MovieChat Forums > I Am Greta (2020) Discussion > I am rich and you must conform

I am rich and you must conform

She crosses her hands and stares at you like she's the head of the climate mafia. Her catch phrase before she executes would be deniers is, "HOW DARE YOU!" before they're shot in the head.


Brilliant. That would make a great Bond villain sequence. Thinking of it, has there ever been a main Bond "villainess"?! Greta would be a perfect choice. But I guess they'll be going with a white, middle-aged male again.


Again, her detractors hit her with personal criticism, and ignore what she says about climate change.


When has the climate never changed?
What is the optimal climate for the earth to maintain?
How will that be done?


So you realize that the climate is changing... but you don't think that humanity's insane production of CO2 and mass destruction of oxygen producers isn't having part of the problem?

I'd love to hear your thoughts on the Permian Extinction and how sharp rises in CO2 levels contributed to the destruction of most life on Earth...






No one knows what caused the Permian extinction, other than it was a natural occurrence...


If you'd taken the trouble to google, you'd know it's widely accepted that the mass release of CO2 and the destruction of oxygen producers by the Siberian Traps caused the mass extinction of nearly all life on Earth.

I'll be going out in a minute, so that will give you time to find out what the Siberian Traps are.


What a condescening dick you are LOL. You are assuming no one here knows about any of that. You are also assuming that hundreds of millions of years later, scientists can tell with certainty what happened. They can't. Not with certainty.

In any case, maybe you can tell us how the Siberian Traps were man made.

I'm going out to lunch right now so I won't have to hear the crickets...


Well spotted! I AM condescending to you, because you have convinced me that you are stupid and a dickhead!

That doesn't make me wrong about climate change, and it doesnt make Greta wrong either.


I concur. We need to start culling humans to dampen the insane production of CO2. We can start with all those climate protests and work our way down. Those precious O2 need to be reserved for the remaining.


Or we could just cut down or stop buying consumer crap made in China, where most of the CO2 emissions are coming from these days.

What ever happened to those "Made in the USA" stickers you used to see on stuff?


Lol, you know humans Otter, they're full of narcissism and materialism. Gotta have the latest next year gadget to feel cool and get clicks + money from ads. Just look at Youtube trend section and you'll see what I mean. PS5 and Xbox Series X just came out and it's all the buy buy buy rave right now. CONSUMMMEEEE!!!!

As for China, yes for current emissions but cumulative is the US.

What’s abundantly clear is that the United States of America is the all-time biggest, baddest greenhouse gas emitter on the planet.

That’s true, despite recent gains in energy efficiency and cuts in emissions. These relatively small steps now cannot offset more than a century of reckless emissions that have built up in the atmosphere. Much more drastic steps are now needed to slow climate change. And as the top cumulative emitter, the US bears a greater imperative for curbing its carbon dioxide output and a greater moral responsibility for the impacts of global warming.

Yet the US is now the only country aiming to withdraw from the Paris climate agreement. China now emits more than the US, and India’s emissions are rapidly rising. But these countries have a much smaller share of cumulative global emissions. Their populations are also much bigger than the US and other wealthier countries, so the amount that India and China emit per person is vastly smaller than the United States or the United Kingdom.

If we started making Made in USA, we'd also be increasing our emissions back again since most of the materials have been shipped over to China to make for us at cheaper labor cost and maybe pricing as well (although I think pricing is an illusion for more profits).


The thing is, I live in a "liberal bubble" town, where people always have re-usable bags, drive hybrids or ride bikes, look for the "local" labels at the grocery stores, look up sustainability at the fish counter, or from thrift stores or farmer's markets, etc. Consumer culture can be modified, at least a little, given education and good will. So I'm a cynic and a misanthrope in general, but seeing that sort of thing gives me a trace of hope for humanity, well, enough to keep me from actively building myself a doomsday bunker.

I'm not a fan of Thunberg* but I do admire her for cutting through the bullshit, most people want to live in denial regarding our environmental and economic future but she but the basic truth out there - that this can't last.

- - -

* I'm not a fan of Thunberg, but I really despise the adult babies who freak out when they're criticized by a little girl.


The cause is not known for sure:

It mentions flood ballasts releasing ash and acid gases, which cause short term cooling. Long term warming comes later but is not as devastating as cooling.


Look up Yellowstone, scary shit man. If that ever erupted, it's like a powder keg under half of the US of A.


How come it isn’t called “Global Warming” anymore??? It was for the longest time, then it suddenly changed to “Climate Change”.

I think the people who are really freaked out about climate change started getting pissed when it was freezing cold outside and everyone kept jokingly saying “Where is this Global Warming everyone’s been talking about?”

So they all got together at their climate meetings (probably flying in private jets burning up tons of fossil fuel to get there of course), and said, “we need to change the name of this shit to cover everything, not just the warming, because people are making fun of us. Let’s call it “Climate Change” instead of “Global Warming” now so there will be less jokes.”

Everyone agreed, then they all congratulated each other on a job well done, and flew back home, each on their individual private jets of course, so they could continue to lecture the rest of the world on how they are destroying the earth. “HOW DARE YOU!!!”


She is full of shit on Climate Change too.



Again, her robotic defenders don't understand it's not the message that's the problem, it's the way the message is delivered.


Let me put it like this... in a world where a pandemic is entering its second wave, governmental corruption is at terrifying levels, the climate is changing and natural disasters are getting worse, the oceans are dying, the oil is running low, a new Great Depression is threatening, and standards of living are plumeting...

You're not going to win a lot of points by complaining about the existence of a mouthy little girl. Particularly if she's right.


Is the climate changing, of course it is, it always does, it always will. Is man to blame for it, maybe, maybe not.

"Pandemic entering second wave" = Virus does not run in waves, that is just a good sounding word for the media. A virus will just linger and get worse in the winter and not so bad in the summer due to warmer temperatures. This particular virus is here to stay. We don't refer to summer and winter flus as waves so why this one.

"Governmental Corruption" = Nothing to do with climate change.

"Natural disasters are getting worse" = Please provide statistcal proof of this.

"The oceans are dying" = Please provide proof of this

"Oil is running low" = Nothing to do with climate change. Of course it will eventually run out, it is a natural resource.

"The new great depression" = Nothing to do with climate chnage.

"Standards of living are plummeting" = Nothing to do with climate change and please provide proof. The fact you are living longer would disprove this.

"Particularly if she is right" = Plese provide statistical proof, peer reviewed journals and articles that prove she is right. Absolutely and 100% correct.

We get it you are in with the new religion but it doesn't make you right. You beat climate change and make humans be better through technology, plain and simple. Telling people to not use oil for heat so they freeze to death is not gonna win you any arguements. What happens in 10 years when things are the same or 20 years what are you gonna the name to then. I'm still waiting for the icecaps to melt, we should have been under water 20 years ago.

Find alternatives to oil and coal, plastics. Create better fuels and materials. Thats how you help. Screaming at people from your private jet no-one wants to listen to.
