MovieChat Forums > The Dark Knight (2008) Discussion > Is Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy MA...

Is Christopher Nolan's Batman Trilogy MASSIVELY OVERRATED?

I personally think they are. People treat these movies like they are some of the greatest films in cinema history when they were mediocre at best.

Talk about an extremely pretentious trilogy about comic book superhero that dresses like a bat, drives a batmobile and fights crime that took the source material WAY TOO SERIOIUSLY.


Only Nolanites really worship these movies. They made a lot of money when they came out because they landed during the superhero movie boom of the 00's and were better than Batman & Robin. Dark Knight is still quite good but the other two are mostly forgotten about aside from a few goofy memes here and there.



The start of the 00s comic movie boom would include the first few Spider-Man, X-Men and Blade movies which all made a ton of money, were extremely popular and came out before Batman Begins. Also, Hulk and Punisher both made enough money to greenlight sequels even though they weren't critical hits but the sequels ended up being turned into reboots and came out years later. Oh, and the Hellboy movies had a cult following at the time too. By the time The Dark Knight came about, MCU was taking off with Iron Man and the like. The end of the trilogy came out in the same year as The Avengers. So yes, it was riding a wave of highly popular comic movies. And no, they're not talked about much anymore. Dark Knight Rises is kind of regarded as a weak movie with a lot of plot holes, a villain that was hilariously difficult to understand and bad fight scenes. It had the Bane memes for a year or two then the movie vanished. Meanwhile, how often do you hear people say anything about Batman Begins? It was a good movie but not all that groundbreaking.

The Dark Knight was the only one that really stood the test of time. It was a really great movie sandwhiced between an average movie and a "meh" movie.


The first movie was a big surprise and it employed a lot of ingenuity. Batman didn't kill and they set up his gadgets in a fun way.

The second had a good performance from Leger. The rest of the movie was just background noise.

The third movie is garbage juice. Hardy was a good choice but the movie sucked.


You nailed it.

Ledger made TDK, but the other performances were good as was the script. Tho I will acknowledge a few missteps in the script.


I can't write off the whole trilogy as pretentious or bad. The first two films were really good! Overall, I do think they're a touch overrated and I prefer Burton's films, but Nolan did do (two) good Bat-movies.


I would say yes, they are not bad films though, I would rate them like this:

Dark Knight 8.5/10
Batman Begins 6.5/10
Dark Knight Rises 6/10


Then what movie is better than this one?



I agree. And I also blame Nolan's ponderous pretentiousness with an English accent that makes people believe even his farts have meaning.


I think they're terrible. I think they're poorly written, poorly filmed, well edited, and have punchy soundtracks. It's slick shit.
