MovieChat Forums > Donald Trump Discussion > Trump will be remembered for doing

Trump will be remembered for doing

for the unborn what Martin Luther King did for black people.


His packing the court with rightwing activist judges who overturned Roe will only lead a future congress that passes guaranteed federal abortion rights into law.


That’s what they said about MLK.


Umm, what?


He'll be remembered for triggering the Left so hard that they revealed their true faces as a legion of Demonic, blue-haired, screeching, cop-hating, transgender anti-semites.


Why do you support Trump knowing he is facing 91 felony charges mostly for being a traitor? The only people who are triggered are Trump and his very stupid supporters like you.


Seriously. They absolutely don't care that he shat on the Constitution during his presidency. It's mind blowing to me.


When the alternative is a bunch of freaks who think people like me are born evil and don't deserve what we've earned, and who endorse open borders, defunding the cops and exposing pre-schoolers to sexualized drag queen story hours, amd under whose leadership America is rapidly turning into a dystopia, preferring Trump becomes a lot less mind-blowing.

Besides, it's obvious most of the stuff they are throwing at Trump is just part of a deliberate hack-job to remove him from the 2024 election, because they know poor old Joe has no hope against him.


See, I actually think that you believe these things are happening. Your media is telling you they are so how could you not?

Nobody believes that you are born evil and don't deserve what you've earned. You are just blind to the fact that you were born with privileges that other people simply don't get.

The left doesn't believe in open borders.

Defunding the police is a stupid idea and most people on the left didn't support it and those who did, supported putting more funds into programs that would help prevent crime instead of putting all of it into the police. It worked in a lot of European countries so it is worth a look but unfortunately I don't think it would work here, most leftists agree.

Do you think that anyone is talking about or describing sex to pre-schoolers? What drag queen story hours are about accepting people that we see as different then us which is a lesson children need in spades, the earlier that lesson is taught, the better.

Did you listen to the Phone call Trump had with the Georgia Governor? What did you think about it?


"Nobody believes that you are born evil and don't deserve what you've earned. You are just blind to the fact that you were born with privileges that other people simply don't get."

Right there, I just deal with this one.

So, by the nature of my white skin, it is assume that I have "privilege" and thus what I have, I have because of that, and not because of my own efforts.

All you did there was demonstrate that whynot's point is correct, but that you support that anti-white racism.

Your side has ginned up a massive conceptual framework, where you have an excuse to dismiss all contrary data, and continue to blame your enemies for shit even as you utterly attack them without mery or cause.


Anti-semites? Where did that one come from?


Haven't been watching the news lately? The Left is firmly on the side of Palestine against the Jews.


Um no, the left thinks that they are both to blame, we don't support arming one side to obliterate the other.


>we don't support arming one side to obliterate the other.<

The US government has been doing this for a long time. Why the huge outcry now?


Now? I've always said this.


At least Trump was somewhat trying to get us out of these conflicts, I'll give him some credit for that. Biden's speech last week felt quite aggressive to me. This is definitely going to be Joe's defining moment.


That's nothing compared to the triggering of the MAGAts that happened when tRump was voted out in a landslide!!🤣🤣🤣


I think Trump will be longer remembered for his gun grab, rape, racism, fraud, and mishandling of classified information.

I wonder how often Trump has his family members or mistresses aborted in the past?


There is NO way that Trump hasn't paid for multiple abortions.


There's only one thing Trump will be remembered for. And that's for being the greatest businessman and President of all time. I guarantee that when he passes away many people will be holding memorials for him and praising him.


People still hold memorials for Hitler and praise him, so . . .


agreed, thats why Trump is awesome.


I hope he will be remembered for defeating the corruption and evil within our government and return it to the American People. There are so many issues that plague us and he's the only President who's interested in solving them for the Greater Good of the American People.


For pulling off the biggest con of the century!


Stormy. And poorly.
