MovieChat Forums > Rebel Moon - Chapter One: Chalice of Blood (2023) Discussion > Once again, diverse characters fighting ...

Once again, diverse characters fighting evil white men

So tired of this lazy, unimaginative sludge.

The films and shows keep failing yet studios keep crapping it out.


I wonder do you make post when any one of color is made to look bad.


As I said in another post Tyler, aside from the ALL white collective of evil Nazis, the rape scene is made up of ALL white men as well, lead by a not so subtle South African henchman. Are you telling me that if a film was made today with a mass collective of ALL black men terrorizing a small village of ONLY white men, women and children and there was a scene where at least 8 black men try to rape a little white girl, you wouldn’t be on here raising hell?
GTFOOH dude, you’re either a troll or a sick individual.


Sick individual because I asked a question? You sure did over-think that.

What makes you think I've seen any of your other post. I have no idea who you are. My point: Minorites have been mocked and portrayed as bad since movies have been made. And now that someone who is white is portrayed as bad, your ass is all mad. Welcome to what others have been putting up with for countless decades.


That reply makes sense. If you ignore the concept of TIME.

Sure, minorities were mocked and protrayed as bad, especially the further you go back.

BUT, it was never, or at least not for a very long time now, all one way. Dirty Harry shot a nice diverse cast of bad guys. So did... the guy in Death Wish. And that's from the 19 FREAKING 70S. ECT. ECT. ECT.

More recently, and increasingly, it has become a badly overused trope, of EVUL WHITE GUYS as villians.

Denying this at this point in time, is kind of silly. Have you not been paying attention?


I never said I denied it. But I don't care.


You cared enough to imply that the other poster was being wacist.

And why would you ask if he posted when someone of "color" was made to look bad, if you admit that the Trope of Evul White Men is happening?

That makes no sense. He doesn't comment when the situation is reversed, because in TODAY'S entertainment, the reverse is not a painfully overdone trope.

So... D'uh.


Yea, you don't get it either. Not smart enough.


I get it fine, asshole. You were shit talking. You are fine with Hollyweird being racist as long as they are racist against white guys.


Awwwww......Well aren't' you a mad one. (so typical, tho) I don't want them to be racist against anyone actually. But I find it kinda funny that you're mad about an actual portrayal.


Standard leftard tactics. You insult me, and when I insult you BACK, you act as though that is me having some sort of issue.

When actually, it is a normal and healthy response to dealing with an asshole, like you.

My point stands. The complaint is valid. Which you have sort of admitted, with your vague, "never said" shit talk.

So, go fuck yourself.


I guess you got hit in the head too hard on 1/6? Or did you get burned by your own Tiki Torch. Such anger, but it's nothing surprising.


You being rude to me, and me being angry with you because of it, is not an "anger" issue on my part,

but a you being an asshole on your part problem.

So, go fuck yourself.




there was a scene where at least 8 black men try to rape a little white girl, you wouldn’t be on here raising hell?
but in this, the girl wasn't black, she was a light haired, blue eyed white girl so how is this comparable?


Are you kidding me right now, read between the lines dude.
The color of the little girl makes no difference, I was simply trying to be emphatic, what makes all the difference, is that every individual attempting to rape her was a white man, and not one, not two, but a MASS collective of all white men and led by a South African for the cherry on top.
ALL the villains being evil, white nazis isn’t enough, you have to include a gang rape scene with all white men as well?
Rebel Moon prioritizes diversity, yes, but only for the individuals who are being victimized and you don’t see a problem with any of this?


No, I don't see a problem with it, nor do I care.


They're fighting evil Nazis, not white men. If all you see is skin color, you're part of the problem.


Grow up, you can’t be this naive, we all see skin color, sexuality, gender….., and there is nothing wrong with that, as seeing something allows one to assess the level of sensitivity, empathy, compassion, and/or appropriate level of judgment relative to the scenario or circumstance.
Just because one sees color or any of the aforementioned classifications, doesn’t make one part of the “problem,” what makes one part of the problem is how they choose treat someone based on what they’ve seen or NOT seen for that matter.
And not seeing something is a bullshit, cop out of a way of saying, I’m too afraid of conflict to enact positive change in this life.


What else do you expect from Hollyweird and their CRT/DEI policies.


In a way it kind of works if you are to assume these evil people are racists and wouldn't want black or ethnic people representing them. They had some people of colour and plenty of women as leaders on their side in the new Star Wars trilogy, and I couldn't help thinking "well they're evil and they're happy to blow up planets of innocent rebels, but at least they are all for ethnic and gender diversity".


i didn't even notice

maybe you are too sensitive?


“I didn’t even notice.”

And that’s just what every mass-population group says when/while atrocities are done to their neighbors, peers, friends, and everyone who exists in the margins. Congratulations, ignorance is indeed bliss.
The irony is palpable, a middle of the spectrum conservative educating the far/woke left on how history is inversely repeating itself.


"while atrocities are done"

lmao, it's just a movie

lighten up, francis


Just like the original Star Wars trilogy.


Well, Klaus Schwab IS an evil white men. As long as other evil white men and women support this asshole, we probably need EVERY diverse character we can get to fight him?
