MovieChat Forums > ehewitt

ehewitt (30)



I'm not triggered, I was just giving a response to a stupid comment made about something that is, in actual fact, irrelevant to the quality of a movie. The comment I gave would be the same comment the average person would give if MuffCabbage said the same thing to people in public. They'd say if attractiveness is so important to someone, the only movies they would be guaranteed this as the priority would be porn. Therefore, if members of the public would say this, someone on an online message board can say the same thing as well. This message board is not an escape from reality. If someone posts something they would not be allowed to say in public, or would be crititicised for saying in public, it is a duty and a responsibility for someone to pick up on this and represent what real people would say if MuffCabbage actually said what they said on this board to a real person's face. @DancingintheDark The second part of your statement is similar to what actually happened. After he was killed, his body was left in the desert, and the last shot we see of him are of ants crawling around his dead body. @Satan2016 Why does it matter? Do you think the people who saw it will care about how much it has made or might make at the box office? Only about 0.00001% of people actually do. Hopefully you're being funny, but surely you know London is definitely not a country. It's quite well known to be a city. The city with Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, Tower Bridge. You know, THAT London. @Satan2016 Have you actually seen the movie? It's quite a mature movie. It takes itself seriously. So I think the audience for this is not just geeks. In fact, you could argue the target audience for this movie is actual adults, who are anything but geeks. What if hotter women are cast, but can't act? Also, considering the type of movie this is. A movie with drama and weight, if hotter women were cast but couldn't act, it would severely undermine the movie and affect the quality. If hotter women were cast but could act, it makes no difference. The focus would be on the drama and the story. That's what people would remember and take away. Why don't you just watch porn if that's all you care about? Are you taking the piss? What sort of comment is this? How about the fact Paul saw a personal connection between him and Chani as the reason he was interested in her romantically? If you watched the movie, you would know that Paul is consumed by his destiny as a messiah to the tribe he now calls family on a desert planet holding a rare mineral fought after by several different organizations throughout a galaxy in the far future. Paul is not in the same situation most people, if any, will be in their lifetimes. He has not been established to be similar to a teenage boy in 2024. In fact, most people whatever the age or time, make romantic connections based on PERSONALITY, not looks. So your comment is out of touch with reality, let alone the movie you're talking about. A movie that involves giant worms, a floating overweight albino as a leader, as well as other things not found in our world. Here's some advice, if you want a guarantee of good looking girls to your standard, no matter the acting abilities, stick to porn. Because the movie showed if someone didn't have the special suit the Flash wore, they'd burn up travelling at the speed of sound. His father would have more than likely died if he was broken out. View all replies >