MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021) Discussion > This movie is gonna suck, let’s be hones...

This movie is gonna suck, let’s be honest

Same Director as Homecoming and Far from Home.....Same writers as Homecoming and Far from Home.

We know exactly what kind of movie we’re getting here, so why is everyone getting so hyped? The last two films sucked big time and this looks even worse.

We’re getting a bunch of CGI, Lazy fan service instead of good storytelling, a contrived plot with corners cut at every turn, a Peter Parker who looks like a 14 year old and acts like a 9 year old, and a jumbled mess of characters that can’t possibly fit together in a cohesive manner.


alt take:

homecoming was great! except for some so-so action at the end.
far from home was not quite as fun, but was really still quite good actually.
& tom holland is the best realization of the peter parker character.
i don't care for the tech built into the suit, but otherwise i'm quite fond of both films, & i'm hoping for more of the same.
add into the spider-verse & some games that i haven't played but that were apparently quite good into the mix, and i think you can make a good case that there's never been a better time to be a spider-man fan.


I agree with you that Holland is the best iteration of Peter Parker we've seen. I'm also not a big fan of the tech-suit, but that's the nature of the MCU, and it's something I can live with.


A Peter Parker who....

- Never once mentions his Uncle Ben, nor seems to care about him

- Looks like a model and easily gets whatever girls he wants

- Gets handed millions of dollars by a tech billionaire

- Cares so little about Tony Stark that he just gives his sunglasses to Mysterio after knowing him for 15 minutes

- Needs a chaperone every movie to help him out and clean up his messes for him

Yeah they really nailed the comic book character down. So glad they turned Peter Parker into a spoiled, good looking hunkster who gets everything handed to him lol


Seriously. Not a fan of Tom Holland either.






We’re talking about Tom Holland’s casting and acting when we say he’s the best iteration.

As for now Marvel/Sony have written Peter Parker, that’s separate matter. Although some of your points are incorrect.

-Not mentioning uncle Ben doesn’t mean he doesn’t care about him. Macguire and Garfield didn’t mention uncle Ben all the time either. Uncle Ben didn’t get a death scene this time because we don’t need to see it a third time, the novelty wore off after the first time.

-I thought Tobey was quite attractive, especially with his shirt off.

-Stark didn’t give Peter money, or they wouldn’t be living in a cheap apartment.

-Peter has made mistakes just as Stark did. The difference is Peter has an older more experienced hero to help him out when Stark most of the time didn’t have anyone. That’s not from the comics, but doing something new isn’t always a bad thing as long as it works. I’d rather have that than Peter being suddenly LGBT or color-washed.

MCU Peter Parker feels more like a sidekick, and I’ll admit I don’t fully support that, but Tom Holland’s portrayal of Peter is the best we’ve seen and is the closest to the comics personality-wise.


You seriously enjoy Tom Holland’s whiny 14 year old kid persona? He comes across as a total Beta male in the MCU.

Tobey Maguire was stoic, he was mysterious, but he was someone everyone can relate to and he was like able.

Tom Holland is bullying Doc Ock in this new trailer like a complete unlikeable douchebag and like I’ve said before he looks like a freaking model.....who can relate to him? Just an awful casting job.


Lots of people relate to Holland’s Spider-Man, it’s unfortunate that you can’t.

I don’t see him as a beta male, and if he’s “bullying” Doc Ock in the new trailer then he’s clearly not a beta 😜

I like Tobey, he has a special place in my heart, but his Spider-Man wasn’t quippy enough. Andrew’s Spider-Man was quippy but his Peter came across as a drug addict and a stalker. Tom is the best of both worlds, personality-wise.


You haven't watched the films and/or read any Spider-Man comics, have you?


He's the spiderman for the lazy entitled generation! Gimme Gimme Gimme, Now NOW, MINE, The world OWES me, Im special, chosen one, WHAAAAAAA!

Tom Holland is a friggin prick who wouldnt give a fan just five seconds of his time

Zendaya is a plank of wood colored caramel for diversity

This iteration of Spiderman is dumb.


This the worst time to be a spider-man fan, as they are bastardizing the Raimi films, all in the pursuit of “Member Berries”.

Did anyone even like Jamie Foxx as Electro? Then why are people doing cartwheels in the street?

The setup to the multiverse plot is beyond stupid, casting a spell that goes horribly wrong? Did a 12 year old write this?


de gustibus non disputandum est, dorian.


The last two films were great.


I agree with you. If No Way Home is on par with those two, it will easily be the best trilogy of the MCU so far.

