MovieChat Forums > Halloween (2007) Discussion > My honest opinion on this film...

My honest opinion on this film...

So apparently, a lot of people have relentlessly bashed this film as being one of the worst remakes ever. But I disagree. I've seen other horror remakes that were truly unwatchable. But the one thing I can honestly say about this film, is that it was at least entertaining and managed to keep my attention. Was it the best horror film ever made? No, certainly not. But labeling it as 'the worst' is a bold statement.

Now I realize there were a lot of John Carpenter fans who maybe had super high expectations for this film. But for me personally, I wasn't impressed by the original Halloween. It was impossible for Rob Zombie to ruin a classic for me, simply due to the fact that I don't hold the original in any high regard.

And plus, anyone who watched House of 1000 Corpses and The Devil's Rejects should've known what kind of filmmaker Rob Zombie is, before watching Halloween. I don't think Rob Zombie is an amazing filmmaker by any means. But he's certainly not the worst. I view Zombie in the same way that people talk trash about director Eli Roth. Sure, they may not be the best directors ever. But at least they manage to come up with entertaining and slightly-original films, compared to a lot of other horror films out there. I just don't understand where all the hate comes from.

I liked how Rob Zombie gave young Michael Myers a troubled background. This gave me at least some insight into how Michael Myers became a killer. Michael's home life sort of added a bit more realism to the overall plot. I also liked how they showed Michael's life in the mental hospital. And I thought McDowell as Michael's psychiatrist was really fitting. McDowell made Michael's stay in the mental hospital seem more realistic and subtle. I also thought the massacre at Michael's home in the beginning was pretty brutal.

The brutality in the killing scenes definitely stepped things up a bit. As far as blood and violence goes, I would say this film was successful in that department. One of my biggest complaints about this film was the acting. Especially the kid who played young Michael Myers. Why on earth Rob Zombie chose him, I have no idea. If Rob Zombie would've picked a better cast and improved the dialogue, I believe it would've been a vast improvement. What irritates me about this remake, is that it had a lot of potential, combined with various annoying aspects.

I know when it comes to the opinion of true horror fans, that many will disagree with me. But oh well...


I don't understand the hate for this movie. It's well made an extremely creepy. Rob Zombie knows how to make good scary movies. This remake is one of my favorite films.


I am one of those that enjoyed this movie too. I also was not a die hard fan of the classic and one of those that was disappointed. I like how zombie made young Michaels story gritty and almost realistic with his time in the hospital. I don't think it's even in the directors cut but on YouTube there are extra scenes in the hospital that present his case like a vintage documentary it's kind of creepy. A scene from the pov of a recording in black and white shows Michael in one of his masks with Loomis talking about Michael like a test subject and how he is withdrawing and something about him being consumed with the masks. It looks and sounds like a vintage video from a insane asylum which makes it all the more cool. Not sure why zombie did not at least put that scene in the directors cut. This version of the movie had me feeling sorry for young Michael when I thought about it. I could not help thinking he could have been rehabilitated in some other way. Obviously being locked up in solitary only contributed more to his insanity and then when his mom killed herself it was the icing on the cake. Also remember the end credits. If you watch this it's almost like a foreshadow of his descent into madness. The home video at the end shows a happy looking Michael riding his bike and playing in the leaves with his mom. Then look at the end we see him with a bat bashing a toy horse then picking up the pieces in triumph. What makes that video cooler is the intercut shots of Michael bashing the toy with shots of the outside of the house and the Jack o lantern.


"But for me personally, I wasn't impressed by the original Halloween. It was impossible for Rob Zombie to ruin a classic for me, simply due to the fact that I don't hold the original in any high regard."

You suck too many dicks, that's your problem.


Dude, really? That's your response to my review? lol




I;m not sure wjere you got the impression people were basing this film in droves. At the time of release it was almost universally praised. Its like the only rob zombiefilm I like actually.


Well, according to the all reviews I read on Imdb, combined with things people have said about the film, including about director Rob Zombie, I just assumed this film has been universally bashed. Put it this way, I've seen more negative reviews rather than positive ones.


Imdb was already becoming a troll farm at that point. plusit was just a few spam posters that trashed the film. Like I said I generally don't like rob zombie films but this film was great and well though out. Itgave a back story on mike myers but didn't try to make him look like a victim which I was was expecting rob zombie to do but he didn't, he respected the films villian and kept him as the villian.


Fear is subjective. Different people like different brands of horror. One fan will favor one or another, and which depends on what kind of horror appeals to them. I think the original Carpenter version is held in higher regard by those who prefer suspense, a darker atmosphere and the mystery of who Michael is. Fans of modern horror will prefer the gore and raw brutality of Zombie's version. Fans - on either side - are unmoving on which version they prefer. That's the problem and that's what blows these boards up. The hate and bile flow as much for differing opinions as they do for the movies themselves.

My opinion is, I love both and will pick and choose depending on my mood. To favor one doesn't obliterate the other from existence. Live and let live. Watch and let watch.


I just thought it was too similar to Zombie's other films. Sure the basic premise/story of Halloween is there, but really, it's just a carbon copy of Zombie's other early films; we have intense violence, a rape scene, and over-the-top trashy dialogue. I like that he gave Michael a story, but apart from that, he brought nothing new to the table in contrast to his other films. I wanted more deaths and more gore, but sadly we got House of 1000 Corpses 3.

I can understand if people enjoyed the film, but to me it was just another run of the mill horror flick using the brand name Halloween.


My only real problem with the movie is he sucked the scary right out of Michael Myers by over explaining him.




I don't hold the original in high regard either. I never really felt the love for it that many others did, but I really don't like this remake.
