Star Trek is back!!!

Forget the woke dreck of Discovery and even Picard, this is real Star Trek.

Yes Bob April is now black, Chief Kyle is Korean and the bridge crew is all female, but this still has the feel of he original series.

Nice twist at the end of the first episode too.

Looking forward to the rest of the series.


I grudgingly agree. Paramount has wrecked this franchise, but this show shows promise. It felt like like the Star Trek of old. We'll see how it goes.


I have to agree, minimal woke elements.

Cast seemed quite great, ALL of them.

Nice, interesting vibes and exploration. Even a small vibe of SG-1 at some point. I loved Anson Mount in Hell on Wheels and he looks great in this one as well. And it's a more light approach, some humor, some one liners and not THAT preachy.

Quite promising, specially after the fucked up STD and Picard ...

The encounter with the new civilization was a bit rushed, which is normal given that they spent half episode with exposition, should have been extended over 2 episodes imho.


I really enjoyed it. Felt like the old days again. Mount carried this thing on his shoulders all the way to the end zone. Looking forward to Trek again!


Nope. To do all these funny Star Trek things mankind must have solved very convincingly every possible energy problem. But they still use wind generators??? I am out after 3 minutes...


He was also riding a horse, so what?


Besides fun a horse provides mobility in an undeveloped area. Totally different story...


"I am out after 3 minutes..."

cor! have you ever made it though a show?
What other "I'm leaving!" triggers have you got?


I haven't seen the first ep yet but AGAIN with an mostly female bridge crew you say? Say that isn't so. I guess if they're all hot I can't have any complaints from my end.


I was slogging through another what-the-heck STD episode when I realized this show was out now. I switched over immediately and it was ten times better. Pike is good and Uhura and Chappel are great so far. I'm not sold on Spock yet but at least he's an interesting character.

And it's good to see that the Prime Directive is more like a guideline once again.


Star Trek rules!!!


I’ve started binge watching after ripping through Discovery - this is a thousand times better.
