MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Richard Brake was the superior Night Kin...

Richard Brake was the superior Night King

Vladimir Furdik is pretty lifeless in comparison (no pun intended)


By far.

I’m not sure why people aren’t making more of a big deal about this.

Brake had an extremely expressive face and body language... his work on “Hardhome” is still the image everyone uses for the Night King in articles and memes.


I know he was apparently unavailable for season 6 but I don't know why they didn't try to get him back for season 7 and 8. Such a wasted opportunity.


Absolutely. I brought that up at the time but no one seemed to notice for some reason

No gravitas. The new guy doesnt hold himself like a king. A king takes his time, he sneers at threats, like at Hardhome. The new guy comes off as a hyperactive soldier.


I think a big part of the problem is that Furdik is a stuntman and not an actor. Plus Brake has a much more expressive face as the previous poster mentioned. A good actor can do much more with no dialogue than a stuntman with no personality.


Some stuntmen do a great job (thinking of Kane Hodder as Jason Voorhees), but yeah, they have to have that something.


Absolutely the best Night King. Even without make-up he has that creep factor to him, it's probably his big head, big eyes, big lips and they are perfect for a Night King.

Vladimir Furdik looks like an after-school special version of a Night King with 9th grader in the role. Yup.


Yeah the first one was better. Why'd they ever recast him anyway?


I seem to remember reading that Brake was unavailable for season 6


GOT wants you, you show up. It's simple.



It's not like it would be a very long shoot anyway, what with him only being needed for a few scenes.

No excuse really.


I watched Hardhome last night. He has a unique creepiness/evilness to his face that the new guy just doesn't have and it made him more intimidating. Shame really.


New guy just looks like a dude wearing a bright blue monster mask with a blank stare. Brake was perfect, why'd they mess this up



Fun fact: Vladimir Furdik is the actor who plays the character tied to the tree, who Bran sees getting stabbed by the children of the Forest, and turns into the Night King. So there's that. . .


yes, that's interesting, isnt it?
