

Well now the north has no army left and Cersei is sitting pretty in the south.



The smart one?

No, the cynical/selfish one.

What if The North had decided not to bother fighting the White Walkers? Cersei would end up the same way as everyone else. Dead.

I'm fed up with people conflating selfishness with intelligence.


It was horrible. Valyrian Steel is special because it is forged with Dragon Fire. The Night King withstood a full blast of dragon fire. He should be fine.

What was he after, why did he finally decide to attach Westeros, what was he doing for a few thousand years?

Who is Azor Ahai? I guess it was Arya, which makes NO SENSE AT ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!


They did go out of their way at one point to mention the "Prince That Was Promised" could be Princess, because the noun in Valyrian was gender neutral. The blade killing the Night King could be as simple as the fact that it broke his skin - maybe pierced his outer shell would be more accurate. Whereas the dragon fire couldn't do that.

Apparently the Night King wasn't after anything complicated after all, he just wanted to exterminate humanity. As for why he waited so long ... building up his strength, waiting for a long enough winter or other opportune circumstances? Why did Sauron wait so long for his second go at Middle Earth?


You are too simply satisfied.
It is poorly written. GRRM would have done much better, and hopefully someday will.
He'll say "you saw HBO's version, but this is what really happened."


I think a lot of information is simply unknown to any of the characters, so how do you convey it to viewers? Even Bran isn't all-knowing. He had no idea whether dragon fire would hurt the Night King. I understand the original book series doesn't explain a whole lot about the walkers or the Night King, or include much (if any) POV material. With an enemy that doesn't bother communicating, a lot of their motives, and why they acted as they did, when they did, may always be mysterious. The sort of details future historians will argue and have competing theories about (assuming of course you beat them and survive).


Forgot about that. Good point.
I’ll take it.


It's why they name their place winter fell. They are now 2-0 agains the white walkers.


it was entertaining but I cant disagree with either point.

I was hoping they'd end this episode without complete resolution. The initial one-sided slaughter was great but it would've been better to end it with hopelessness and devastation and have a round two.


Agreed. The last 3 episodes seem pointless now. It was still decent tv, but nowhere near epic as they tried to sell it.


Actually it was epic. The fact that didn't happen in the last episode doesn't make it less epic.


Battle for the wall was more epic that this episode.


Sure, if you think so, but saying that one is more epic than the other one doesn't make the second one ... un-epic :D


I'm glad you liked it.


If you think was epic enough to justify all the 8 years of buildup, then you have an incredibly limited imagination. I feel so sorry for you.


Epic enough? Again, we can agree or not on “was it epic or not”. If we go to “epic enough” or “the other one was more epic” it’s quite useless.

Btw, for my limited imagination the main point of the story are not the zombies, neither the dragons. I don’t care about the fantasy side, I kinda grew out of it, I’m not sixteen anymore. For me epic was the viper vs the mountain, for me epic are the politics in the show (ok, were, because without Martin the writers are quite ... bleah). For me the buildup of these 8 years is not toward the NK conflict but about the human conflict (which unfortunately kinda started to look like a soup opera and has become too PC as well). I’m quite happy that the zombie story arc is done.

If you need to be fed with epic fantasy themes I wonder who has a more limited imagination ;)


If that's how you feel, there are plenty of historical novels and movies you should be watching instead. Why not read/watch something with actual history behind it instead of someone's imaginary world with limited basis in reality, if fantasy is so immature?


because the quality of the writing was better in GoT than in most of those shows.

I don't mind fantasy, i just don't see it as the main story in these kind of shows. Like the expanse is a SciFi show, sure, but i'm not watching it for pew pew lazors but for the underlaying, human interaction and characters.


Omar got taken out by a middle school kid while he was at the store in his PJs buying Newports.


That the climax occurred before the end of the story is one of the things that makes the story epic in scope. (It can’t be “an epic.” An epic can only be a poem.) Epic stories require a wrap-up, a summery, falling action. Comic books do not. This just ain’t a comic book.

I know: boo-hoo.


And no explanation of what motivated the Night King. After thousands of years of "peace", why start a war now? Why was he so interested in Bran? No Azor Ahai reborn in the show?

I guess if we want the blank spaces filled in, we are going to have to wait for big George to finish writing the story.


Any day now!


I'm glad the Night King is dead. Uninteresting, nearly invincible force of nature baddie is now gone and we can get to the final boss, Cersei fookin Lannister. Keeping the NK alive would spell doom for the entire realm. His army is impossible to beat in a straight up fight.


I was really hoping for some kind of explanation, maybe some kind of exchange between the Night King and Bran that would clarify just what the Night King is all about. But nope. Nothing.

I mean, the episode wasn't really bad, despite a lot of dumb battle tactics and poor decisions by many characters, and despite the fact that I could barely see what was going on half the time, but to have this whole thing that's been building up since episode 1 just end just like that? It just feels unsatisfactory.
