MovieChat Forums > The Critical Drinker (2012) Discussion > Ok critic, cannot stand his voice and ac...

Ok critic, cannot stand his voice and accent.

Is he trying to sound drunk?
Or Scottish or something?

He should really DROP THE ACT and just speak normally.
And stop sounding so dramatic.

His criticism is often spot on, but his acting is grating, superfluous and distracting.


He is Scottish so I don't think he can change his accent.

As far as the drunk part. I have no idea😃


His icon is him pounding some booze and his name has drinker in it so I assume he is drunk.


He probably likes a drink, if you've ever been to Scotland you'll understand, but he's basically playing a character.


Agreed. and I generally find it amusing.


he sound like he has been holding in a shit for 2 months.


That is quite the accurate description.


yes however good his review are i just cant last long with his voices. horrible!


If you watch his older stuff you'll notice that he actually speaks normally but at some point, he started "performing" with this exaggerated drunken Scotsman/Scottish Mr. Plinkett voice in all of his videos as part of his gimmick. Personally, I never cared or it.


All the more reasons why he should drop the act and speak normally.


He talks normal on his livestreams. It's those scripted videos where he talks in an exaggerated drunk Scottish accent. I can't stand it either and will skip his videos unless it's something I really want to hear about. It's ridiculous and it always seems like he's about to do drunken hiccups at any time.


His critiques are not that good and come from a premise of being politically slanted. Being Anti-Woke makes you a joke, not rich nor successful.


I hate woke or anti woke stances.
His criticism seems fair, not slanted.

How else would you describe the nth show that forces quotas/themes in its story just to check a political agenda?


the real trick is working out if it has been "forced"




I haven't listened to him in years. He's like that one Australian crocodile guy Steve Irwin who played up the cartoony Australian for American audiences. Drinker does the same thing. I just can't take his fake exaggerated drunken slurred speech. Drinker's takes aren't even that good.

By the way, isn't that bottle of Jack Daniels that he has to his lips still have the cap on. It's a good example of his fakeness. He probably doesn't even believe in all the stuff he says, too.
