9.2 on IMDB?

Almost 60k votes. It will go down of course, but it could still be the highest rated MCU movie. The movie wasn't that good, nowhere near Infinity War or Endgame. Not even close.


Top rated movie #9!
Was #12 Thu afternoon. Will be #0 is a few days.


Friday noon: Top rated movie #8!


#1 a 'few days' later. What say you now?


Just wait one more month I guess.


I think the number is manipulated. I have no confidence in IMDB scores at all, especially in the first few weeks when they suspend most of the negative reviews.


It's far, far better than Endgame. It's a very different kind of film than Infinity War, but in my mind better. Infinity War is just what it sounds like, a war movie. It's perfect for what it is. No Way Home is a much denser, deeper story, with many more dimensions and angles, and, in my mind, a better film.


I agree, No Way Home is now my top MCU film. It’s everything I could ever want from a Spider-Man film. One moment it’s funny and lighthearted, the next it’s dark and intense and then it suddenly delivers an emotional blow, some wonderful fan service and then a truly fitting bittersweet ending that encapsulates the character perfectly.


It hurt my bottom considerably less than sitting through either of these two slog-fests so I'd definitely rate it higher.

I don't think 9/10 is quite right but it was a very good enjoyable film. Definitely the best MCU Spider-Man film and possibly the best Spider-Man film full stop.


I call BS. It was a 9.2 when it had 5K votes, it was a 9.2 when it had 37K votes and now it's still a 9.2 with 69K votes. For a score not to budge like that, there is definitely something up.


Shocking! No movie has ever held a rating for 36 hours.


For me it's shocking because of the amount of votes. It now has 10,000 more votes since I wrote my comment and it's still a 9.2. It has remained that way since 5,000 votes. From 5,000 - 79,000, it just won't budge.


the letterboxd score has stayed pretty constant since i started checking it. it was at 4.38/5 saturday evening with about 100k votes, and it's at 4.36 with about 225k.

it'll trend down i'm sure - i don't see it sticking with a mid-4 score the way spider-verse has - but fwiw it certainly seems to be a hit with the fan boys.


I don't know much about Letterboxd scores. Is it strange for a film to have the same score after getting way more votes?


i have to admit i don't follow them that closely, but think it generally follows the same pattern as imdb, though there's a stronger film snob contingent on letterboxd.

the opening weekend scores usually come down. even with prestige films like roma, there's usually a tendency to open high then gradually decline.

no way home has entered the lb 250 at #31, which has set off the film snob set there as you'd expect.


IMDb has it at #8 which I refuse to believe it's actually that good.


well, there's a lot of fan hysteria playing into that, no doubt, and i'm sure that will come down over the next few months.

but i have to say...i really loved it. a lot. i almost don't trust my reaction to it. because i grew up loving the character, i'm basically primed to love everything that features him, and part of me is thinking 'you got caught up in the crowd & the cheering.'

i'm gonna try to get out and see it again this week to see how it plays in a theatre without all the sweaty, smelly fan boys.

but...as of right now, i'm kinda in love with it. though i don't think it's as truly great as spider-verse.


I respect your film opinions enough to assume that you loved it because you think it's actually a great movie. Other Marvel fans, however, think every Marvel film is high art.


I gave it an 7.5-8/10. Definitely overrated for sure.

As far as entertainment/fun factor goes it's easily a 10/10. However, the plot was a bit messy at times for sure.

Not to mention the various plot holes and continuity issues as well.

If it wasn't for these things it would've easily been the best MCU film to date.

Imo it's not even the best Spiderman film.

Even Spiderman 2 was better, and that only has a 7.4


The new Suicide Squad was funny, but other than that I hate superhero stuff. So irrelevant and cheesy. I had to watch Dark Knight when they overrated that, it was utterly terrible. Such cringe "edgy" characters, including Batman with his corny ass forced voice... I don't get it. I swear it was like #1 movie of all time when I watched it.
