MovieChat Forums > Spider-Man (2002) Discussion > My 12 year old daughter and I watched th...

My 12 year old daughter and I watched this today

She loved it more than Homecoming. She said the effects were a little bad in some places, but I tell you I think it looks fantastic even to this day.


That’s awesome that your daughter enjoyed it.

Great films, all three of them, yes even the third. Plus Tobey makes the best Spidey in my opinion.


I liked the third one, aside from Peter becoming obnoxious after being touched by the Venom slime, but I thought it was a fitting end to the trilogy. It was the second and later Spider-Man movies I didn't like.


Totally agree. Toby is Spider-Man :)


It'a called "capturing lightning in a bottle", "movie magic" so to speak. No matter how hard Hollywood tries it happens less and less when making movies. Movie like the original Spider-Man is a love letter to the audience, Everyone who worked on this movie put in their love and it shows. When the right people are in the right place doing what they love the most is when we get special rare gems like these.


This is the only movie I've seen more than once in a theater, saw it 4x.


I appreciate any kid who loved a movie that's older than they are. And she's right about the effects. I thought they looked bad when it first came out, too.


That's so nice.
I still enjoy it too. I liked the dynamic of Harry and Pete and Norman and M.J. The characters are all important to what happens in this movie.
Maybe Homecoming reflects the newer comics, but in the comics I read as a kid he was considered a freak. The idea of him joining the Avengers contradicts what the character was in the 70s and 80s. I think Raimi must be a fan of that era.
If Sony does movies without Marvel again, they are going to have a hard time recapturing this magic.


To be fair in the 90s he did join the Avengers from time to time. There is also Secret Wars from the 80s where he, the Avengers, the X-Men, and Spider-Woman fought together against a bunch of villains. Also I am in the minority preferring the Amazing Spider-Man films to the Raimi ones. I liked this one but didn't like Spider-Man 2 or 3.


I remember times when he teamed up with Avengers characters even before Secret Wars. But often they remarked on how weird he was, or that he was out of his league. And he always kept his secret identity hidden. There was something kind of cool about a superhero that could fight alongside these other heroes, but still return to his crummy little apartment at night and not have any gadgets that he didn't make himself. Oh, well. I'm old.


Stan Lee said that he wanted to create the "illusion of change." You couldn't radically change the hero's surroundings or his cast of characters back then. People bought comics to see Spider-man struggle to pay his rent, worry about Aunt May, and get up the nerve to date M.J. between battles with the Green Goblin. Eventually they changed a lot of things but then they had to retcon things again and again.
It's kind of crazy that the movies seem to have reached that point now due to dueling movie studios.


I admit I don't read modern Spider-Man comics after finding out they erased most of Black Cat's history by getting rid of her knowledge that Peter Parker is Spider-Man and also turning her into a psychopath who kills innocent people.


Wow. It sounds like they really messed up her character. I think the Todd McFarlane stuff in the 90s is where I lost interest. I remember the wedding issue of Amazing Spider-man and checked out a few issues after that. Then I remembering hearing about clones and Mephisto and all kinds of wacky things.


The first and best one imo.
I choked up when I saw those old comic panels come to life on the big screen.


Best. Spider-man. Ever.

Except for Spider-man 2.

Raimi nailed it.


Yeah I really like Spider-Man but I think Raimi definitely peaked with Spider-Man 2 which was/and still is awesome and in my opinion the perfect Summer Superhero movie.
