so much seems phony to me - if a colored person or woman gets an award or their movie gets high reviews I chalk it off to “diversity yay”..

In the 90s I thought we were on a great trajectory regarding race and gender but seems in the past 5-10 years we’ve taken a few big steps backward .. not good


Take a look at the entire world before 2016, and after, and you'll have your answer on exactly when the "cultural nukes" went off.


2016. That's the date, alright. The MINUTE Trump got elected, the Left became so threatened and terrified that they launched their whole cultural takeover agenda into overdrive. Before that, they were content to just push the envelope a tiny bit, and turn up the temperature in the frog's water pot a degree or so every year. When Trump came along, though, they went into all-out berserker mode because they feared him so much.

