MovieChat Forums > Alien (1979) Discussion > Just Occurred to me: What if Dallas was ...

Just Occurred to me: What if Dallas was in on it??!!!??

Some of the motivations/reactions of the crew are puzzling, if you think about it. Some of the Company's plan, as well. Thinking about the new series coming made me realize: Many of these can be addressed by the idea: what if Ash was not the only one who knew about the Alien beforehand?

What if Dallas knew about it? What if Dallas knew about Ash?

I realize I'm putting WAY more thought into all this than Ridley did, in 1978. But since we're writing fanfic, (shrug). . .


You’re putting way too much thought into this lol.


why the need to type the idiot "lol"????


[–] Poopsey1 (546) 5 minutes ago
why the need to type the idiot "lol"????

Why the need to type the idiot four question marks?


Maybe if you present some supported reasons for thinking this it would help out some. It's been a while since I've watched the movie but flesh it out a bit, maybe the idea has some virtue.


no it was only Ash
because Ash was the "replacement" personnel

Dallas had no idea what was happening


What if he did? What actions or reactions support this? Is there any reason to think it other than the fabrication of another plot twist?

Dallas spends time with Mother trying to find out what's going on, though, doesn't he? Doesn't that belie any suggestion that he was in on it?


I don't "think it." Like I said, it's essentially a fanfic idea. . .which, to be fair, also describes many of the sequels we've seen in the years since that first movie.

Let's face it: Ridley and company had NO idea how huge that first movie would be. As such, there are countless inconsistencies & illogical elements in the series, at this point.

So it's interesting to speculate, while keeping in mind it's all fanfic (relative to the initial film). That is all.


Ah. I see. I misunderstood. I thought it was a hot take or something.

I suppose if that were going to be a fanfic, the main thing to consider is not just what does it change in terms of character motivation, but what is the final destination?

For instance: is this a "what if?" scenario like, "How would things have played out differently?" In this world, for instance, Dallas might not be willing to be the one to go hunting the beast through the Nostromo with the flamethrower. Why would he? So if Dallas survived that, would he be around to help Ash later and actually preserve the xenomorph?

Or, is this more about some psychological inner life? Is the story about Dallas realizing the mistake he's made in agreeing to do this and deciding to rebel against his orders?


Both valid takes, and either would fit with the events of the first movie.

Let me be clearer, since (apparently) my OP was easy to misunderstand. What I'm saying is, basically: if Ridley decided to do another Alien sequel, and added this idea to the script, it would fit perfectly with the events of the first movie. It would also explain some wobbly logic in the narrative flow, and would be an interesting dive into the events leading up to what we saw on screen.

I'm NOT saying this is what Ridley intended, or that there are scenes suggesting it, or that film was left on the cutting room floor in support, or anything of the sort. I use the term "fanfic" because EVERY MOVIE AFTER the first one did precisely this: "What if [such and such]???"

Sometimes it worked, sometimes it created logic bombs, sometimes it was in DIRECT CONFLICT with what Ridley originally intended. It's easy to forget: this is ALL just stuff people made up, and put on screen. And every sequel is, at root, Fiction by Fans of that incredible first movie.

That is all.


Even clearer, yes. What form would the movie take? Would it be an "alternate take" and be set aboard the Nostromo? A Prequel? A Sequel?

If Ridley did another Alien universe movie, frankly, I'd love to see a courtroom drama/political thriller where some hotshot lawyer actually takes on the Weyland-Yutani Corporation for its sins.


"I realize I'm putting WAY more thought into all this than Ridley did, in 1978."
No, the issue is rather the opposite. Instead of thinking things through, you jump to the utmost absurd conclusions based on nothing.

There's nothing in the movie that even remotely supports your idea, but there is plenty that speaks against it.

Yet here we are.


Huzzah!!! From such a short post, in response to a relatively bland postulate, you've said Volumes:

1) You're not good at reading comprehension
2) You're judgemental
3) You leap to those judgements in a vacuum of information

It's a pretty good bet you're not great at the whole "thinking" thing, but try this on for size: You have no idea how much thought I've put into this; you apparently don't understand the "fanfic" references; your assessment of evidence for/against this idea is flatly Wrong, and your assumption that I'm particularly invested in the idea of Dallas being a Company mole is. . .wait for it. . .an "utmost absurd conclusion."

Ok? Okay. You can go, now.



props for out of the box thinking though


Many of these can be addressed by the idea: what if Ash was not the only one who knew about the Alien beforehand?

For the record, in the original Alien all indications were that the Weyland Corporation, and thus Ash, didn't know about the aliens that the crew stumbled upon. Ash simply had orders to preserve and bring back any alien life forms, the lives of the crew being expendable.


This is one of the things I that most detest about one-off movies that become ongoing franchises. Even when it isn't fanfic, you can still have a situation where an otherwise clearly intelligent man like George Lucas thinks, "Hey, I just had a great idea... Darth Vader is C-3PO's father!"

But still, a random nobody internet nerd brainfarting random plot twists is worse.

Dallas knowing about the secret directive goes against the point of that subplot- "The Company" didn't care about or trust any of their human employees, so they left it all to their loyal robot.


This is one of the things I detest about poorly moderated discussion boards: random idiots with poor reading comprehension who babble about topics they don't understand.

Go sit down somewhere; nothing you said makes sense. Or applies to this discussion. Leave the talking thing to Intelligent people.


You do realize you are spreading Alien disinformation in regards to this movie


You do realize you're as confused as that other chap, yes?

Go back and read the thread. Better: have someone who can think do it for you. Good luck to you.


Ok, let me find someone here who can think and I'll then ask him because what you wrote is either Alien disinformation or something that is very confusing


Cool. Like I said: good luck to you.


Hold on and be patient. I'm still looking for someone who can think around here


Could you phone a friend like on Who wants to be a millionaire


I don't see why not. . .go for it!