Iron Man 3 ruined the Iron Man trilogy.
The first Captain America film was weak, though parts 2 and 3 were phenomenal, and on par with the first two Spider-Man films.
Only Thor's 3rd film was excellent, and the 2nd was among the worst of the MCU.
The Avengers and Infinity war are masterpieces, Age of Ultron and Endgame not so much.


i strongly part ways with you on im3!

i take the opportunity, every time it's given, to make the case for its greatness.

that it has developed a rep as one of the bad marvel films mystifies me.

it has a funny, clever shane black script, and it actually does the thing so many people complain mcu films don't: it develops and deepens the character & has heart. people complain about formulaic mcu films, then wail on the film that does the best job of departing from that formula.

that makes no sense!

and it does all that while still having lots of genuinely exciting action moments. the barrel of monkeys scene? one of the great action moments in the mcu and in blockbuster films of the last 10 years.

it's seriously good.

one of the best mcu films.

im2 is the clunker in that group i reckon. it has a good/great opening 40 minutes, though.


Agreed, Homecoming and Far From Home are in my top 10 favourite MCU films. They did such a good job making a second reboot feel so inspired and fresh that the Andrew Garfield movies that came before are even more horribly derivative and unimaginative by comparison. Marvel Studios made it look easy with Spider-Man: Homecoming whereas Sony's The Amazing Spider-Man is almost insulting with how much it rips off of the first Sam Raimi film and brings very little new or exciting to the table.


Homecoming and Far From Home are two of the best superhero films ever made, so that alone is encouraging. If you dislike Spider-Man, then sure, you won't like it, but there is zero reason to expect anything other than a stellar finale to what should become the best trilogy in the MCU to date.


You are definitely no film buff if you think the two MCU Spider-Man flicks are the two best superhero flicks ever made. Change your username asap.


If you can't see those films for what they are, that's your own problem. Your lack of sophistication has no bearing on me.


Sophisticated? The MCU? This has to be a troll account.


You went to see the second one after you thought the first one was bad?

You lack critical judgement skills.

My advice: Stop whining, learn from your past TWO mistakes and don't go see this movie.



I didn’t see Far from Home in the theaters, it was streaming for free and i didn’t even finish watching it as it was pretty putrid. Had to watch spoiler reviews to learn what happened and I made the right call to turn it off half way through.

I’m glad that the “member berries” taste good for you but I don’t fall for that crap in my older age. The Holland movies seem to be nothing more than a cash grab, they will age horribly.


Far From Home was my favorite Spidey movie.


Okay if it was your favorite Spidey movie then explain to me this:

Why did Peter Parker give Tony Starks glasses to a man he hardly knew? Doesn’t he give a crap about his mentor?

Why does Peter never mention his Uncle Ben like ever? Do you actually like the comics or are you a teenager who knows nothing about the character and just likes to see a CGI spider-man fly around?

You actually liked the contrived romance between Peter and MJ? In Homecoming she calls Peter a loser and spends most of the film showing zero interest in him as Peter takes zero interest in her.....isn’t this bad writing? They go from not caring for each other in one film to suddenly being an item out of nowhere in the next film. Tell me you don’t actually think this is good writing.

It didn’t bother you that not only does Aunt May know that Peter is Spider-man but that she gives him high fives and doesn’t seem to care for his safety at all? Or did you even notice how stupid this was?


All movies have characters do stupid things to move the plot forward. Think of horror movies for example. Also, we’ve seen and heard about Uncle Ben for two franchises now. People are tired of Uncle Ben deaths and origin stories. Peter not talking about Uncle Ben doesn’t mean he is non-existent in this universe. They could just be saving the Uncle Ben reference for a special moment near the end of Holland’s franchise. (Also, teenager? I was born in 1993 and am 28 years old).
Lots of movies have a romance that starts out with the girl thinking the guy is a loser and then beginning to like him. Nothing new.
If all Aunt May did was worry about Peter’s safety, it would ruin the pacing of the film and not allow the story to go anywhere. Remember the book Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? Molly Weasley’s overprotective attitude toward Harry and Ron bogged that book down and made it slog on and on. The “worried about their safety” plot device is a recipe for horribly slow pacing and irritating characters.


You’re right, lots of movies start out with the girl thinking the guy is a loser and he eventually wins her in the end.

But do you know what all those movies have in common?

The guy actually does something to change her mind, not flash forward to a sequel with no explanation and the audience is just supposed to “go with it”.

Why does Aunt May need to know that Peter is Spider-man in the first place? The writers clearly thought this was a good idea even though it totally makes her character come across as an uncaring Aunt in order to move the plot along.

Look, if this movie had some sort of a Terminator 2 payoff with mind blowing action sequences then I would completely forgive the lazy writing, but there isn’t any real payoff.



I'm a lifelong fan of Spider-Man and the comics but it's so refreshing that the MCU movies don't mention Uncle Ben. If they did it would have been like when Zack Snyder showed the Wayne's getting shot at the start of Batman vs Superman, we've seen it so many times before stop being so derivative.

I will just add I don't think MJ genuinely thinks Peter is a loser in Homecoming, she clearly has a crush on him. She teases him, she follows him whenever he goes (even to detention) she memorized what clubs he dropped out of and there's deliberate shots of MJ always wondering where Peter has gone whenever he leaves (like at the end of the movie.)

