MovieChat Forums > The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air (1990) Discussion > Hard to watch nowadays due to the consta...

Hard to watch nowadays due to the constant fat & height shaming

Boy, I used to enjoy this back in the day but it's really hard to watch now and feel comfortable laughing along.

Uncle Phil is subjected to real psychological horrors in practically every episode, constantly humiliated simply due to the size of his waist. I am certain such cruel "humor" would be 100% unacceptable in any show being made today.

Very similarly Carlton, in the name of "fun", is subjected to scarring ridicule simply for being slightly shorter than average.

Indeed the fact is that these twin pillars of "humor" are pretty much the cornerstone of the show, appearing in episode after episode.

I hate to say it but it's probably time that this dated embarrassment was taken off the air.

The program also appears to have something of an issue with diversity...


I watch it and laugh along to it still...

Grow a spine you pussy.




Both give as well as they take.


I remember that both Uncle Phil and Carlton could be jerks to Will as well.


Uncle Phil is subjected to real psychological horrors in practically every episode, constantly humiliated simply due to the size of his waste.

I'm imagining the enormity of his huge turd. LOL

"That Uncle Phil sure does drop a huge waste in the porcelain bowl." LMAO


I'm sure Uncle Phil was responsible for more than his fair share of toilet blocking! Not shown but I'm sure Geoffrey would have cursed him on many an occasion while utilising the plunger...

However not the type of waist I was referring to.


Screw the plungers.. a wire coat hanger is the tool of choice to homogenize those stubborn Lincoln Logs into manageable and flushable grape nuts.


I like to bend the end of it into a "Z" shape and use it with the power drill.


No splash/splatter problems?


I have a variable speed that I can start real slow to begin the breakup, then once there is some play in it, I can really put the spurs to it. Splatter is minimal.


Nice! I mean, any time you can implement power tools into daily tasks it becomes a win.


Personally I find pouring some boiling water down there to be the least messy option.

Sure you get a bit of a shit stew goin' for a while but there's a very satisfying clean flush when the consistency comes together...


You are clearly a man of worldly experience.


A man needs to be ready for these type of incidents. Especially when visiting the in-laws...


You're not serving your in-laws enough fiber!!!!


Wrong way around - happens when we're visiting them.

Although the issue is mainly due to this weird ancient toilet they've got - the bowl contains hardly any water in it in the first place and more or less presents your shit up high to you for inspection or something before flushing.

Think it's some kind of German design...


LOL. I don't think there's ever been anything that was perfectly functional that the Germans have looked at and figured out a way to over complicate!

But you're a hell of an in-law yourself if you volunteer to break up the keistser occlusions without a hazmat suit.


Too thin. Look down...


Indeed. I looked it up after discussing yesterday and it is a German design:-

The Germans call it the ‘shelf shitter’ and it is by far the most unique toilet seat you’ll ever come across. Almost everyone is fooled at first by the seemingly innocuous and traditional design, only to find resting turds staring back at you, much to your curiosity, satisfaction, or in my case, disgust.


Geoffrey had class he would have used a poop knife.


Uncle Phil is still portrayed positively minus those jokes


Nobody cared that this was a “black show” when it originally aired because everyone watched it. Same with Family Matters. People still make fat & short jokes so the OP post was made just to troll.


People still make fat & short jokes so the OP post was made just to troll

Nonsense. As per the OP it would absolutely impossible to air an show these days making humiliating jokes about people's weight & heights.

Perhaps people in some unenlightened circles do still find humor at the expense of others via fat shaming but there's no way you're going to find that served up as "entertainment" nowadays.


If you are fat, people have the right to tell you you're fat. People who subscribe to "body positivity" are pathetic and delusional because it shows a lack of understanding human biology that being fat isn't attractive.


For now perhaps.

But, as I've said, fat shaming would now be unacceptable in any product hoping to be successful.

And in time we'll all be conditioned to genuinely believe - i.e. not just virtue signaling - fat is beautiful.

You can see it's on the way especially in advertising campaigns with traditionally attractive woman being replaced by plus size models.

For now it's simply marketing that pays off - why, if you're one of 90% of the population who are obese, are you going to buy a product because someone you'll never be is promoting it? You won't but you will if some glammed up portly you can aspire to is.

Then in time young lads will find themselves banging off to these beauties and - biff bash bosh - before you know it, it won't just be lardy asses dudes gonna be chasin'...


Why not?


As a fat man I can't stand this PC whinging.


Soft pussy
