MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > I think people are too obsessed with San...

I think people are too obsessed with Sansa, and Danny.

I feel that people are so caught up in hate watching Sansa, and Danny, and "teleporting" that they overlook all of the cool mythology stuff that's shown. Instead people just feverishly whine about Sansa and Danny. Or fantasize and speculate about how Sansa is going to betray Jon, or how Danny is going to lose or is becoming "evil".


It is what it is, People can't get past hating Danny, and or selling Sansa short. And we all know they're not teleporting on the show, it probably took Weeks for Jon to get to Dragonstone.


Its not teleporting. There are clearly time jumps in the show that they don't label as time jumps with captions. I think they assume the audience is smart enough to understand that


You miss understand me, I'm not saying they're teleporting.


I meant that as a reply to the OP


I don't see Sansa ever betraying Jon. Not in a million years. She might try to usurp him in some way if she thinks he's making the wrong decisions and shit... but outright betray him? Never. He's her brother and she has very little family left.


I don't see sansa betraying Jon either, But people sure wish it lol


She is quick enough to challenge Jon. And might not be too happy about ANOTHER blonde queen pushing her to the sidelines again. If Sansa has Arya as her ace in the hole, who knows what fate might befall Dany if she gets comfortable with the Snow-Starks?


Since so many people detest Sansa/Sanka, I think it would be hysterical if she just basically as a fluke ended up on the throne at the final fade out, without really doing everything.

The fandom would EXPLODE!


Well, I've always thought that one possible "bittersweet" ending would be Sansa and Tyrion on the throne. Don't know quite how that might happen, but anything is possible, and certainly Westeros could do worse.

And has.


Arya to Sansa: "I know you don't want it . . . but you're thinking it."

That said, I agree with the OP that there are 'way too many catty females who have just decided that they hate one or both of these two women and that that is that. Don't ask them for cogent reasons. Please don't confuse them with inconvenient facts. They just know they are right, because they feel it. Their contributions to these boards smells like cat piss.


It is possible... imagine this really crazy scenario.. Dany dies for some unknown reason..maybe fighting with the white walkers, and on the other hand Cersei is kill by Arya and Jaime kills himself, or Jaime kills Cersei and then kills himself, or dies in a battle or whatever...

Who is the heir of the iron throne is Cersei and Jaime are dead? Tyrion... and who is Tyrion wife
(at least in paper?) Sansa.


Well also, if Jon marries Danerys and they win the war and Jon becomes King Jon, who's his next of kin if he dies without children? Probably Sansa.

So one very unlikely scenario is that Jon and Dany marry and become king and queen and both die during the war against the Night's King, and after it's all over there are still loyalists on both the Targaryan-Strark and Baratheon-Lannister sides ready to make trouble. So Sansa is declared as King Jon's heir and Tyrion is Queen Cersei's, and they both agree to marry again or say they were married all along to stop the conflict. That's how the War of the Roses ended (the real war that inspired so much of this story), the last Lancaster (Henry Tudor, a cousin) married the eldest daughter of the last York king (Elizabeth of York), and thirty years of war officially ended.


If Dany makes Gendry a legit Baratheon, he would have the same claim as Stannis did. Or if Cersei was proven to be his mother, he would have a stronger claim. I doubt that's true though, because Stannis did the magic DNA test when he first met him and determined he was half Robert, half lowborn.
