MovieChat Forums > The Time Machine (2002) Discussion > Shockingly ''woke'' for a 2002 film

Shockingly ''woke'' for a 2002 film

It was as though this film was made today. Black and mixed race actors featured in the film at every turn. A mixed race romance forms. This seems awfully like the requirements of a modern film so much so it shocked me.


And it bombed.


And they made the bad guy (Jeremy Irons) more white than any other character. It's like he wasn't white enough so they even made his hair and eyes white.


The whole strangeness of it for me is this film was ''Woke'' in away that is entirely modern yet 2002 was YEARS before the ''minority representation requirement'' in films was a thing. The original film was all blonde, white people where as this featured biracial's and 'white's' were implied to be long gone.


Probably more accurate therefore than we think in terms of how the future will look with a black camp AI character at the library, given these much woker times we are heading in.


Yes. Oddly enough the film also featured a iphone/tablet device that the children had with them in that library. Surprisingly accurate.




In this film, the ethnicity and look of the Eloi made more sense than in the 1960s film or even the book. Basically, the last humans were a mixture of Asian and black. That didn't actually bother me very much. What annoys me are all the plotholes and inconsistencies in the story for the second half. A lot of people also wish that we had more time with the head Morlock, or wish that they would explain things a little better about how the Eloi, a primitive, ignorant people, seem to know about time-travel despite living in a near-stone-age culture.


Because nobody cared about wokeness 20 years ago, unlike all the snow flakes of today who throw a fit over everything.


Lol like you and people in this forum. Some people believe in such conspiracy theories.


Clap, clap, clap.

I swear these white supremacists only want white-only casts like it's the 1940s


everything triggers them. one was bithc that "what Wanda being the bad guy was non PC!@!?!?!"

like they want to be triggered by anything and everything


What's funny is woke people and democrats started the kkk and were pro slavery, segregation and apartheid.


I weep for the education system that produced a comment of such blatant lack of reasoning, surface-level analysis, and possible covert malign intentions or cognitive dissonance.

I am an American of New England and Western upbringing, and an enlisted Naval veteran who served during the Global War on Terrorism campaign. I once visited a Confederate Museum in Greenville, SC on a road trip and Civil War excursion through various Southern states. These people peddle books and other merchandise minimizing slavery as a cause for conflict, biographies of George Wallace and other pro-segregation literature, KKK and Grand Imperial Wizard memorabilia (particularly Nathan Bedford Forrest) and books that denounce Abraham Lincoln and the Union establishment. Also, they sell Barack Obama's Dreams From My Father memoir.

Obviously, I'm kidding about the last one.

They did sell this though:

I challenge you (or anyone else) to compliment these private citizens on their establishment and their "wokeness", and suggest that a portion of the proceeds from their sales and admission tickets go in support of the Democratic National Committee, the Biden/Harris 2024 campaign, the George Floyd Global Memorial and the NAACP.

Here's the address: 15 Boyce Ave, Greenville, SC 29601 I DARE YOU.

Please... look and think deeper... turn off Fox News and Truth Social, and join the democratic (small 'd') civilization where you will be welcomed amongst modern Republicans and Democrats who stand united and opposed to MAGA and authoritarian white supremacy.


What's funny is you think everyone is an American and watches your programs. It is a fact that you guys founded the kkk and were on the side of slavery. It is also a fact that currently you are intent on exposing young children to pornography and are pro pedophilia. However, given your history and arrogance of your allegiances, it isn't surprising.


Wherever you're from, and whatever you read and watch, has been an impediment to your ability to decipher the American character.

I am writing (in a larger context) to the voters of the United States during an election year. The Democratic Party of America is no longer celebrated or recognized as part of the legacy of Andrew Jackson, aside from the anti-monarchical and anti-monopolistic sentiments that he brought to it during the pre-Industrial & Gilded Age 1800s.


aah, this good old far right talking points from people that stopped learning history after the civil war ended. Was it for "states rights", right?


Woke started in 1996


I don't think it's woke, just because they're not white lol. They are a mixed race people which makes sense actually and the Morlocks are not white, they look more akin to an albino.


Oh JFC there was "political correctness" in the 80's and 90's. It was the same as "woke".


Woke shit was always around, albeit not as extreme as today.
