Stop with the Star Wars Comparsions

its more akin to Warhammer 40K heck even the baddies are known as the Imperium much like The "protagonists" of Warhammer known as the Imperium besides people are gonna show up in for the post-TROS Star War movies(Reys New Jedi Order, Dawn Of The Jedi and The Mandoverse Event film people no longer like Dark and Gritty anymore .


What is the maximum number of words you think you could type in a single sentence?

Were you going for a record there?


The record is held by James Joyce. Molly Blume’s soliloquy in his novel, ulysses, is a perfect, single sentence that covers 100 printed pages in the book.


ZS himself said it was a rejected SW script


Yeah, it has been widely reported. I don't know wtf OP is talking about.


For reals. It was the whole pitch of the project.


Bro as others have said the director himself has stated this was a rejected Star Wars script, its not fans making the comparisons, this was legit meant to be a Star Wars movie lol.

Betting you feel kinda dumb right now lol.


I honestly don't understand how can anyone compare it to Star Wars. I was surprised to read it.

It was very obvious now and long time ago that it wasn't the Universe and Plot that made Star Wars so famous. It was literally those 3 main characters played by those 3 actors. Lea, Luke and Han. Who had fun adventures and interactions between themselves. And Darth Vader was fun villain. That's it.

That's why every prequel, sequel, spin-off fails. Because they think they can put other characters and actors into that Universe and succeed. And it just looks boring.

Force Awakens was the only movie that tried to recreate that "Fun Adventures" Formula. But cast bad actors. Apart from Kylo Ren who was driving those movies. And it felt down in sequels.

Rogue One was depressingly boring.

Prequels were badly cast with bad script. And no one cared about politics in that Universe. And green screen was awful.

Mandalorian was succeed because of mysterious main character and his dynamic with baby Yoda. And then hype died down in second season because this Universe can't offer anything.

Ahsoka, Bobba Fett and Andor flopped because no one cares for those boring characters.

And here we have "Star Wars fan-fiction" from Snyder. Which is even more pathetic. Where he tries to set things in some Space Universe with some villain empire that looks like a rip-off from the one in Force Awakerns. With lifeless main character, no humor, no fun, nothing. If this was a "rejected SW script" then now we know why it was rejected. Because it's crap.


The Mandalorian and Andor were huge successes! All four of the live TV series are getting more episodes.


The Mandalorian was rare success. And it all because of that baby yoda doll. If not for it - people would lose interest quickly. And they did after two season. Season 3 had no hype and not many people watched. At this point people are kinda over it. As it goes nowhere. They don't know what to do next.

Andor was not huge successes. No was talking about it and there was zero hype. It came and went unnoticed. Those few people who watched that - they liked it and praise it. But general audience didn't care.

No one know how many people watched anything since there are no numbers. People just judge it by the amount of hype show gets in press and twitter. By the time Ahsoka came - no one gave a crap about those Star Wars tv shows. With all those shows basically only Mandalorian was huge success. So they decided to make more shows. And no one cared about them. Of course they will give it episodes. They have to shoot something for their streaming. Some shows no one watches at all - have 9 seasons on NBC, ABC or streamings. Simply because they need to shoot something.


The Mandalorian Season 3 was a huge disappointment. Badly written, Mando sidelined in his own show to show us all how amazing Bo Katan is and how she can do everything. Mando relegated to damsel-in-distress...and don't get me started on the ass licking cameo shit.

"Andor was not huge successes. No was talking about it and there was zero hype"

Andor started with no one bothering to watch it, but it at least generated some *positive* word of mouth. That is rare for SW these days.
