MovieChat Forums > Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023) Discussion > what will Indiana Jones look for this ti...

what will Indiana Jones look for this time?

What Item of Antiquity that has immeasurable Power will Dr.Jones look for this time interesting it takes place in the '60s New Archaeology’ took over Old Archelogy so makes sense this could be Indy's proper swan song a Major Archeological find in the 1960s was the ruins of Assyria I just hope what indy the artifact indy is looking fits with the formula of the previous also I hope The Artifact is Quasi-Historical not on the nose but fantastical enough Ie The Holy Grail and Crystal Skull were just myths but just blended with history of the time


what will Indiana Jones look for this time?

His walker, his oxygen tank, and a fresh supply of Depends. Not necessarily in that order


I've heard a rumor of what the item/artifact is. I think the rumor is true. If so, Indy 5 will be very different from the previous 4 films. That's what I'll say.


You mean the one where it's a stone or a Nazi device that can harness time travel?




Yeah I heard that Antonio Banderas' character is playing a version of the ancient scholar Archimedes who invents time travel or something.


Haven't heard that, but interesting. The Nazi machine is called the "Die Glocke". According to lore, it's made from broken wreckage of a UFO. Which I like that idea, because it does pick up from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull in that way. Besides, the Nazis have tried to get a mystical weapon twice now! It's cool that they finally they get their weapon, haha.


Yeah I wouldn't mind if they dabbled more in Nazi UFOs or ancient astronauts mumbo-jumbo. If you ask me, I thought KOTCS played it too safe.


I think they played it too safe as well. With that nonsense with dimension hopping aliens. They were on the right track with the little grey aliens and the Area 51 stuff. If you wanted to make a 50s scifi alien story, you should lean into it hard. And all the ancient aliens lore tying in directly with archaeology. They could have had a lot of fun telling a larger than life Doc Savage type story. That stuff was a huge part of the pulps that Indy is based on.


Time travel would make a lot of sense because the last movie revolved around Indy seeming out of place in the 50s. They would have to do the same thing again or ignore the time setting completely which doesn't really work. The original movies have a high amount of 30s nostalgia which people associate with Indy.


He needs to look for the Fountain of Youth.


He kind of already did.


I think it would be cool if he looked for something related to Greek or Norse mythology. It will probably be something more outlandish to make it a 'grand finale' for Harrison Ford. Something like Atlantis or the Spear of Destiny. Or hell, maybe time travel like that one rumor mentioned.


I would think The Spear of Destiny since the Nazis/Ahnenerbe were actually on the hunt for it. It would make a lot of sense since they already did the Ark and the Grail.




They wouldn’t do Atlantis as that’s the plot of an Indy game. Would cause too many copyright issues.


A decent script.

Searching for an underground cave where the good scriptwriters have been imprisoned for centuries, so all the terrible ones have had to fill in for them writing bad movies.

They have in their hand an ancient parchment.

It is the Holy Grail, the thing that has been evading Indy for decades, the unattainable, a well written script.




Prolly in search of his missing son's body.


You nailed it, they killed off Mutt.


Wow, interesting!

I'm not sure if that plot point was leaked back then or if it was just me thinking outside of the box.


Crystal Coprolite.


I know it won't be a Christian artifact like in past Indy movies since Democrat Party activists hate Christians.