It gets to the point where Peter says at the start of Far From Home that he has actually noticed MJ staring at him many times and he hopes she likes him because he likes her. In fact this was actually something very different in having the girl crush on the guy first. Then MJ says at the end of FFH "I don't have much luck getting close to people" and then admits she lied about only watching Peter because she thought he was Spider-Man.

So for me these MCU Spider-Man movies are well written and the romance isn't contrived at all. Contrived is something like 'Man of Steel' where Superman and Lois kiss when the movie has barely established any romantic connection between the two of them.


You’re a life long spider-man fan.....but you don’t seem to care that this version of Peter Parker is the complete opposite of who the character is supposed to be?

It doesn’t bother you that this Spider-Man needs a chaperone adult superhero with him in every film?

The over-use of cgi doesn’t bother you?

It doesn’t bother you that this Peter Parker is a spoiled man child who is completely unrelatable and is constantly whining and giving puppy dog eyes to any adult who raises their voice to him?

Wow you have a very high tolerance then.


I disagree. I really like the first two Sam Raimi movies but it's mainly for things other than Peter Parker (such as the villains, the musical score, the story and the action.) If I take off my nostalgia goggles I find Tobey's Peter Parker to be the whiniest of them all and I prefer Andrew and Tom in the role.

With Tom Holland and the MCU films he really does look and act like a shy, awkward teenager. He's trying to impress Tony Stark and prove himself but it's not really until the end of Far From Home that I think he truly realises how powerful he actually is (when he finally masters his Spider-Sense)

Tom's on-screen chemistry with the rest of the cast is great in these movies and I find it keeps the movies very entertaining in between the action scenes. I don't see him as a 'spoiled man child' I see a flawed teenager trying to live up to being a superhero and making mistakes along the way. A lot of superheroes in the MCU are flawed and make mistakes, such as Iron Man, Thor, Doctor Strange and Scarlett Witch and for me it makes the characters more human and relatable despite their extraordinary powers.

Lastly all of the Spider-Man movies have relied on CGI and it's a personal preference but I'd actually rather the CGI than seeing a stunt-man on a wire, the latter just doesn't look very convincing to me, at least not in displaying Spider-Man's superhuman agility and reflexes. Without CGI all of these movies would just look like the made for television live action films from 1970s and whilst they're impressive for the time they certainly don't hold up today. Sorry you don't enjoy these MCU Spider-Man movies but for me they're on par with the first two Raimi films and I think No Way Home looks awesome.


To be fair, I didn’t actually explain
*why* Far From Home was my favorite Spidey movie. Here’s why: 1. The teenage camaraderie and humor. Jacob Batalon alone is a great edition, but him working together with Tom, Zendaya and the other “teen” characters is always enjoyable and keeps the movie from being boring.

2. The illusions. Mysterio was a great villain choice for this movie, and his mind games and illusions that keep you on your feet are absolutely breathtaking. It’s almost like a fantasy world from which Peter can’t escape.


I agree with both your points. The Mysterio illusion scene is one of the best scenes in the entire MCU for me.

"If you were good enough...maybe Tony would still be alive" that bit was crazy!

It truly was the Mysterio I remembered from the comics, I'm so glad they kept the fish bowl helmet. They made it work and it didn't look ridiculous. Great film and a great adaptation of the Mysterio villain.


I really liked Holland in Civil War but when he has to carry the film he becomes really annoying. Not as bad as Garfield but not nearly as good as Maguire.

Zendaya cast as MJ is one of the worst in movie history. Actually, Zendaya cast as anyone is the worst.

I'm way past tired of Nick Fury and Tony Stark showing up.

And the CGI should be better than it is.


Spot on.


I don't like any of the movies as much as the original comics and frankly think the Amazing Spider-Man films are superior to the others. I prefer Peter Parker as an adult and we aren't getting that anytime soon. I didn't like how Raimi did things in Spider-Man 2 and 3. I never liked the Ultimate Universe much and I know I am in the minority on that.

I haven't liked the comics though for years since in 2007 they had Peter and Mary Jane make a deal with a demon from Hell to erase their marriage from existence in order to bring Aunt May back to life. And then for no good reason they had the demon bring Harry Osborn back from the dead in addition to Aunt May. The real reason though is they wanted the comics to be like the 1970s comics and couldn't make that happen if Harry is dead and Peter and MJ are married!


That story where they erase the Parker marriage was indeed awful. Truly a middle finger to marriage in comics and telling stories about married superheroes.

Have you played the video game from 2018? In that Peter Parker is 23 and has been Spider-Man for about 8 years, it tells a very good Spider-Man story.

I actually think after ‘No Way Home’ they should do a new trilogy with Holland that’s set several years in the future. NWH should be the last one that takes place during his high school years.


I have that game but could not get past the 2nd Shocker fight. I feel the game is too hard. And it was on easy! In fact, the last Spider-Man game I was able to beat was Web of Shadows. Every game since then has been too hard.


Yeah agreed. Being back Sam Raimi & Toby Maguire!
