MovieChat Forums > Game of Thrones (2011) Discussion > Westeros or Middle Earth?

Westeros or Middle Earth?

Which do you prefer?




Middle-earth, you're more likely to find a peaceful existence there, having a garden and smoking your herb, and not having your home conscripted.


Depends on the circumstances. If i'm just myself being dropped into one of these places and need to survive, I'd choose middle earth for sure. Being poor in Westeros is a death sentence.


This is true!


Elves win


Yeah chilling in Rivendell would be pretty awesome.


Yep. Middle Earth wins purely because of the elves. That, and it's possible to have a somewhat peaceful and happy life. 😌


Tough question. I think survival would be increased in Middle Earth that's for sure. But even then it would depend on where I'm at in Middle Earth.

Westeros is beautiful but damn would it be difficult to live there, especially if you were poor. And even if you were rich you'd have to worry about someone coming along and trying to kill you for being rich.

I guess I'd choose Middle Earth.


Middle Earth can be just as dangerous as Westeros, in fact one of the major issues leading up to the Lord of the Rings is rampant Orcs slaughtering innocent people throughout the various lands, including Rohan, Eriador, the Northlands, etc. Imagine keeping to yourself with your family, owning a nice farm out in the countryside, and then one day Orcs show up and kill your family and your animals.

Not much different than Westeros.

I'd say living in Pentos, Braavos, or Oldtown may be the safest places to live in the world of Ice & Fire.


I forgot about the Orcs. But to be honest...from what LOTR taught me...the Orcs aren't that great at fighting. They are easily killed...almost too easily if you ask me.


Wait...I forgot about the giant spiders in Middle Earth. I'm going with Westeros.
