MovieChat Forums > Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981) Discussion > I can't believe he had a better female s...

I can't believe he had a better female sidekick in this....

.....Marion can Drink better than Indiana, Fight just as well and she wears a dress better......WTF ....??????


Its a well written story. That separates it from the present woke-trash.


So you didn't like Indy 5?


Ask me again in a few years. I'll check it out when/if its on television.


LOL, yep..


So how do you know it's woke trash???


I was talking in general, obviously I haven't seen Indy 5 yet.




Based on a multitude of reviews online.


You watch movies on TV? So you like taking over 4 hours to watch a 2 hour movie? And like having said movie censored so all bad language is taken out? I'd like to think you are in the minority cause I hate watching movies that way. Unless you mean if it comes on a premium movie channel of course. Personally I only watch movies on streaming, DVD, and Bluray.


I'm in Finland, we don't censor movies on television. Why would a 2 hour movie take 4 hours to watch? I record it with my DVR and skip the ads. If half of the running time is ads, you guys are drowning in ads over there.

I usually catch movies that interests me on blu-ray, but this Indy 5 doesn't interest me enough.


Well here in America they do censor it unless it's on a paid premium movie channel like HBO. So I just stick to DVDs, blurays, and streaming. I refuse to pay for cable/Satelite/direct TV. Too pricy.


You watch DVDs in 2024? They're cheap, I guess, so there's that... not even the garage sales and charity donation centers where I'm at take DVDs anymore. All I can say is that after having been introduced to 4K with HDR, I believe I just can no more. Which is sad in a sense because there is a lot of nostalgia to the format after all.


I spent $500 on a 1080P TV back in 2014 and I just can't stand the idea of having to buy a $500 4K TV and spending $150 on a 4K Bluray Player, and even more money on 4K Blurays.


Nah, it's not really worth it to upgrade every movie to 4K UHD as it would be an unnecessary expense. In some cases, the 4K transfer doesn't even do it any good. The jump from DVD to Blu-ray is bigger than the jump from 1080p to 4K, although 4K has HDR which often does produce a better picture. IMHO, one should only go 4K for the movies they love and research the reviews if it's worth the upgrade.

As for DVDs, they often have compression artifacts that one can see even on a laptop screen. Though it's been long since I watched DVDs of blockbusters that probably were more worked on and might not look as bad. Then there also these AI upscalers that can enhance their picture, but the issue is how 'genuine' it looks and how picky you are about that.


I bought a bluray of both Ghostbusters 1984 and Last Action Hero. They both looked horrible. That made me not want to watch older movies on Bluray.


Most older movies look good on Blu-ray, and many look even fabulous. They were (usually) shot on 35mm film which is superior to 1080p. But in some cases there were bad transfers and you will have to look for the right edition. GoldenEye is one movie that had a notoriously bad transfer. I'm pretty sure that I remember Ghostbusters having a bad transfer (one Blu-ray edition) too. The best one is the 2013-2014 version mastered in 4K. Last Action Hero had a messed up 1080p transfer released in 2019 (it was worse than the 2010 one which is decent, but not overwhelming). It's one of the movies you do well to have the 4K version of, or at least get your hands on the 2010 Blu-ray.


Who did?


I did. Still like KOTCS a bit better because it had more traditional Indy action. But Indy 5 was a nice sendoff for the character and they got rid of Mutt....they should have put Short Round in there though. Don't know why they didn't consider that.


Except Indy was completely irreverent to the story according to Big Bang Theory. 😄

Anyway, still one of the greatest action films ever made.


Just to clarify, I like the Big Bang Theory, and I know you were joking but Amy was wrong. Without Indy Belloq would not have gotten the Idol at the beginning. Without Indy, Toht wouldn't know where Marion and the head piece were. Without Indy, they might not have found the Ark and even if they did find it, it would have been flown straight to Berlin. Also after so many of his men were killed by it, Hitler would have had it stored securly in a secret warehouse like the Americans did. Therefore Amy is wrong and then again, a lot of sitcoms stereotype all women by making it so they hate action movies.


Marion was easily the coolest female lead in the original trilogy.
