Is it woke ?

If it is it can go f××k itself !


It promotes good progressive values that every right thinking American should support.


Could you mention some?


The first Knives Out was disgustingly woke, with its anti-white racism, anti-Western propaganda and pro-illegal immigration messaging.

I’ve only watched half of Glass Onion so far and it has already stooped so low as to make Daniel Craig’s hero gay - no way was Ruin Johnson going to allow his lead to be a straight white male. So far all the whites are various forms of dufus while the ‘minorities’ are level-headed, sympathetic and victims of scummy white people.

If Johnson is smart then he’ll use the wokeness as a ruse and feature some non-white villains, but I suspect he’s too far into the woke cult to allow himself that, which is a shame because you can easily predict where things are going, who’s villainous and who’s a victim.

Johnson is undoubtedly a very skilled director, it’s a shame that his talent is subsumed by the fact that he’s a racist, woke prick.




I don’t read obnoxious all-caps posts. If you want me to read your reply then retype it properly.




Everyone knows he read it, stop using all caps.





Well you got the NO part right Mr. Hallmon. 😘


The first half was kind of dull. Right after Helen is shot, it gets much better.


Being gay is not low. It cramped in that closet?

Blanc was a dufus? Foghorn Leghorn maybe, but not a dufus.
Devon Debella was not a dufus.
Derol was a dufus, but harmless.
Peg did not appear to be a dufus either.
The yacht called out Bron's stupid pier as a piece of s**t, so not a dufus either.

Helen is not entirely level headed, nor is she a victim. She is the victor.

I don't think you watched any of the film, or you were asleep while it was playing.


Ranb Gets it


Calling gayness ‘low’ is your description, not mine, and I can’t help with your questions about ‘the closet’. This is a movie discussion forum, not a place to broadcast your sexual insecurities.

Now, I already explained that I’ve only watched half of Glass Onion so I’m going off what I’ve seen so far - but Johnson’s track record leaves little mystery about where this woke crap is going.


So what did you mean by saying "stooped so low as to make Daniel Craig’s hero gay"?

Judging a film by only watching half, especially one like this one that changes so dramatically half way though is dishonest. What you're doing is just foolish.


I mean that Ruin Johnson is such a vile woke dogmatist that he’s now retconning his hero into being a gay man because, as I explained, ‘no way was Ruin Johnson going to allow his lead to be a straight white male’.

Your attempt to stop me calling out the wokism I see by calling the endeavour ‘foolish’ is transparent and futile. I will continue to call it out and continue to enjoy watching woke maggots like yourself try and fail to stop me.


Identifying a person as gay in a fictional film is not vile.

I'm not trying to stop you. I'm judging you.


Benoit Blanc is a gay Southern detective. From the beginning. Everybody knew that. A little bit Capote. A little bit Tennessee Williams.


I'm only a casual viewer of rhe 1st film (I've watched it 2.5 times) but I never got the indication his character was gay. So not "EVERYBODY KNEW THAT". I don't remember his sexuality ever being a plot point. Nor should it have been to further the plot. I will have to give the 1st film a re-watch.


I did. I’m casual too. If not implicitly declared, definitely implied. It’s the first thing I thought. He’s very Capote. This is similar to my grandmother. She didn’t have a clue about Liberace.



So you're saying I'm like your Gamgam? I love it.


Nana. Actually I watched first KO again because it was raining. And I am wrong. Don’t know if you will read this. Definitely not Capote. Tennessee Wms perhaps. But it is neither here nor there about Blanc. I remember thinking it when he was at the piano first scene because of his over the top Southern accent. But i don’t believe it was part of the character. But nothing really was. I think according to the writer it was supposed to be a light Southern accent but Craig made Blanc. I think Craig was the one who gave Blanc his personal background and both Craig and Johnson didn’t want it to be overt. Then entered Hugh. I have to wonder why it matters so much that he is. And when you first meet someone why do they have to be straight. I mean it’s really an assumption that is proving out to be wrong for a lot of people. And then when you find out otherwise, why does it matter. Why is this such an issue.


These movies are really an easy watch. It’s in line with an Agatha Christie mystery. A murder in a big house - a who dunnit. The second, is on an island with the rich guy inviting a lot of “friends” and he has a malevolent agenda.

Craig’s role was gay at the onset. The detective is straight out of Tennessee Williams (no pun intended) and has been gay since the very beginning. More like Truman Capote. What’s there to get?

Watching only half of what is the easiest movie ever, seems to me a non-starter of what you call a movie discussion forum. Wouldn’t it be better to watch the whole thing first. You really don’t have to think in this movie. Please don't think too much. I don’t really understand what woke is or what is woke in any of these movies.

First movie - Spoilers ahead. The first Knives out movie is one where the elderly rich guy has a family he doesn’t much like and a nurse who he likes a lot. He wants to end his life and does and he wants to leave his money and his house to the nurse. There’s a glitch which he didn’t foresee which places the nurse in a lot of trouble. This is the mystery part and it eventually sorts itself out. That’s it. It all pure fun. What is woke with that?

The second is kind of like two old movies - The Last of Sheila and And Then There Were None. A really rich guy invites his friends to his island. How they made their wealth is under the magnifying glass. There is the issue of a suicide or was it murder? And is this person the real innovator or did it belong to someone else? Another murder. And it all comes out because of Detective Blanc. How hard is this?


its one of 2022's best Mpvies it promotes Good Progressive every American should Support a form of evolved thinking Also Calls out Elon Musk that's a good thing



There are minorities with speaking parts. It will hurt your feelings.


"There are minorities with speaking parts. It will hurt your feelings."

Ladies and Gentlemen your asshole of 2022


I'M the asshole here? Bwahaha.


But isn't that the issue? Every movie that has Black Characters is put down for being "woke" by maga types.

Why do you turture yourself by being upset about such things?


"There are minorities with speaking parts. It will hurt your feelings."



Kinda? Depends on what you mean by woke. Does it have a diverse cast in a movie that would work with all white cast? Yes. Does it promote any far-left policies about minorities, sexual identity, white power, etc? No.

Why would a movie with a diverse cast be considered woke? I don't think it is, the same way I think any hallmark movie with all white cast is not a racist movie.

It's kinda stupid to judge a movie by whether or not a character is a black pansexual, or not.


the Black Character Andi does win like the Latina Marta over there white oppressors and that's how should be in society
