MovieChat Forums > Tucker Carlson Discussion > Hmm, his Twitter views are declining

These stats are wack. They must be taken from immediately after he posts an episode. For instance, right now his fifth episode is at 17.5 million views and episode six is sitting at 32.1 million views.


No hon. Those are fake numbers. Musk is scamming you to believe more people watch videos than they do. Like Tik Tok does. That why he hid "video view numbers" that old Twitter actually had. Most popular usually had like 3-8 millions max. Some cats or sports moments.

And Musk replaced it with "view impression" or something. So that when you scroll your feed and someone reposted some tweet and you scrolled it not reading and watching - Musk counted you as "you watched" and added it. And was putting Carlson into people feed even when they dont follow him and dont watch.

Trumpists are just not that smart to understand and dont listen when people explain it. This is kinda funny and actually sad that there are real people out there who actually believe those numbers are real and guy who was watched by 2 millions on Fox and Yoube - suddenly was watched by 50 millions after he was fired.


I'm not sure those views/likes are real though - I've long held the belief that these views are artificially inflated because EM needs/wants to lure over more content creators to join the platform.

When it comes to likes - the picture gets even murkier. I see some posts get 100K likes but every comment is highly critical of the post (or poster) - how the heck does that happen?
Justin Trudeau is just one example. If you have that many likes (ok, in his case he doesn't have 100K likes, but still quite a few), why is there not even a single comment supporting your BS?
Logic dictates that this would not be the case if the likes were real.


Musk seems quite open about both the good and bad of Twitter, and him artificially inflating someone's likes seems a massive risk to take, and completely contrary to what he's been doing thus far. No way to know he isn't, but it strikes me as incredibly unlikely.

As to the second thing-- just a personal observation, but it seems people who like something tend to click like and move on. People are far more motivated to say something when they disagree.


Thing is, we wouldn't know if he done it. Remember free speech and then silencing his critics? So it is possible. Also, I think views are counted EVEN if you just scroll past the video since Twitter videos autoplay by default unless disabled in settings.

Also this:


What's interesting is that having viewership of 3.5 million for a cable news show would be great, so even after his declining views on Twitter (as was expected), he's still bringing in more eyes than most other pundits. I realize that Twitter video views and TV ratings aren't exactly comparable, but they're good enough for our purposes.

Also, keep in mind that Tucker releases videos on a seemingly ad hoc schedule, so people don't know when to tune in.

All in all, I love the fact that Tucker is back. I just wish that I could watch his Twitter show on more platforms, such as Roku. That's another reasons why his views are likely limited.


It will all likely be rather random. He still has a contract with Fox. He's not making any money via twitter for that very reason, as that would be a breach of the contract. Because he's not making any money, you could call this more of a hobby - no set schedule, no pressure, etc. You can see his interview with Russel Brand from yesterday for more info (he only mentioned that he doesn't make any money - but the contract situation has already been leaked elsewhere).


No, real reason he does this humiliating "twitter videos" is so that people would not forget about his existence. Span attention is fast these days. If someone famous is not in everyones faces every day - people forget about them and move on to another one.

Once he was out of every day TV - people started forgetting him. So he had to put a desk "in his mom basement" and become twitter blogger just to keep being relevant.


All his Twitter episodes are available on Cinema HD, I use the FS4K, but Cinema HD can also be installed on the Roku.


2-3 millions is his real numbers. This is what he was having at Fox News and Youtube views of his monologue. And this is what its getting to on Twitter. Only difference is that Yoube and Fox payes real money for advertising and Twitter pays nothing. So its just empty numbers.

Musk tried everything he could to fraud his numbers and putting him into people feed so they would scroll past it and it would count as "view" but this is the reality. His real ratings is something like regular CW show. 2-3 millions of people tune in on regular basics to watch what he rants. Not 50 millions Elon Musk tried to lied to people about.

Amazingly but there are still empty headed people who believe that 100 millions watch this russian slut.

His most real numbers was Youtube. Because Youtube pays real money and shows views for its advertising companies. So they work hard on kicking out bots and fake views. Twitter and Tik Tok numbers are mostly fakes that are created by bots to popularize platform. I actually respect Youtube for showing real numbers. They could easily do a Tik Tok and fake like 50 millions watch each their videos but they dont.


the youtube bot is back ^^


Emori’s written six posts and over a dozen paragraphs on this thread to make the point that no one really cares about Carlson anymore. Except Emori apparently


Tucker Carlson Episode 7 - 15.7 million views, 308k likes - about ~1.9% likes.

Boring Bernie Sanders senate video - 368k views, 4,200 likes - about ~1.1% likes.

Other boring Bernie video - 282k views, 4,350 likes - about ~1.5% likes.

Are the likes "fake" as well? Is he boosting the boring Bernie Sanders videos to keep things consistent? lul

Overall impressions are a different metric than unique views, but there's nothing inherently shady about presenting them. Impressions are a key factor in gauging ad campaigns as well. Whether or not they are inflated, things seem to be scaling fairly consistently.


Good question - what's the average ratio of views vs. likes on youtube? It might be interesting to compare


I just clicked a video at random of a Spider-Man movie clip - 1.4 million views, around 16k likes. So, ~1.1%.

But yeah, my question was facetious - I don't think anything is being singled out or boosted. I haven't done an in-depth analysis with a multitude of data points, but just some surface level checking and his claims don't add up.


It senseless to compare youtube views and likes since absolute majority of people watching their videos are not registered and dont use like button. They just watch it and move one. While on Twitter and Instagram people are mostly registered and do use Like button a lot.


Likes button are more better in trying to see real numbers of views on Twitter and Instagram. Because it means that real people actuall watched post and liked it. While there are many bots and manipulations there too. I once created an account on Instagram and out few pictures there and out of nowhere there were 40 likes on them. Despite no one knowing I create account. Its was just random bots. And then few of them I think send me invitations to like them back in return. When I ignored - Likes vanished. Everything is fake in those social networks.

Even from those 300ks like half is probably fake. People create fake accounts and then propose to people and influensers to buy Likes to seem like more people read them. Thats why Musk didnt want to buy Twitter until owners would show him real number of fake bot there. But then he embraced Bot Army the moment he bought it. Because like everyone else - he wants people to think that more people watch and read it.


You say they're "fake", but the metrics/percentages are consistent across different accounts, and the comment amounts add up as well. Conspiratorial nonsense is what you're spewing, fueled by a dislike for Tucker Carlson and Elon Musk.


Thing is "Impressions" are lying to people. Stupid people dont understand what it mean. And we see that a lot of people actually believe that Tucker Carlsons videos was watched by 50 millions of people. While in reality it was something like 2-5 millions. His usual public.
But idiots keep running around Internet and scream how 50 millions watch their idols nonsense.






On no! NOT THAT TOO! Now I cant use the same acronym for Trump. Well at least there's always TND.


Even though it's not in an identical way as they're separate platforms, impressions/repeat views are also used on Youtube.

You're only complaining about Tucker though, and this supposed misunderstanding by people, because you clearly have a hate hard-on for him.


"Hmm, his Twitter views are declining"

Should we set up a Go Fund Me Page for him??


If you want, he could use more free money. Millionaires are poor.
